Saudi Arabia removes Covid restrictions, allowing travel to India

According to local media, restrictions on travel to Turkey, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and India have been abolished. The decision was made a week after the Saudi Kingdom abandoned some preventative Covid-19 measures, like as requiring face masks indoors and vaccination documentation to visit the majority of its public spaces.

The Covid-19 travel restrictions on Saudi citizens have been abolished, the interior ministry reported on Monday.

According to Al Arabiya, restrictions on travel to Turkey, Ethiopia, Vietnam, and India have been eased.

The decision was made a week after the Kingdom abandoned some preventive Covid-19 measures, such as requiring vaccination documentation to enter most public areas and requiring indoor face mask use.

Despite the relaxation of Covid-19 regulations, the Ministry of Interior announced last week that places like the Grand Mosque in Mecca, areas under the control of the Saudi Public Health Authority Weqaya, and places and events with their own mask requirements will all still require people to wear masks.

Al Arabiya claimed that the vaccination window for Saudi Arabian nationals planning to travel overseas has also been extended.

The former requirement that travellers receive their third Covid booster dose within three months of their second dose has been changed to an eight-month requirement.

The Kingdom’s limitations on coronosis were eased in March when outdoor mask requirements, social isolation policies, PCR tests for visitors, and quarantine-on-arrival regulations were eliminated.

Mental Wellness and Team Performance

Mental wellness is concerned with our emotions, thoughts, and feelings, as well as our ability to solve issues and overcome challenges, as well as our social relationships and awareness of the world around us.

Mental health, on the other hand, refers to any ailment that affects a person’s ability to think, feel, behave, or interact with others. There are a variety of mental diseases, each with its own set of symptoms that affect people’s life in different ways.


Increasing mental health awareness will build greater empathy among your employees. The ICU Program is an awareness campaign for the workplace designed to decrease the stigma of mental health and foster a workplace culture that supports emotional health.


Many nonprofit organisations provide free educational resources to help businesses educate their staff about mental health indications and symptoms.

Right Direction is a unique, off-the-shelf instructional curriculum about depression offered by the Center for Workplace Mental Health. Right Direction is a programme that provides companies with the resources they need to treat depression in the workplace.

The programme offers ready-to-use resources and materials that may be customised to raise awareness, decrease stigma, and encourage employees and their families to seek help when they need it.


It’s critical that people have access to resources to help them deal with their mental health issues. Employees become healthier and more productive when they have access to the mental health benefits and support they require. Your company’s health-care packages include mental-health benefits.

In the workplace, there is a lot of talk about mental health

I’m still seeing the great effects it’s had on our culture and people. Through our internal social media network, teammates continue to share experiences, resources, and words of support. I’m astounded at the level of trust and empathy I’m seeing across our workplace.

Leaders have the opportunity to demonstrate that they care about their employees and that they are responsible for the company’s impact on mental health and wellness. I encourage you to be a role model for mental health and wellness by being vulnerable, open, empathic, and supportive. Not only will your employee connections develop, but your business will as well.

4 Importance of Education

Importance of education aids in information acquisition and boosts one’s self-assurance. It can aid in both your professional and personal development.

A college education, regardless of your major, provides many possibilities to develop a variety of skills and abilities that can improve your candidacy in today’s job market, which is becoming increasingly competitive. You’ll also have access to materials for job hunting that aren’t available to the general public. Education plays a significant role in future earnings.

Discipline Evidence Graduating from a four-year college programme demonstrates to potential employers that you have the perseverance to achieve a long-term objective. Enhances communication abilities You will graduate with highly developed writing ability across the board as a result of the several papers you will be required to write as part of your college study.

Enhances communication abilities You will graduate with highly developed writing skills across a number of genres as a result of the numerous papers you will be required to produce as part of your college career. Participating in class discussions, giving speeches, or being a member of a debate team will have polished your speaking skills.

Improves higher-order thinking abilities Most companies respect critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are developed via college education.

Doomscrolling: Causes, Health Affects and how to stop

Doomscrolling, or continuously searching social media and websites for bad news, causes stress hormones to be released, which can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health.

Doomscrolling, also known as doomsurfing, is a phenomena in which you frequently scroll or surf around social media and other news sites in order to stay up to date on the newest news — even if it is horrible news.

Although the phrase is assumed to have originated on Twitter in 2018, it has gained traction in our cultural lexicon since then, especially after the commencement of the COVID-19 epidemic in March and April of 2020.

What effect does doomscrolling have on your health?

Doomscrolling can exacerbate pre-existing or developing mental health issues. Even if you don’t have a history of mental illness, constant exposure to bad news can lead to catastrophizing, or a tendency to dwell on the negative parts of the world around you to the point where it becomes more difficult to notice anything positive.

Many folks who doomscroll can attest to an addictive quality as well as a proclivity to over-catastrophize, whether it’s about COVID-19 or not.

How to stop doomscrolling

  1. Set a time restriction for yourself: Setting time limitations (and reminders) will help you break out of a doomscrolling session because it can sometimes extend for hours. Set time limitations on your social media accounts to remind you to log off, or plan an activity with a buddy during the times you’re most likely to doomscroll. Apps that limit your screen time, such as Freedom (which bans distracting websites), can assist.
  2. Social media should be avoided. Avoid sites that have a lot of news or talk, especially those that focus on how the globe is hurting, Wong advises. Consider eliminating Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter from your phone if they cause doomscrolling sessions. You can still access them through your browser, but it will take extra time, especially if you have to log out and then back in each time.
  3. Set limits for yourself. People who struggle with doomscrolling or who suffer from depression or anxiety should set limits on the material they consume, according to Wong. Similarly, be aware of what topics you like to focus on and talk about, as well as how long you tend to talk about them.
  4. Gratitude should be practised. Doomscrolling has the ability to make you forget about everything but what is wrong with the world. “List a few things you’re grateful for each day,” Wong suggests as a way to fight back. Making daily lists of what you’re grateful for, even if it’s only one thing, might help develop a sense of optimism and calm amid uncertain times, according to study.

Remdesivir Uses and Side Effects

Remdesivir is a type of antiviral medication. Remdesivir is a drug that is used to treat coronavirus disease, commonly known as COVID-19, in hospitalised patients.

Remdesivir may also be used in the United States to treat COVID-19 patients who are not in the hospital but have a high risk of COVID-19 complications due to their age, obesity, or other medical conditions (such as lung, kidney, or heart disease, diabetes).


A health care practitioner administers this drug by injecting it into a vein. It’s normally taken once a day, as advised by your doctor. It is administered to patients who are in the hospital for 5 to 10 days and to individuals who are not in the hospital for 3 days. It takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to infuse.

The length of your treatment is determined by your medical condition and treatment response.

Side Effects

Remdesivir injection might cause substantial side effects both during and after the infusion. While you are receiving the drug, a doctor or nurse will keep a close eye on you.

If you experience any of the following symptoms during or after the infusion, contact your doctor or nurse right away: chills or shivering; nausea; vomiting; sweating; dizziness when standing up; rash; wheezing or shortness of breath; abnormally fast or slow heartbeat; or swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, or eyes. If you have these adverse effects, your doctor may need to slow down or stop your infusion.

Black fungus in Covid-19 patients

It is a dangerous infection, despite its rarity. It is caused by a group of moulds called as mucormycetes, which are found in nature.

According to scientists from the Covid-19 task force task team, it primarily affects people who are taking medicine for health problems that decreases their ability to resist environmental germs.

After inhaling fungal spores from the air, these people’s sinuses and lungs become infected. In several states, doctors have seen an increase in occurrences of mucormycosis among persons hospitalised or recuperating from Covid 19, with some requiring emergency surgery.

