An essential step in the creative process is brainstorming techniques, which frequently brings together unrelated ideas to provide novel solutions.

The secret to their success, no matter what genre they write in, is creativity. Due to the unique methods they employ in their profession, many people have successful careers.

The tips and approaches in this article will help you increase your capacity for original thought. To conduct a brainstorming techniques, follow the step-by-step directions provided here.

In order to guarantee your success, we have also included a list of the best free apps.

What Is Brainstorming?

Finding a unique solution to a challenging issue might be accomplished through brainstorming techniques. Finding the issue is the first stage in the brainstorming procedure. 

The following step is to come up with as many potential solutions as you can, no matter how bizarre or spectacular they may seem. 

Finally, the solutions that offer the most innovative means of resolving the issue are chosen. 

A business meeting can be planned informally via brainstorming. Additionally, it can be used for private uses, particularly by those with creative minds. 

The fundamental objective is to refrain from rewarding or condemning any of the ideas.

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How Can Brainstorming Help Me Write Better?

Because of how much our culture has conditioned our minds, thinking creatively gets harder and harder as we age.

In order to produce quality writing, the finest method you can employ is brainstorming. Self-criticism and conventional thinking are silenced. To capture your ideas, use a voice recorder or a pen and paper.

Never categorize your thoughts as good or negative. Just take notes as they come to you.

Writing is divided into six stages. The first step is to come up with topical concepts. You then outline your task, come up with content ideas, and plan your work. Most people have writer’s block after this step.

The hardest part of your project will be writing during this period, but if you get through it, you can finish it. Each of these steps can be aided by brainstorming.

The best way to develop your writing abilities is to use brainstorming techniques, which is a creative exercise. In addition to the suggestions below, we advise you to look through our database of essays to make this procedure even more fruitful.

Personal brainstorming

It is widely believed that conventional thinking is the most fruitful kind of thinking. But this is frequently demonstrably false in the case of creative jobs. The worth of musicians, writers, poets, and painters is in their originality. Individual brainstorming techniques have been shown to bring in more worthwhile outcomes than group brainstorming sessions. One explanation would be that when you work alone, you aren’t worried about what other people will think of your ideas. You can be more creative and liberated on your own.

Collective Thought

With straightforward issues and general concepts, the individual approach is more effective. However, when a difficult topic is involved, group brainstorming is ideal. Complex problems call for the contributions of many distinct viewpoints. For instance, during the brainstorming process for an audit, a manager’s input only makes up a small portion of the discussion. Each worker ought to be given the opportunity to suggest potential answers.

Brainstorming Techniques

You may spend all day attempting to come up with a unique idea to write on some subjects because they are so challenging. It can be difficult to write tough philosophical writings. There are times when a topic presents an impossible number of options for finishing the task, yet none seem appropriate. In each of these situations, a fruitful brainstorming session is typically the first stop on your road to achievement.

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Phase 1: Coming up with Topic Ideas

You must decide what you want to write about before you start. Your study area will be constrained by this choice. Here are five methods to assist you.


Brainwriting is a fantastic approach to produce original ideas, foster creativity, and share new perspectives. Bernd Rohrbach, a German marketing strategist, created it in 1969.

Team members that are quiet or reserved may be afraid to speak up during brainstorming sessions.

By enabling users to write down their ideas instead, brainwriting gets over these restrictions and ensures that everyone has an equal chance to participate.

It also encourages people to consider their ideas more carefully and gives them the chance to expand on suggestions made by others.


Freewriting is a technique where the writer swiftly and continually expresses their ideas without regard to syntax, style, or even form. Early in the writing process, freewriting is frequently used in conjunction with brainstorming techniques to gather and organize concepts.


Your mental discipline will benefit from it. Better attention, concentration, creativity, and productivity will result from this, which will enable you to write more fluidly, confidently, and clearly.

You’re learning how to let go of everything else and concentrate solely on one thing. It depends on the day, the weather, your mood, and what you ate this morning how that feels. Acceptance, being present in the moment without resistance, and meditation are all related.

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The criminal method

Stealing the top title is usually a smart idea. This approach is ideal for choosing a title for your essay. Find about ten texts that are similar to the one you must write. Examine the positives and negatives of their titles. Then, incorporate the noteworthy components into your own unique title.

Challenge of the worst idea

The Worst Possible Idea method is a creative and useful icebreaker for ideation. It’s possible for awful concepts to work. When nothing else has worked, try this. Make a list of the worst possible topic suggestions.

You’ll be astonished to learn that some of them are not as horrible as you initially believed. Our brain is wired for common sense and critical analysis, the exact opposite of what you want when attempting to be creative.

They become more at ease, more self-assured, and more creative during the “inverted” search process, which allows them to study these concepts, question their presumptions, and acquire insights into truly innovative ideas.

