How Virtual Reality Could Help The Travel Industry after the Pandemic ?

Virtual Reality is unstoppably transforming the travel sector! Virtual reality has the potential to offer incredible experiences. It’s a fantastic tool for selling practically any product.

Education, entertainment, cooperation, e-commerce, marketing, communication, and real estate are just a few examples. In the travel sector, the same thing is happening much faster due to the covid-19 Pandemic.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the COVID-19 pandemic might result in the loss of 50 million jobs worldwide.

For the travel and tourist business, the ever-changing and unprecedented COVID-19 situation creates enormous hurdles. 

The WTTC is requesting that governments safeguard the industry. Increased funding for promoting vacation destinations is one of the recommendations.

Once the travel restrictions have been lifted and customers have regained confidence in travelling, we may witness an increase in the use of virtual reality (VR).

In terms of the travel sector, consumers will always need to travel physically, which is why Virtual Reality can page travelers back to agencies.

Travel agencies can actually show you the travel experience through this unique virtual reality medium, which enables people to try-before-they-buy, which creates people’s interest in travelling again and resulting in more vacations being booked.

Instead of exhibiting brochures and computer screens to guests, travel agents can provide them a virtual experience. This strategy can also be utilized to great effect at trade exhibitions and events to instantly pique the public’s curiosity.

The most basic tool is Google Earth VR, which allows you to put on a virtual reality headset and travel to any spot on the planet.

Virtual tours of hotels

Users may now explore a hotel and its environs in a much more immersive way than ever before with virtual hotel tours. Virtual tours are altering the hotel sector in the same way that they are transforming the real estate industry.

High-resolution cameras and specialised equipment can be used to film hotel interiors and exteriors in exquisite detail, resulting in a 360-degree interactive tour in which the user can choose which room to visit. These tours can then be shared with potential clients on websites and social media at any moment.

Advantages of VR For Travel and Tourism

The following are some of the advantages of virtual reality in tourism: 

  • Providing travel opportunities to individuals who are unable to travel.
  • Allowing users to imagine themselves at a destination 
  • Being able to showcase 360 degrees of a destination in high resolution 
  • Allowing users to explore a scene at their leisure 
  • Creating memorable and unique experiences for users 
  • Creating unique brand engagement – Allowing travel companies to stand out from the crowd

A Hollywood remake of Parthiban’s “Oththa Seruppu” is planned.

When it was released in 2019, the thriller “Oththa Seruppu Size 7” by actor and director Parthiban was a tremendous success. The film received favourable reviews and numerous honours. The film’s popularity spread internationally, and an Indonesian version was even produced. The film’s Hindi remake, titled “Single Slipper Size 7,” with Abhishek Bachchan as the lead, was previously revealed by the producers.

According to reports, Parthiban said that when the story is recast in Hindi, there will be little alterations made to reflect Abhishek Bachchan’s persona. He also said that there will be modest heroism moments, but they won’t be overt. Now, the intriguing news is that a Hollywood remake of the movie is being planned.

Last week, the filmmaker said that his movie “Oththa Seruppu Size 7” would soon be remade in Hollywood while attending a reality programme. A comparable picture, according to the filmmaker, is currently being produced in Hollywood. The movie has garnered national prizes.

On the professional front, Parthiban is currently anticipating the July 15 release of “Iravin Nizhal,” the first non-linear single-shot movie ever made.

Foods High In Protein Promote Hair Growth, According to Experts

Here is a list of foods you should include in your regular diet. A lot goes into maintaining healthy hair. For instance, good grooming, regular haircuts, and hair care items. In addition to these, food plays a role in the strength, lustre, and health of your hair.

You could notice the impacts in your hair if you don’t consume enough of a certain nutrient. Your skin, hair, and nails all benefit from essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3s. You ought to regularly consume some of these omega-3-rich foods.

Your hair also needs folic acid, vitamins B6, and B12. Vegans and vegetarians frequently don’t consume enough of them.

Eating the appropriate foods keeps hair healthy from the inside out. You need protein to make your hair healthy and to help it grow. Protein is necessary for our bodies to function correctly, just as it is for our hair to be nourished.

Which foods promote hair growth the most?

You can affect the thickness and likelihood of greying of your hair by consuming nutrient-rich foods that have been scientifically shown to benefit your hair and avoiding those that only have the opposite effect.

Grilled chicken is a fantastic source of lean protein and B vitamins, making it the ideal accompaniment to these meals that encourage hair development.

What nutrients are found in foods that promote hair growth?

What nutrients are found in foods that promote hair growth?

Vitamin E’s powerful antioxidant activity helps to reduce oxidative stress in the scalp, which is known to be associated with skin.