Mucormycetes does not usually offer a significant hazard to people who have a healthy immune system.

What happens if someone gets it?

Fever, headache, coughing, shortness of breath, bloody vomits, and changed mental status are all warning indications, as are pain and redness around the eyes or nose. According to the recommendation, mucormycetes infection should be considered if there is:

  • Nasal blockage or congestion, nasal discharge (blackish/bloody); sinusitis
  • One-sided face pain, numbness, or swelling; local pain on the cheek bone;
  • Over the bridge of the nose/palate, there is a blackish darkening;
  • Painful blurred or double vision;
  • Thrombosis, necrosis, and a skin lesion are all examples of thrombosis.
  • Chest pain, pleural effusion, and worsening respiratory difficulties are all indications of a pleural effusion.

Everywhere in the environment, fungi, notably the aspergillosis spores, can be found, including in soil, plants, air, food, and water. compared to the mucor fungus linked to mucormycosis, is almost ten times more common. As immune-competent individuals, we often do not have a problem residing with them every day.

These spores can enter the body in a number of different ways, including through inhalation, ingesting them through food or medications, or by penetrating wounds and polluting them. The most frequent way to come into touch with these fungi that cause systemic infection is through inhalation.

These spores are often excreted from the body by healthy individuals. It becomes a concern when either our immune systems are compromised or when natural human defences in tissues or the lungs are damaged—for example, with a COVID-19 infection—which can lead to the spread of an infection.

Risk factors

In patients in India, where diabetes is more common and frequently goes untreated, poorly controlled diabetes was allegedly the most prevalent underlying risk factor. Diabetes patients have elevated blood sugar levels. According to studies, this creates a more favourable environment for fungi to flourish inside the body.

The use of corticosteroids, which are powerful immunosuppressants used to treat severe COVID-19 instances and make a person more susceptible to fungal infections, is another risk factor.

There are additional factors at work. Fungi thrive best in hot, humid temperatures like those found in tropical regions.

How is it being treated?

Mucormycosis is now managed with antifungals, although it may eventually need surgery. Controlling diabetes, reducing steroid use, and stopping immunomodulating medications have all been deemed to be of paramount importance by medical professionals.

The course of treatment comprises a normal saline infusion for at least 4-6 weeks in order to maintain appropriate systemic hydration.

The task force’s experts have emphasised the importance of managing hyperglycemia and monitoring blood glucose levels in both diabetics and those who have just finished receiving Covid-19 treatment. Steroids should only be used sparingly; timing, dosage, and duration all need to be considered.

After surgery

Mucormycosis can result in the loss of the upper jaw and, in rare cases, the eye, difficulty swallowing and chewing, changes to the appearance of the face, and a decline in self-esteem.
The upper jaw and the eye can both be replaced with the necessary prosthetics or artificial replacements.

Antifungal medications that require a prescription must be used to treat mucormycosis. Surgery may be necessary in some instances, and it may eventually result in the loss of the upper jaw and occasionally even an eye.

Prosthetic reconstruction is possible after surgery, but for better long-term results, intermediate solutions should be established even before jaw surgery. Reconstruction with prosthetics can make sure that the illness is not made worse by the treatment.

Who is at risk ?

People with health issues or those who take medications that reduce the body’s capacity to fight infection and disease are among the vulnerable categories. These people have conditions including diabetes, cancer, or organ transplants.


If you attend dusty construction sites, wear a mask. When gardening, put on shoes, long pants, long sleeve shirts, and gloves. Maintain personal hygiene, which includes taking a cleansing bath.


Depending on where the infection is thought to be, A tissue biopsy or a CT scan of your lungs, sinuses, etc. may be done instead of collecting a sample of fluid from your respiratory system for laboratory testing.

How To Fix Google Search Console’s “Crawled – Currently Not Indexed” Issue

The Google Search Console status “Crawled — presently not indexed” denotes that Google is aware of a certain URL, that it has been crawled and examined, but Google has decided not to index it.

According to Google’s literature, the status “Crawled” but not yet indexed means:

The page was crawled by Google, but not indexed. It may or may not be indexed in the future; no need to resubmit this URL for crawling.

Source: Google

The definition provided by Google is unclear as to what occurred and what you might do next. Nothing more than the fact that Googlebot accessed your page but, for whatever reason, chose not to index it is stated.
According to our study, the most often problem mentioned in the Index Coverage report is the Crawled – presently not indexed state. It indicates that you have either likely already experienced it or are likely to do so in the future.

The issue must be resolved as quickly as feasible. In the end, if your page isn’t indexed, it won’t show up in search results and won’t receive any natural Google traffic.

The potential causes of the Crawled – presently not index status are discussed in this article, along with solutions.

These are some potential causes of this problem:

  • Delays in indexing.
  • Content of poor quality.
  • De-indexing because the quality is insufficient.
  • Duplicate information

The status can be found in Google Search Console’s URL Inspection Tool and Index Coverage report.

Report on Index Coverage

Crawled but not yet indexed pages belong in the “Excluded” category, which shows that Google does not believe the page’s lack of indexation is an error.

You’ll get a list of the affected URLs after selecting the Crawled – not yet indexed state. You should look it through and focus on correcting the problem on the pages that are most important to you.

The report can be exported as well. However, you are only able to export up to 1000 URLs. By filtering sitemap-specific pages, you can increase the number of exported URLs if more pages are impacted. You can export both sitemaps separately, for instance, if each one contains 1000 URLs.

URL Inspection Tool

Google Search Console’s URL Inspection Tool can also let you know about URLs that have been crawled but are not yet indexed.

You can find out if a URL is searchable on Google in the tool’s top area. The URL Inspection Tool will state: “The page is not in the index, but not because of an error” if the inspected URL falls under the Excluded category in the Index Coverage report.

More detailed information about the current Coverage state of the URL that was examined is provided below; in the example above, the URL was Crawled but is not currently indexed.

Maybe have your page indexed

The first thing you should do after seeing the Crawled – presently not indexed status is check to see if your page is actually not indexed.

It’s not unusual to see a page categorised in the Index Coverage report as Crawled – currently not indexed even when the URL Inspection tool shows that the page is indeed indexed.

You can examine information about a particular URL using the URL Inspection tool, which includes:

  • Indexing problems, incorrect data in structures,
  • Usability on Mobile
  • View the loaded resources (e.g., JavaScript).

Additionally, you can ask that a URL be indexed or view a rendered version of a page.

During Google’s SEO Office Hours, John Muller addressed the issue with the disparities between the Index Coverage report and URL Inspection tool:

As John noted, it might just be a matter of data synchronisation and delay between these two tools, and as time passes, the Index Coverage report may update to reflect the current situation.

It’s not always just a delay, though. Sometimes it’s a bug with reporting.

Causes and remedies for the status “Crawled – currently not indexed status”

Let’s investigate the issue further to determine what triggers the status to emerge and what you can do to resolve it.

Google doesn’t explicitly explain why your page was crawled but not indexed, however there are a few potential explanations that could apply, such as:

  • Delay in indexing,
  • Page doesn’t meet expectations for quality,
  • Deindexed page, a problem with the website’s architecture
  • Difficulties with duplicate content.

Indexing delay

Google frequently views a page, however it takes some time to index it.
Due to the unlimited size of the Internet, Google must give priority to which pages are indexed first.

You might need to wait a little longer for Google to index your material if you recently launched your page and it hasn’t been indexed yet.