Phase 2: Planning Your Work

You’ve created a list of ideas that exactly match your task; congratulations! You must now decide on only one, though. You need to make plans now for how and where you will look for content to include in your paper.

SWOT analysis is an excellent resource for you.

SWOT evaluation

This method is typically used to assess a company’s advantages and disadvantages, but it can also be applied to evaluate concepts for imaginative purposes. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is referred to as SWOT.

Compare the topic’s advantages and potential with its drawbacks and risks to determine its viability. Select a different topic if the latter outweighs the former.

Phase 3: Drafting

Students and copywriters alike frequently find this to be the most tedious part of the writing process. But when you get to the writing stage, you’ll be glad your plan is so organized and thorough. These two methods can make the medicine more appealing.

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Idea mapping and clustering

Make a drawing of every thought you have about the topic of choice. This method is excellent for establishing the connections between issues, their causes, and their effects.

Try to incorporate some advantages in your writing and build a line between them and their benefits. You can also put ideas and their reasons. When you’re through, you’ll have a thorough diagram to use while you build any strategy for your position.

Phase 4: Developing Content Ideas

As soon as your outline is complete, you must create the minute content components that make up an engaging paper. Although any of the methods mentioned above can assist in coming up with content ideas, the following brainstorming techniques have particular advantages at this point.

Brainstorming in reverse

This is a helpful tool for essays that must present a fix for an issue. The brainstorming process is applied in reverse in this situation. Consider a factor that might contribute to or exacerbate the stated issue.

The better the outcomes, the worse they are! Continue doing this until your brainstorming is a complete failure. Next, start thinking about how to solve those issues.

Five whys

An iterative interrogative method called “five whys” is used to investigate the cause-and-effect connections underpinning a specific issue.

This method will help you get to the heart of any problem. Consider a situation, consider the cause of it, and then put down your response. Next, determine what caused the last thing you observed. five times through the same sequence.


Role-storming is a brainstorming approach where participants share their ideas and thoughts while acting like different persons.

It plays, silliness, and laughing to actually reduce these shyness. Use this strategy to promote idea sharing and gain fresh insight into situations. Rick Griggs created the concept of role-storming.

Figuring Storming

Practicing “placing yourself in someone else’s shoes” is known as Storming.

If there is a specific person you like, such as a famous person or an expert in your profession, try imagining how they could approach the situation or what solutions they may propose.

It might serve as a starting point for your creative process.

Question everything

Questioning leads to consideration, and consideration promotes understanding. So by asking questions about everything, you’re trying to comprehend everything better.

The technique’s name gives it away, but the next example will help people understand it better. By challenging every aspect of the topics you discuss, you will find fresh perspectives.

For example,

Consider the benefits and drawbacks of mobile phones.

Questions will be like: Are there any benefits to using a mobile phone? cell phones? Is the problem really worth thinking about?

Phase 5: Overcoming Writer’s Block

Overcoming writer’s block is a difficult process that frequently depends on the individual and is highly subjective.

Everybody dreads the empty page. It can be difficult to start writing, even when you have a framework and a list of original ideas. They want everything to be flawless right away, which is a common issue with perfectionists. Freestorming can be used to get around this obstacle.


Similar to freewriting, which was covered in the chapter on coming up with topic ideas, freestorming is a great way to brainstorm. Freestorming differs in that you are not need to set a predetermined time restriction for yourself.

Write anything that comes to mind about the issue after taking as much time as necessary. The brainstorming process can be made more enjoyable because you are no longer restricted to only subject generation.

Phase 5: Writing

The methods mentioned above most likely produced so many ideas that you will need to choose which ones to include in your text. Choosing the appropriate words may now be another challenge for you. The method listed below will be helpful for that.

Word banks

Make a note of the five to ten words that appear most frequently in your content to prevent using them more than once. Look for synonyms and incorporate them throughout your work to add variety.

10 Best Free Brainstorming Software

It is possible to brainstorm both individually and in groups. It is a highly forgiving method of solving problems creatively. Participants share sometimes bizarre ideas in the hopes of coming up with a very clever answer. Platforms for individual brainstorming will contain similar helpful tools to those for group brainstorming, with the exception of a collaborative feature. You can come up with ideas on your own and then share them with others.


A group of people who have varied backgrounds, perspectives, and areas of expertise come together during a brainstorming session to develop something new.

When done properly, brainstorming can assist you in coming up with innovative solutions to issues. Because they contributed ideas and helped develop the solutions, it may also inspire people to support them.

Combining individual and group brainstorming is the most effective strategy. We hope that our guidance and pointers will improve your originality as a writer and a team member. During the process, there shouldn’t be any criticism of ideas, and innovation should be encouraged.

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