  • Vitamin C: it facilitates the body’s absorption of iron.
  • Vitamin E’s powerful antioxidant properties aid in reducing the oxidative stress in the scalp, which is thought to be linked to alopecia.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce any inflammation that is causing hair loss because of their anti-inflammatory properties.
  • B vitamin biotin may promote hair growth and strength.

List Of Foods High In Protein

Chia Seeds

The next nutritional powerhouse is chia seeds, which are rich in protein and a number of other necessary minerals and antioxidants that help to promote healthy, beautiful hair. They can be included in salads, smoothies, puddings, cereals, and more.


Lentils are a necessary component of any well-balanced diet. Vegetarian protein, fibre, phosphorus, and folic acid are all abundant in lentils. These nutrients all serve the purpose of feeding the scalp with oxygen and promoting hair growth. Lentils include protein, which is crucial for healthy, strong hair development.


Protein and biotin, two elements that are crucial for hair growth, are both found in abundance in eggs. Since protein is a major component of hair follicles, eating enough of it is crucial for hair growth.


The majority of us are aware that salmon is a great source of high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which support hair health. This creates a favourable environment for healthy hair development.


One of the most nutrient-rich leafy green veggies you can eat is spinach. Additionally, it is rich in minerals including vitamins A, K, and C, which support the maintenance and protection of the cell membranes of hair follicles.

Greek yogurt

Greeks and other cultures have been consuming thick, protein-rich yoghurt for hundreds of years, so that’s why. B vitamins, including vitamin B5, are present in Greek yoghurt and can support healthy skin and hair.


A vitamin C supplement known as guava has been discovered to significantly increase hair growth in women who have transient hair thinning. Even though oranges are frequently considered the best source of vitamin C.


Beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A, prevents dry, lifeless hair and encourages the production of sebum by the glands in your scalp. Your greatest bet is orange-colored produce, so seek out carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and mangoes.


Vitamin C is abundant in kiwis. In addition to perhaps promoting hair growth on its own, it can aid in your body’s absorption of iron. So enjoy this and other citrus fruits that you like.

Peanut butter

Omega-6 and Vitamin E content is high in peanut butter it might benefit your hair. This fatty acid raises beneficial (HDL) cholesterol while decreasing harmful (LDL) cholesterol. Additionally, that helps blood vessels work properly and may protect against heart and vascular disease.

Want more happiness? Try these 5 for sure!

Even in normal circumstances, people struggle to achieve happiness. Obviously, we all want to be happier. Everyone’s definition for happiness is different, some people say its a joy, satisfaction or other may say it as achievement.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a pleasant emotional state of mind marked by emotions of happiness, joy, and fulfilment in one’s life. Look into techniques to make yourself happier.

While there are many various definitions of happiness, it is frequently described as involving positive emotions and a sense of fulfilment in life.

The balance of emotions and life satisfaction are two important aspects of happiness.

The balance of emotions

Positive and negative emotions, sentiments, and moods are experienced by everyone. Happiness is usually associated with having more positive emotions than negative ones.

Life satisfaction

This refers to how satisfied you are with various aspects of your life, such as your relationships, career, accomplishments, and other essential factors.

How to improve happiness with in you?

Genuine enjoyment is derived from within. It comes from making intelligent decisions, such as choosing happiness. When things are going well in our lives outside of us, it may make it simpler for us to choose happiness, but it is not the source of it. Even if things around you aren’t as you’d like them to be, you can be content.

While some people are born with an innate sense of happiness, there are things you can do to cultivate your own.

1. Take pleasure in the present – Live the moment!

People grow so concerned with acquiring things rather than enjoying the present moment.
So take advantage of every moment of your life; everybody in the world can earn money or goods, but only you, can live your life. You will lose a moment if you do not enjoy it. It is yours forever if you enjoy it. if you dont you will lose it for ever!

So, instead of mindlessly accumulating to the detriment of your own pleasure, focus on practising thankfulness for what you already have and enjoying the process as you go.

2. Appreciate small daily activities

According to this study, smiling can help us feel better, but it’s more effective when we connect with good thoughts

Concentrate on simple daily activities in the same way that you would consider life occasions such as your birthday, wedding day, or any of your vacations that made you the happiest.

Smile at your family and coworkers, and thank your maid for her assistance. Thank your boss for granting you to work. Smiling can help us focus better and perform better on tasks

3. Feel the nature and get into it

According to a study, spending 30 minutes or more a week in green spaces can help decrease blood pressure and depression.

Make a connection with mother nature; she knows how to cure you, boost your vitality and relax Your body and sole.