Indexing delay remedies

In the short term, you have little control over how your page is crawled and indexed, however there are several things you can do to benefit your website over time:

  • For Google to give the right pages on your site priority, develop an indexing strategy. To do this, you must choose which pages should be indexed and the most effective way to let Google know about them.
  • Make sure the pages you care about have internal links. It will make it easier for Google to find the sites and understand their context.
  • Make a sitemap that is optimised. Your important URLs are listed in a straightforward text file. It will serve as a guide for Google to locate the pages more quickly.

Page does not meet requirements for quality

Google is unable to index every page on the Internet. Because of its limited storage capacity, it must screen out low-quality content.

Google wants to deliver the web pages of the greatest calibre that best satisfy user intent. It implies that if a page is of poor quality, Google will probably disregard it in order to free up storage for information of higher quality. Furthermore, we may anticipate that quality standards will continue to tighten.

Page does not meet requirements for quality remedies

You should make sure your page has high-quality content as the website owner. Verify if it will likely suit your users’ needs, and if not, provide high-quality material. Google provides you with a set of questions to use in order to assess the worth of your content. Below are a few of them:

  • Does the content provide original information, reporting, research or analysis?
  • Does the content provide insightful analysis or interesting information that is beyond obvious?
  • Is this the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend?
  • If the content draws on other sources, does it avoid simply copying or rewriting those sources and instead provide substantial additional value and originality?

You can also make use of Google’s Quality Raters Guidelines for advice on creating high-quality content. Webmasters can use the document to gain some insights on how to enhance their own sites even if it is primarily intended for Search Quality Raters to evaluate the quality of a website.

User-generated content

In terms of quality, user-generated content might be a problem.

Let’s say you have a forum and someone posts a query there. Although there may be many insightful comments in the future, none were present at the time of crawling, so Google may consider the page as having low-quality material.

Page got deindexed

A URL may have the Crawled – currently not indexed status as a result of Google’s decision to deindex it over time after it has previously been indexed.

It’s possible that lower-quality content has simply been substituted for those items that have disappeared from the index, if you’re wondering why.

You should also keep an eye out for algorithm updates. It’s likely that a new algorithm was implemented and that it had an impact on your page.

Regrettably, a Google bug could potentially be the root of deindexing. For instance, Google once deindexed Search Engine Land after erroneously believing the site had been hacked.

Page got Deindexed remedies

The quality of the page has a direct impact on how to resolve deindexed pages. Always make sure your page is current and offers the highest-quality material. Do not presume that a page is done with your attention once it has been indexed. Continue to keep an eye on it and make any necessary adjustments or enhancements.

If you want Google to notice the changes more quickly after you address the problems, you can submit those URLs to Google Search Console.

Website architecture issue

When questioned about potential causes for a page’s Crawled – presently not indexed status, John Mueller said that a poor website’s structure could also be a factor.

Imagine that you have a high-quality page, but Google only noticed it because you included it in your sitemap.

Since there are no internal links, Google might crawl and examine the page but might conclude that it is less valuable than other pages. No semantic or structural data exist to aid in the evaluation of the page. That could have been a factor in Google’s decision to prioritise other pages while leaving this one out of the index after crawling it.

Website architecture issue remedies

Having a well-designed website will assist you increase your chances of being indexed.
It enables search engine bots to find your content and comprehend the relationships between pages better. Because of this, it’s essential to have a solid website architecture and make sure that the page you wish to be indexed has internal links.

Duplicate content

Google wants to provide people with interesting and worthwhile information. Therefore, it may only index one of the pages if it discovers during crawling that several of them are similar or almost identical.

The other one typically receives a “Duplicate” classification in the Index Coverage report. Google occasionally instead awards the Crawled – presently not indexed status, which isn’t always the case.

Why Google would select Crawled – presently not indexed over a dedicated status for duplicate material is unclear. One argument is that the status might change later once Google determines whether another option is better for the page.

How can I tell if a search result contains a duplicate page?
  • Visit the unindexed page and copy a random text section.
  • Insert the content within quotation marks in Google Search.
  • Examine the outcomes. If a different URL containing the copied text appears, it may indicate that Google did not index your page because it chose a different URL to index.

Duplicate content remedies

You should first and foremost make sure you write original pages. If required, include original content.

Sadly, it’s possible that duplicate content cannot be prevented (e.g., you have a mobile and desktop version). There isn’t much you can do to influence what shows up in search results, but you can provide Google some suggestions regarding the original version.

Examine the following components if you see a lot of duplicate information indexed:

  • HTML canonical tags let search engines know which versions are the originals.
  • Check your internal links to make sure they lead to your unique content. It can be a clue to Google as to which page is more important.
  • XML Sitemaps: Make sure your sitemap contains only the canonical version.


The following are the main lessons you can apply from this article to deal with the Crawled – presently not indexed status:

  • Include interesting and useful material on your pages. When you’re finished, add those URLs to Google Search Console. Google may catch modifications sooner if done this manner.
  • Review the internal links on your website and make sure they point to the important pages.
  • Select the pages that should and shouldn’t be indexed to assist Google in giving priority to the most important URLs.

Although crawled-not-indexed is typically connected with page quality, it can really point to a wide range of issues, including duplicate content or poor website architecture.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites In India

UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites in India holding natural and cultural significance. Before going to the sites, lets ‘know about UNESCO.

What is a World Heritage site and why is it important?

World Heritage Sites are designated by UNESCO for having cultural, historical, scientific or other form of significance. The sites are judged to contain “cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity”.

A World Heritage Site is a culturally significant location designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. World Legacy Day provides us with an opportunity to safeguard and preserve our old heritage culture. They have a tremendous global worth.

Taj Mahal (1983)

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent monument complex built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1632 to house the bones of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

The famous complex in Agra, India, was built over a 20-year period on the southern bank of the Yamuna River and is one of the most spectacular examples of Mughal architecture, which incorporated Indian, Persian, and Islamic influences.

The Taj Mahal, which is made of gleaming white marble that appears to change colour depending on the light, is at its heart.

White Makrana marble from Jodhpur was among the materials brought in from all around India and Central Asia. Baghdad, Punjab, Egypt, Russia, Golconda, China, Afghanistan, Ceylon, the Indian Ocean, and Persia provided precious stones for the inlay.

The Mughal architectural style is unusual in that it incorporates components and styles from Persian, Central Asian, and Islamic architecture.

It has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1983, and it is still one of the world’s most famous landmarks and a breathtaking symbol of India’s rich history.

Ajanta Caves (1983)

Ajanta’s first Buddhist cave monuments date from the second and first centuries B.C. Many more lavishly adorned caves were added to the original group during the Gupta period (5th and 6th centuries A.D.).

It’s paintings and sculptures, which are considered Buddhist holy art masterpieces, have had a significant aesthetic influence.

The Buddhist Caves of Ajanta are a group of 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave structures in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India, that date from the 2nd century BCE to around 480 CE.

Paintings and rock-cut sculptures recognised as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art, particularly expressive paintings that communicate emotions through gesture, position, and form, may be found in the caves.

The Ajanta caves are completely dark. In fact, the lack of light is essential to the Ajanta experience, as it demands the viewer’s attention while heightening a sense of mystery.

Oil lamps may have provided dimmer artificial lighting in the past. Even now, however, the majority of the caves are almost completely dark, and without artificial illumination, the caves would remain gloomy.

The Ajanta Caves have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983, and they are a protected monument under the administration of the Archaeological Survey of India.

Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda (2016)

Nalanda stands out as the Indian Subcontinent’s oldest university. Over the course of 800 years, it engaged in the systematic transmission of knowledge.

The site’s historical growth reflects the evolution of Buddhism as a religion as well as the flowering of monastic and educational traditions.

It contains the ruins of a monastic and scholastic institution that dates from the third century BCE to the thirteenth century CE.

The Nalanda Mahavihara Archaeological Site is located in Bihar, India’s north-eastern state. The Archaeological site of Nalanda Mahavihara is spread out across 23 hectares and has remnants going back to approximately.

The property’s history reflects the evolution of Buddhism as a religion as well as the growth of monastic and educational traditions.

Ellora Cave (1983)

Ellora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Maharashtra, India, located in the Aurangabad district.

It is one of the world’s largest rock-cut Hindu temple cave complexes, with a focus on Hinduism and a few Buddhist and Jain monuments, as well as artwork dating from the 600–1000 CE period.

The Kailash temple, a chariot-shaped monument dedicated to Lord Shiva, is located in Cave 16 and is the world’s biggest single monolithic rock excavation.

Sculptures showing Hindu gods and goddesses, as well as relief panels summarizing the two great Hindu epics, may be unearthed in the Kailash temple excavation.

Agra Fort (1983)

Under the reign of Akbar, one of the greatest Mughal Emperors, the Agra Fort was constructed in 1573. The fort required over 4000 labourers and eight years of hard work to finish.

Knowing the importance of its position, Akbar erected the fort to serve as the Mughals’ principal residence. The fort served as the primary palace of the Mughal dynasty’s emperors until 1638.

Agra Fort, often known as the walled city, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Today, the fort is a popular tourist destination that draws visitors from all over the world.

Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram (1984)

Mahabalipuram, also known as Mamallapuram, is an ancient city in Tamil Nadu, India, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It became an important centre of art, architecture, and literature during the reign of the Pallava dynasty, which lasted from the 3rd to the 7th centuries CE.

Before this period, Mahabalipuram had already established itself as a bustling seaport on the Bay of Bengal.

During the Pallava dynasty, the monuments were constructed. In numerous colonial-era books, they are referred to as the Seven Pagodas, but they are also known as the Mamallapuram temples or Mahabalipuram temples in current literature.

The Archaeological Survey of India has been in charge of the site since 1960, when it was repaired.

on the other hand a large number of coins and other items unearthed in this region also suggest a pre-existing commercial relationship with the Romans, even before the Pallava Empire was formed.

Konark Sun Temple (1984)

Konark is formed out of two Sanskrit words: kona, which means corner, and arka, which means sun. The town’s name comes from the fact that it is situated in such a way that the sun rises at an angle.

King Narasimha Deva I built the Konark Temple in 1244 to honour Surya, the Sun God. Konark was chosen as the site of construction because it was described in ancient literature as Surya’s holy seat.

The Konark Sun Temple and sun worship have a long history dating back to the 19th century BC. The Konark Sun Temple, the monarchs of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty dominated the historic territory of Kalinga.

Kaziranga National Park (1985)

Assam’s Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary is one of India’s last unspoiled wilderness places and is famous for its one-horned rhinoceroses. It is reported that Lord Curzon started the project to create this World Heritage Site in India after his wife begged him to take action to conserve this endangered species after failing to sight a single rhinoceros in the area. This park is located on the Brahmaputra River’s flood plains and is primarily made up of lush grasslands, woods, and lakes and streams. About 15 endangered Indian animal species can be found in Kaziranga, with the rhinoceros being the most vulnerable.

Capped langurs, hoolock gibbons, tigers, leopards, sloth bears, otter, wild boar, water buffalo, gaur, sambar, swamp deer, hog deer, and Indian muntjac are some other mammals.

Keoladeo National Park (1985)

Keoladeo National Park is situated in the Indian state of Rajasthan and is also referred to as Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. It is recognised for being the wintering and nesting grounds for various non-native, migratory birds and is home to roughly 366 different species of bird. It started off as a duck shooting range but was later transformed into a 29 square kilometre wetland that is entirely artificial and administered by humans. In this area, hunting is now illegal and is a crime. Along with birds, there are 379 flower species, 50 fish species, 13 snake species, 7 lizard species, 7 amphibian species, 7 turtle species, and several other invertebrate species. This area serves as a reminder of India’s extensive ecological heritage. Siberian cranes, artificial wetlands, and ornithologists’ hotspot.

Manas Wildlife Sanctuary (1985)

One of India’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites is the protected wildlife sanctuary known as Manas Wildlife Sanctuary. It is situated in the Assam region of northeastern India. The name is derived from the name of the goddess Manasa and comes from the River Manas. The numerous endangered species of animals that live here are comfortable because to the area’s beautiful green hills covered in forest and its dense flora. The Assam Roofed Turtle, Hispid Hare, Golden Langur, and Pygmy Hog are just a few of the endangered animals that call The Wild Life Sanctuary their home. It is also a Project Tiger Reserve, Elephant Reserve, and Biosphere Reserve. In fact, more endangered species are housed in this park than any other in India.

Elephant Reserve, Biosphere Reserve, Assam Roofed Turtle, Hispid Hare, Golden Langur, and Pygmy Hog are all protected areas under the Project Tiger programme.

Churches and Convents of Goa (1986)

The Portuguese arrived in India between the 15th and 16th century, settling at Goa on the Konkan coast in the southwest of the country. And the Portuguese’s arrival signifies the spread of Christianity across the Indian subcontinent. As a result, numerous churches and convents were constructed in Goa. These churches have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India because of their distinctive yet lovely architectural designs.

First Latin Rite Mass in Asia, as well as the Manueline, Mannerist, and Baroque art forms. Churches in Goa provide as illustrations of how Manueline, Mannerist, and Baroque art styles expanded throughout Asia as a result of Catholic Missions’ establishment in those nations. In the area that is now known as Old Goa, they were constructed by Portuguese colonial lords. The Basilica of Bom Jesus, which houses St. Francis Xavier’s relics, is the most well-known of these structures. This location serves as an illustration of India’s rich religious and cultural legacy.

Group of Monuments at Hampi (1986)

A UNESCO World Heritage site called Hampi is situated in Karnataka’s northern region. It is located among the remains of the long-gone, thriving kingdom of Vijayanagar. The Hampi ruins are a collection of historic locations that showcase the superb Dravidian style of art and architecture. The Virupaksha Temple, which is still an important Hindu holy site, is the site’s most noteworthy heritage landmark. This cultural site has a number of additional monuments; collectively, they are referred to as the “Group of Monuments at Hampi.”

Fatehpur Sikri (1986)

There are four prominent monuments in Fatehpur Sikri, which takes its name from Akhbar’s victory (Fateh) over Chittor and Ranthambore. The Buland Darwaza, the most important door in Asia and part of the Jama Masjid, is composed of a special Australian wood that sinks in water. Panch Mahal, also known as Jada Baai ka Mahal, is regarded as the birthplace of the Navaratnas (Birbal, Tansen, etc.). The Diwan-e-Khas and Diwan-e-aam were also inside. Salim Chishti’s Tomb is located inside the Buland Darwaza. These Mughal structures are all significant Indian historical monuments.

Khajuraho Group of Monuments (1986)

India’s renowned Khajuraho is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh. A special heritage site 175 kilometres south-east of Jhansi known for a collection of Hindu and Jain temples is called Khajuraho. They are also recognised for their sensual figures and sculptures and symbolism in the Nagara style. These sultry stone sculptures of people and animals in amorous situations are beautifully rendered and a testament to India’s rich cultural past. The Chandella dynasty ruled between 950 and 1050 CE, during which time the majority of these monuments were constructed. It has a surface area of 20 square kilometres and has a total of 85 Temples. Of all of these temples in the area, the Kandariya temple is the most notable.

Elephanta Caves (1987)

The Arabian City’s Elephanta caves are situated on an island not too far from Mumbai. Gharapuri is another name for the Elephanta Island group of sculpted caverns. Archaeological relics abound, providing us with a window into the vibrant cultural past of Indian civilization. Shiva is portrayed as both the Creator and the Destroyer of the Universe in the rock-cut sculptures and engravings found in these caves. The most significant of these caves is Cave 1, which has a Sadashiva that represents Shiva’s three aspects—as the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer—at the cave’s entrance. The caverns are located 10 kilometres east of the city of and are cut out of solid basalt rock.

Group of Monuments at Pattadakal (1987)

Karnataka’s Pattadakal is a major tourist destination and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is renowned for the Chalukya style of architecture, which emerged in Aihole and was combined with Nagara and Dravidian architectural elements. All of the Chalukya monarchs were crowned at Pattadakal, which also served as their capital. There are eight temples devoted to Lord Shiva as well as Jain and Shaivite sanctuaries in this area, which is notable for the numerous temples the Chalukya kings built. Virupaksha Temple, Sangameshwara Temple, Chandrashekhara Temple, Mallikarju Temple, Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Jagannath Temple, Jain Temple, and many more are among the well-known structures.

Great Living Chola Temples (1987, 2004)

Airavatesvara Temple in Darasuram, Brihadisvara Temple in Thanjavur, and Brihadisvara Temple in Gangaikondacholisvaram.

Chola architecture, sculpture, painting, and bronze casting are well known.

These temples were constructed in Southern India during the Chola Empire’s control. The most significant of all of these temples are the Brihadisvara Temple, the Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram, and the Airavatesvara Temple. Rajaraja 1 oversaw the construction of the Brihadisvara temple, which is a significant piece of Chola architecture. Rajendra 1 supported the temple in Gangaikondacholapuram, which was devoted to Lord Shiva. And unlike the other two, the Airavatesvara temple was constructed under the reign of Rajaraja II. These temples serve as evidence of the Chola period’s artistic and architectural splendour and grandeur.

These temples still hold the rites and celebrations that people thousands of years ago observed, making them living temples. As a result, these three temples serve as a constant reminder of Tamil people’s rich legacy and ancient culture.

Sundarbans National Park (1987)

The largest concentration of tigers in India may be found here. This is one of the most significant Indian heritage sites for all of these reasons.

The Sunderban National Park is a well-known Tiger reserve and a Biosphere Reserve located in the Indian state of West Bengal and is well-known for the Royal Bengal Tigers. It is located on the Sunderban Deltas, which the Ganges River in the Bay of Bengal created. One of India’s largest reserves, it is primarily covered in deep mangrove forests. It is the biggest mangrove forest reserve in the world. Along with other animal species including the Gangetic dolphin, spotted deer, wild boar, and other mammal and amphibian species, Bengal is home to the critically endangered Royal Bengal Tiger. Another draw of this reserve is the rare saltwater crocodile.

Famous for its shared biosphere reserve with Bangladesh, largest estuarine mangrove forest, Bengal tiger, and saltwater crocodile.

Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Parks (1988, 2005)

Renowned for the Himalayan Monal, Asiatic Black Bear, Snow Leopard, Brown Bear, Blue Sheep, and World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Because the Kanchenjunga is known to share a border with Nepal, the Nanda Devi is both the highest mountain peak in Uttarakhand and in all of India. The mountain has two peaks, with the eastern peak known as Sunanda Devi. It has its importance back from the era of Puranas and Upanishads, remarked multiple times in the mythical works of the Hindus. Up to 6400 metres above sea level, it can be found.

The National Park known as The Valley of Flowers, which is close to the Nanda Devi summit, can be up to 8 kilometres long and 2 kilometres wide. The incredible diversity of flowers that cover the entire valley like a bedsheet are what make it so well-known. More than 520 species of fauna and more than 600 types of flowers can be found at this Indian World Heritage Site.

Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi (1989)

The oldest stone buildings in India are the Buddhist monuments in Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, which represent Indian heritage. The Sanchi Stupa, which was built in the third century BCE on orders from Emperor Ashoka, is situated 46 kilometres to the northeast of Bhopal. Its central construction was a hemispherical brick building placed above Buddha relics, and the Chatra, a symbol of rank, was placed atop it. During the Satavahana Period, when the gateways and the balustrade were constructed and painted, the stupa was rebuilt after being vandalised in the second century BCE. There are a number of additional buildings here in addition to the Sanchi stupa, including monolithic pillars, temples, palaces, and monasteries.

It was a significant Buddhist pilgrimage place up until around the 12th century AD, when the faith started to lose favour.

Mauryan architecture, monolithic pillars, palaces, temples, and monasteries, as well as the inscriptions Ye Dharma Hetu.

Qutb Minar and its Monuments, Delhi (1993)

The Qutub Minar, one of India’s most well-known World Heritage Sites, was constructed in 1193 by Qutub-ud-din Aibak, the Mamluk Dynasty’s first Muslim ruler of Delhi, following the destruction of Delhi’s final Hindu Kingdom. One of the many structures inside the Qutub complex is the Qutub Minar, which takes centre stage mainly because of its height. It is 73 metres tall and has a base diameter of 15 metres and a top diameter of 2.5 metres. To honour the well-known Sufi saint Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, Aibak erected it.

The Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque, which was constructed on the remains of the Lal Kot of the former Hindu empire and is regarded as one of the country’s first mosques, is located close to Qutub Minar. It is renowned for the brick minarets that encircle it as well. The Qutub Minar Complex, which consists of several monuments, is one of India’s earliest examples of Islamic architecture.
Qubbat-ul-Islam Mosque, Alai Darwaza, Alai Minar, Tomb of Iltumish, and Iron Pillar.

Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi (1993)

Begum Bega, Humayun’s first wife, constructed this World Heritage Site in India between 1565 and 1572. The only monument that has undergone multiple restoration efforts and is finished is this one. It is a collection of tombs that includes the tombs of Isa Khan Niyazi, an Afghan noble who served in Sher Shah Suri’s court during the Suri dynasty.

Mountain Railways of India (1999, 2005, 2008)

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway, and the Kalka-Shimla Railway are three of India’s mountain railways and are included on the country’s list of World Heritage Sites. One of the most breathtaking natural temptations on Earth is found in North Bengal. Your pleasure will be catered to by the entertaining Toy Train, lovely Tea Plantations, extensive tunnels, and the Tiger Hills. These engineering wonders, which were constructed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, are a priceless piece of India’s past and offered a daring and creative solution to the connectivity issue in the challenging highlands. Additionally, they traverse the most stunning countryside, and you would want to go for a fun and romantic ride here.

Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya (2002)

Nearly 96 kilometres separate Patna, Bihar, and Bodh Gaya, one of the Indian cultural sites recognised by UNESCO. For Buddhists, it is a significant location of worship because it was here that Mahatma Buddha received enlightenment. Siddhartha attained Enlightenment under the revered Bodhi Tree, where he later transformed into Gautam Buddha. Around 250 BCE, during the reign of Ashoka the Great, the renowned Mahabodhi Temple was built. One of the first Buddhist temples, in fact. Bodh Gaya’s Mahabodhi Temple Complex currently consists of the 50-meter-tall Mahabodhi Temple, the Vajrasana, the sacred Bodhi Tree, and other six important sites of Buddha’s enlightenment, all of which are encircled by numerous historic votive stupas. Bodh Gaya is regarded as the most sacred place for Buddhist pilgrims because of all these reasons.

Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (2003)

The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka, which were named a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2003, are where the earliest signs of human life on the Indian subcontinent were found. They are an archaeological site from the Mesolithic period (more than 100,000 years ago), which marks the start of the South Asian Stone Age, and are situated near the foothills of the Vindhya Mountains on the Deccan Plateau. The five boulders that make up the rock shelters were just discovered in 1957 and are famous for their Mesolithic age sculptures and paintings. These works of art play a significant role in illuminating the lifestyle and pursuits of the hunter-gatherers who lived before us and demonstrating the fusion of art and landscape at that time. Natural Rock Shelters with Rock Paintings, Stone Age Inscriptions, and the Bhima Sitting Place (Mahabharata).

Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park (2004)

In the Panchmahal district of the Indian state of Gujarat, there is a UNESCO World Heritage Site called the Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park. It is a significant location historically and culturally, centering around the city of Champaner or Muhammadabad established by Sultan Mahmud Begada of Gujarat. The only entirely unaltered pre-Mughal Islamic city is located here. Another area of Champaner-Pavagarh that is thought to have mythological significance is still unexplored.

It contains 11 various kinds of historical structures dating from the 16th century, including mosques, temples, tombs, gateways, fortresses and walls, palaces and pavilions, helical wells, and custom houses. One may see a change from the former Hindu architectural styles to the Muslim architectural styles. Additionally, the area is home to some prehistoric Chalcolithic Indian sites from the Stone Age.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (formerly Victoria Terminus) (2004)

Mumbai’s Central Railway is headquartered at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, originally known as the Victoria Terminus. It was constructed by Frederick William Stevens between the years of 1878 and 1888, drawing inspiration from traditional Mughal structures as well as Victorian Italianate Gothic Revival architecture, and it gave Bombay the appearance of being the International Mercantile Port of India. The terminal’s design, which incorporates features from the Italian and Victorian eras, in some ways makes us think of Indian royal architecture and is a great illustration of how indigenous and western artistic traditions can coexist harmoniously. There have been complaints of damage to this location due to a number of factors, including pollution, traffic, construction activities, etc. To ensure this is preserved, more needs to be done.

Red Fort Complex (2007)

The Red Fort, which is located in the heart of the old city of New Delhi, was constructed by Emperor Shah Jahan when he moved his capital from Agra to Delhi, or what was then known as Shahjahanabad. The fort developed as the Mughals’ governmental centre. The Red Fort is the ideal illustration of how Mughal art and architecture peaked under Shah Jahan. Several aspects of the Red Fort exhibit the merging of Indo-Islamic, Timurid, Hindu, and Persian architectural styles. It is constructed of red sandstone and contains a number of lesser structures, including the private pavilions, the Diwan-i-Khas, and the Diwan-i-aam.

The Jantar Mantar, Jaipur (2010)

An astronomical observatory called Jantar Mantar was constructed in Rajasthan in the 18th century. The Rajput ruler Sawai Jai Singh of Rajasthan built this astronomical observatory in the year 1738 CE. It consists of 19 astronomy equipment, including the biggest stone sundial in the world. These tools are all manufactured by humans. The observatory includes instruments for calculating the horizon-zenith local network, equatorial system, and ecliptic system, which are celestial coordinate systems. This structure, one of India’s best-preserved observatories, is a wonderful representation of India’s scientific and cultural legacy.

Western Ghats (2012)

Along the western shore of the Indian Peninsula are the Western Ghats or Sahyadri mountain ranges. Along the western edge of the Deccan Plateau, The Range stretches north to south. In Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra, it consists of numerous national parks, reserve forests, and wildlife sanctuaries. The hills have a total size of 160000 square kilometres, are 1600 kilometres long, 100 kilometres wide, and 1200 metres high. It is one of the top 8 biological hot spots in the world and has a very high biodiversity. There are 325 different types of plants and animals living in the woods throughout the Western Ghats, including rare, endangered, and critically endangered species.

One of the “Hottest Biodiversity Hotspots” in the world, featuring numerous national parks, wildlife refuges, and reserve forests.

Hill Forts of Rajasthan (2013)

This location, which was included to India’s list of World Heritage Sites in 2013, is renowned for its distinctive Rajput Military Defense Architecture. It features six magnificent forts, including those in Chittorgarh, Kumbhalgarh, Ranthambore, Gagron, Amber, and Jaisalmer. They are situated in Rajasthan on the rugged Aravalli Mountain Range. The forts’ mere size and length are sufficient to convey the Rajputana chieftains’ and monarchs’ might and power. These forts have formidable defences. It appeared as though a small city existed inside the fort’s walls.

Numerous markets, bazaars, palaces, temples, urban and trading centres, etc. were present. We are aware of this since some of them have endured. Additionally, these forts have distinctive water collection and storage systems that are still in use today. Additionally, a few Satyajit Ray films, including “Shonar Kella,” and The Dark Knight Rises were filmed there.

Rani-ki-Vav (the Queen’s Stepwell) at Patan, Gujarat (2014)

It was constructed in the third millennium BC in the monarchs’ honour and is a clear example of exquisite Ancient Indian architecture. Legend has it that when the Solanki dynasty was in power, Bhimdev 1, the family’s first ruler, was widowed, and his widowed queen Udayamati erected the monument in his honour and memory. Due to the beauty and wonder of its architecture, it was just recently named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Stepped Corridors, Sculptures, and Stone Carvings in the Well make Rani-ki-vav famous. Lord Vishnu, represented by his 10 avatars, is the subject of the majority of the sculptures in the well. These avatars represent his return to the world. This vav is not only a location to store water; a spiritual significance has also been confirmed to it. According to the religious and mythical works recorded in the canonical literature, it is shaped like an inverted temple and is divided into seven tiers of wells, each of which has a special significance.

Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (2014)

The Great Himalayan National Park, one of India’s national parks, is situated in the Kullu region of northern Himachal Pradesh and spans an area of 754.4 square kilometres. A number of rivers, mostly Indus tributaries, have their upper mountain snowmelt and glacier water melt beginnings in the park. About 375 different kinds of animal and plant life can be found there, including some rare ones like the blue sheep, snow leopard, Himalayan brown bear, Himalayan tahr, musk deer spruces, horse chestnuts, and wide alpine meadows.

It is one of the more recent additions to India’s list of World Heritage Sites and is a hotspot for biodiversity in the Himalayas. Its attractiveness is enhanced by coniferous forests, snowy peaks (elevation range: 4,100 m), and pristine glaciers. A webpage for the conservation of wildlife. In light of this, hunting any of these creatures is completely forbidden.

Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar (2016)

From the third century BCE until the thirteenth century CE, Bihar’s Nalanda Archaeological Site served as a Buddhist monastery and a centre for study. If you go across the campus, which is a representation of a glorious era, you will see the ruins of stupas, shrines, and viharas. Nalanda, which continued to be a centre of learning for 800 years, attested to the development of Buddhism as a religion.

Scholars from as far away as Tibet, China, Korea, and Central Asia formerly attended the first residential university in the world, which was known for its formalised Vedic education. This makes it the second UNESCO-designated world historic site in Bihar, giving it even more prominence on the Indian tourism map.

The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement (2016)

Le Corbusier’s architectural creations, which span numerous nations and include the Capital Complex of Chandigarh, were honoured as a World Heritage Site in recognition of their remarkable contribution to the Modern Movement. Le Corbusier worked on projects like these in 17 different nations during the first half of the 20th century.

In Chandigarh, the Secretariat, the High Court, and the legislative bodies for the states of Punjab and Haryana are all housed within the Capitol Complex. This capitol complex was created when Chandigarh was being erected as the capital of Punjab in 1950 following the partition of India and is situated in Sector 1 of Chandigarh.

Khangchendzonga National Park (2016)

Khangchendzonga National Park, which is a part of the North and West Sikkim districts of the lovely state of Sikkim in India’s North-East, was designated a world heritage site in 2016, bringing the country’s overall number of world heritage sites to 35. The 850 sq. km. Kanchenjunga Biosphere Reserve, also known as Kanchenjunga National Park, is a huge territory with an altitude ranging from 1,829 m to 8,500 m above sea level.

The third-highest mountain in the world, Kanchenjunga Peak, is located within Kangchendzonga National Park. The national park is well-known for its wildlife and plants, and snow leopards are occasionally seen there. For those who enjoy trekking, there are a few trails in this national park.

Historic City of Ahmadabad (2017)

Hindu, Islamic, and Jain cultures have coexisted for centuries in Ahmedabad, a walled city on the banks of the Sabarmati.

On July 8, 2017, Ahmedabad, the first Indian city to make the list, was designated as a World Heritage City. Nearly 25 ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) protected structures can be found in Ahmedabad. The urban fabric is composed of tightly clustered traditional homes on gated traditional streets with distinctive elements like bird feeders, public wells, and religious institutions, according to a statement from UNESCO. Up till the present, the city has remained prosperous while serving as the state capital of Gujarat for six centuries.

Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai (2018)

The Victorian and Art Deco Ensemble of Mumbai, which was added to the list of Heritage Sites in June 2018, is a grouping of 94 buildings with significant cultural value that are situated around the Oval Maidan, formerly known as Esplanade, in Mumbai’s Fort Area. The Old Secretariat Building, Bombay High Court, The Fort Campus of the University of Mumbai, and other 19th-century Victorian Neo-Gothic buildings flank The Oval to the east.

Along with Watson’s Hotel, David Sassoon Library, and Elphinstone College, the Victorian side of the Ensemble also includes the Rajabai Clock Tower, a well-known landmark in the City of Dreams. Along the Arabian Sea’s western shore, the Art Deco structures from the 20th century survive.

The latter is made up of largely privately owned homes and the iconic Eros Cinema, which served as the catalyst for the Back Bay reclamation along Marine Drive in 1935. Mumbai’s Victorian and Art Deco Ensemble, which consists of two distinct sections, differs in style. This abrupt change in creative objectives is magnificently reflected in the cityscape, earning Mumbai’s deserving inclusion on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Jaipur City, Rajasthan (2019)

Jaipur is teeming with lively local bazaars where you may indulge your passion for shopping for regional handicrafts and trinkets. Bapu Bazaar, Tripolia Bazaar, and Johri Bazaar are a some of the city’s well-known bazaars.

On June 6th, 2019, Jaipur became a member of the club with the most recent addition to India’s list of UNESCO world historic sites. One of the largest towns in India, Jaipur, the pink city, effectively manages to hold onto its old-world beauty. It is surrounded by walls and gates that are ornamented with drawings against a background of gorgeous pink. In addition to the Amer Fort and Jantar Mantar UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Jaipur is home to numerous other exquisite forts, palaces, temples, and museums.

Dholavira: a Harappan City (2021)

Dholavira, one of the most advanced towns in the Indus Valley Civilization about 4500 years ago, is now renowned as a magnificent archaeological site. Between 2650 and 1450 BCE, it was a thriving Harappan settlement. The settlement, also known locally as Kotada Timba, is currently an archaeological site in the Kutch district of Gujarat’s Khadirbet.

The area not only has observable architectural remnants, but also evidence of the Harappan way of life. The town also included a huge open stadium and was divided into three primary architectural schemes. Additionally, several relics were unearthed, including earthen pots, beads, jewellery, and other objects. The water conservation system in the town of Dholavira was extraordinary. The Mansar and the Manhar were two of its most vital waterways.

Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana (2021)

Within the State of Telangana, in the village of Palampet, 200 kilometres northeast of Hyderabad, sits Rudreshwara, also known as Ramappa Temple. A walled complex with multiple Shiva temples was constructed during the Kakatiyan era (1123–1323 CE) by kings Rudradeva and Recharla Rudra. The sandstone temple’s construction is thought to have lasted for about 40 years, starting in 1213 CE.

A remarkable and pyramidal Vimana (horizontally stepped tower) composed of lightweight porous bricks, so-called “floating bricks,” which lowered the weight of the roof structures, can be seen in the edifice, along with ornate beams and pillars of carved granite and dolerite. High-caliber sculptures at the temple depict Kakatiyan culture and local dancing traditions.

The temple was built in accordance with the philosophy and practise endorsed in dharmic texts that says temples are to be constructed to form an integral part of a natural setting, including hills, forests, springs, streams, lakes, catchment areas, and agricultural lands. It was situated at the foothills of a forested area and amidst agricultural fields, close to the shores of the Ramappa Cheruvu, a water reservoir built by the Kakatiya.

10 Innovative Ideas to Reuse Plastic Bottles

Man-made plastics have drastically increased technology and consumer products, it is evident that humanity discards too much plastic.

We live in a society where many of our everyday things include plastic, and we dump a lot of items that are hazardous to the environment if not properly recycled.

The people who cares about the environment recognizes the value of reusing plastic bottles. Buying reusable, sustainably sourced things and reusing or recycling them is an effective way to do our part.

Please do not discard the plastic containers once you have finished with the milk, water, or any other item. Actually, we can use it to build something useful by crafting it into something you require rather than purchasing it and saving money.

1. Bottle Cap To Seal the Bag

This trick can be used for almost anything. That half-eaten bag of flour or snacks to keep it fresh, this can be used as an airtight container. You can reduce the the need of separate container to store.

Here’s how to do it:

Remove the top from an empty plastic bottle, put the open end of the bag into the aperture, and fold the bag down around the mouthpiece.

Then, to “close” the bag, simply screw the lid on top of it.

2. Planters

There are numerous creative indoor and outdoor methods to use a plastic bottle to grow your plants. You might be familiar to planting in pots or on the ground. But, if you have any extra plastic bottles, try utilising them.
These planter designs aren’t too big or too pricey. You can use them to grow little plants by mounting them on your wall.


3. Bird Feeder

It’s simpler and more efficient than you may imagine to scale up a plastic bottle into a fully functional birdfeeder. Create a backyard buffet for the birds to keep them coming back, and offer a variety of seeds on a regular basis to draw in more species of birds.

bird feeder

4. Trash bins

Make a trash bin using leftover materials! Yes, you can use any size of used plastic bottles to create a unique trash can. Particularly when creating a wire frame, you must be exact with your specifications. Put some mud inside the bottles to give them weight so that they won’t blow away. Even putting together a lid is doable. Make careful to line it with a bin liner, though.

trash can

5. Garden Fence

It’s a creative approach to recycle to fix two bottles together to make a horizontal fence. It will take a while, so you’ll need a lot of bottles that are all the same size and some patience. It needs some effort, but the payoff is almost a free garden fence that can be altered as needed.

garden fence

6. Automatic planters

You can create your own self-watering plastic planter by inserting the inverted top half into the bottom one that is filled with water and a wick through holes punched through the cap. Simply check on it once a week, empty and clean the reservoir, and you won’t have to worry for the following week or two.

7. Shady lamps

If you use your imagination, there is no end to the things you can create using plastic bottles. By chopping off the top and painting it, you may make a simple lampshade. Alternatively, you can make a chandelier by chopping off the bottom of each bottle and hanging the “flowers” together. A plastic bottle lamp shade is inexpensive, original, and one of a kind.

lamp shade

8. Making chimes and art for the walls

Plastic bottles can be used to create as many unique creative wall hangings as there are types of bottles. You can combine different sizes, embellish them with string, and finish the artwork by adding bells or stars.

wall hangings

9. Funnel for pet bottles

This is possibly the simplest creation you can construct from a plastic bottle. It only needs the top portion to be removed, preferably in a slant, and then it is ready for usage. It is simple and efficient to recycle a commonplace item that you would otherwise toss away carelessly.

Funnel for pet bottles

10. Green House

Although time- and labor-intensive, creating a greenhouse from plastic bottles is a reliable and economical method. It will keep vital heat in, breathe, and keep your plants healthy. It is very simple to repair.

greenhouse from plastic bottles


Realizing the hazardous long-term effects that plastic trash has on our environment is what we need to do. If we can’t initially cease using it, at least we need to dispose of it in recycling containers. If we don’t figure out a method to stop its negative consequences, it won’t be long until the earth decides to recycle us. Plastic pollution is just as terrible a menace to our planet as global warming is.

To ensure that our future is still full of birds, sunshine, and trees rather than islands of plastic and cancerous plastic running in our waterways, perhaps we should develop novel ideas like “plastic roads”—plastic being recycled into asphalt mixture and used to pave roads that are apparently more durable and long lasting.

10 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants That Actually Works

Mosquito Repellent Plants are great warriors to protect your happy moments. Mosquitoes are the worst. They make a buzzing noise in your ear, create irritating red bites, and can potentially transmit disease. 

So, how to protect us? Most people use a variety of chemical sprays and coils that create smoke to repel mosquitos, but these chemicals infect people as well, causing chronical diseases. People who have asthma are more allergic to these chemicals.

Other aspects of an area, such as pools of standing water, have a significantly greater impact on whether or not you have a mosquito problem. Make your home a less welcoming environment for these insects.

This excellent list of ten various plants and herbs can be planted in pots for your balcony or in your garden as a natural bug repellent.

Find the list of Mosquito Repellent Plants

1. Lavender

Mosquitoes can’t handle the smell of this herb,  which contains a high amount of camphor, to keep bugs at away. It also repels bugs. You must plant lavender if you want to be able to genuinely relax and appreciate the beautiful outdoors.

The essential oils produced from lavender are beautifully smelling. This plant’s oils have long been used for their relaxing properties. Once established, it is a drought-tolerant plant that requires less amount of water.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is a cooking herb and also repels flies and mosquitoes, It also has a strong odour that repels other insects, like cabbage moths, carrot flies, slugs, and snails.

Rosemary Plant

It has needle-like leaves and only requires a small amount of water. It can be grown in containers and thrives in hot, dry conditions, prefers full sunlight and is an ideal plant to grow outdoors.

It is a member of the mint family that, if not controlled, spreads like wild, but it is effective against mosquitoes.

How to use this to repel the mosquitoes?

The plant and its cuttings work well as repellents. To prepare a basic repellent spray, boil one quart of dried rosemary in a quart of water for 20 to 30 minutes, then filter the liquid into a container large enough to hold a half-gallon of cool water. Spray the prepared liquid in a sprayer to get rid of the bugs.

3. Mint

Mint is a widely used herb in a variety of cuisines. Bug bites can also be soothed with the use of mint essential oils. This has the ability to kill any pests that may be lurking nearby. It’s an effective nontoxic mosquito repellent plant that even works for flies and ants as well.

mint plant

You’ll get fewer bugs if the aroma is stronger. You may even dry the leaves and use them as a natural pest control option inside your home.

Plant a variety of mints in your nursery, both wild and cultivated, because they all have the same basic function of repelling mosquitoes. Mint is an easy plant to grow and may even be used to manufacture your own insect repellant.

4. Marigolds

Pyrethrum, a chemical found in many insect repellents and frequently referred to as “nature’s insecticide,” is found in marigolds.

Marigolds are a popular vegetable garden boundary plant. These blossoms have a powerful scent and a mild, lemony flavour.

Marigolds are an easy-to-grow annual flower that may be grown in pots and placed near the front door to keep bugs out. Not only do they repel mosquitoes, but they also repel cockroaches, beetles, vegetable bugs. Beneficial insects that attack and kill aphids are attracted to marigolds.

5. Lemongrass

Citronella, an oil used in mosquito repellents, is abundant in lemongrass. This decorative plant is delicious in soups and other recipes. Lemongrass should be avoided by pregnant women and new mothers because it has been linked to birth abnormalities.

Lemongrass herb plant

It has thin, aromatic green leaves. Grow in full sun and average, well-drained soil. It can withstand some light shade. It’s an excellent container plant.

The herb is also used as an anti-inflammatory medication in India. Lemongrass has a wonderful perfume, which is why it’s used in soaps and other scents.

6. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is one of the mint family with a pleasant lemon aroma that we enjoy, but mosquitoes dislike. Mosquitoes seem to stay away from this plants due to its strong odours.

lemon balm plant
Lemon balm plant

This type of plant grows quickly and requires little upkeep, making it easy to manage. This plant’s peaceful, but strong aroma is supposed to ease nausea and settle bouts of insomnia as an herbal remedy.

Lemon balm is best grown in containers because it can be highly invasive. Because it has a high level of citronellal, the plant serves to keep bugs away.

7. Floss Flower

The flowers contain coumarin, a substance that is commonly used in mosquito repellents. But it is poisonous to pets and people if consumed.

floss flower to repel mosquitoes
Floss flower

These velvety blossoms make a lovely border plant. While not the most effective insect repellent, these purple beauties have a scent that mosquitoes dislike. 

Floss flowers come in a variety of colours, including blue, pink, white, and purple, and they go well with any bouquet.

The Floss Flower’s perfume has been described as a black licorice-scented essence that repels mosquitoes well. This plant’s oil has traditionally been used to treat wounds and cuts.

8. Catnip (catmint)

Catnip leaves contain a chemical called nepetalactone, which attracts cats but repels mosquitoes and also cockroaches, according to a study done by the American Chemical Society.

catnip plant
Catnip plant

Indeed, research has revealed that nepetalactone is a more efficient mosquito repellant than the commercial chemical DEET, makes it one of the best mosquito repellent plants in the list. Catnip has attractive white or purple flower spikes. Coughs are claimed to be relieved by catnip flowers.

The plant, which is a perennial that will come back year after year, thrives in full sun; let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. During the spring season, it thrives.

Catmint was proven to be more efficient than commercial DEET, the ingredient included in most insect repellents, in a study at Iowa State University.

9. Garlic

Another approach to keep mosquitoes at bay is to use garlic. You can use it by chopping it up into small pieces and scattering it about your living area.

Garlic plants
Garlic plants

Garlic can also be used to make a spray but mixing with any aroma oil, mostly mint oil will do better.

It’s also an effective pest and fungal prevention. 

Star-shaped blossoms in pink and white shades. They attract pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and ladybugs when they bloom in late April.

It’s something that’s so simple to cultivate and has such a great flavour that it’s well worth your time!

10. Basil

Basil contains geraniol, among other ingredients, which makes it one of an excellent mosquito repellant plants. 

There’s no need to break the leaves or prepare it in any manner because this plant releases its perfume spontaneously. Basil is harmful to mosquito larvae, so you can use it to keep mosquitoes from laying eggs near standing water.
Basil not only makes excellent salads, but it can help keep insects at bay.

Basil is a wonderful herb for medicinal uses, and there are many different types available around the world. This herb prefers a moist environment, good drainage, and plenty of sunlight. Plant basil alone or with other flowers in containers or in the garden, as long as both plants fit the same needs.