A  touch of nature allows you to feel the whole. Nature may greatly enhance your mood by causing you to focus on the good and beauty of the earth rather than your negative thoughts.

Go to a park in your area, your own lawn, or a rooftop garden, or someplace else where you can enjoy some fresh air and outdoors.

4. Find a Sense of Purpose

The motivation that leads you toward a fulfilling future is called a sense of purpose. It also enables you to get the most out of the things you do and achieve right now, big and small. 

Things you believe in and value, in your life by yourself  shape your sense of purpose.

According to studies, those who feel like they have a purpose in life are happier and more fulfilled.
To have a feeling of purpose, you must believe that your life has goals, direction, and significance. It has the potential to boost happiness by encouraging better habits.

You can acquire a sense of purpose by following your interests and passions and looking for new things to learn about. Develop a goal that you are passionate about and that will motivate you to perform productive, good actions in order to achieve it.

5. Do Exercise daily

Exercise has such a positive impact on our happiness and well-being that it is a proven approach for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. It will raise your heart rate and endorphin levels, giving you a natural feeling of happiness.

Take a walk in the evening, stretching your body for 15 mints and taking a deep breath for 10 mints. this can improve your inner peace.

Trip Stacking: What You Should Know About This Pandemic Travel Trend

Trip stacking is now a common practise as viral variations and outbreaks continue to influence people’s travel plans globally. Numerous aspects of the travel business have been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic. Experts describe how this method evolved in the face of a dynamic pandemic environment.

As individuals began to come out of lockdown, interest in RV travel and road excursions skyrocketed as a way to get away from other people. Record-breaking visitor numbers started to be reported by national parks, and demand for holiday rentals was high. Then, with the introduction of vaccines and renewed zeal for travelling, there was discussion of “revenge travel.”

Trip stacking: what is it?

Trip stacking is a word used to describe creating a reliable travel backup plan. This approach gained popularity during the pandemic due to the frequently shifting travel regulations governing international travel.

Basically, trip stacking is the practise of making all of your reservations—including those for lodging, dining, and activities—for many vacations at the same time. In the event that something interferes with your original trip arrangements, you will still have options.

Why is it currently popular?

Prior to 2020, some well-prepared travellers might have used this strategy, but the uncertainty of pandemic life and enhanced vendor flexibility have made trip-stacking quite

Why is it currently popular?

Prior to 2020, some well-prepared travellers might have used this strategy, but the uncertainty of pandemic life and enhanced vendor flexibility have made trip-stacking quite attractive.

Due to the epidemic, reservations had to be made with greater flexibility. For instance, a lot of airlines no longer charge for changes, and hotels still allow free cancellations up to the last minute. It’s a good idea to prepare a backup plan because limits can change at any time, especially if your vacation days are fixed.

Vacation time is valuable, especially now when so many professionals are experiencing burnout. People don’t want to have to spend the time off they reserved for a special vacation because COVID increases the danger of their travel plans being disrupted.

What is important to know about trip stacking?

There are a few things to consider before you start trip stacking. One is the likelihood that, once the time of your trip arrives, you’ll even be able to take a holiday in any location.

Booking repeated journeys to the same foreign country won’t be helpful if quarantine requirements or border restrictions are implemented just before your visit. Even if there is hope that things will change before your trip, it is definitely advisable to avoid making plans in two distinct nations that aren’t presently welcoming to foreign visitors.

Do we really need to trip stack?

Travel experts recommend making this decision if you can keep track of the change and cancellation deadlines in order to ensure that you may leave when your vacation days are due.

You may as well take use of the choices provided by airlines, lodging establishments, and excursion operators as long as their accommodating pandemic policies are maintained. A different approach would also provide you alternatives.

A fantastic method to give yourself some flexibility and mental assurance that you will travel is by trip stacking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does trip stacking mean?

Vacation stacking is a trend when a more risky trip, such travelling abroad or taking a cruise, is booked in tandem with a trip that is less likely to be cancelled.

What is a revenge trip?

As people make up for missed vacation time due to the pandemic, revenge travel is increasing. Despite exorbitant costs and scarce supplies, travellers are in great numbers.

Recipe for Chettinad Chicken Biryani

Let’s start by creating a homemade masala paste for the biryani.
All of the herbs and spices will be roasted in oil before being ground to create an enticing biryani masala paste.

Source: Kannamma cooks

How to make biryani masala in a mixer grinder?

For the Biryani Masala

  • One tablespoons groundnut oil
  • Star anise, one
  • 2 inch cinnamon stick (cassia)
  • (4) cloves
  • fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon
  • two tablespoons of coriander seeds
  • Black pepper, half a teaspoon
  • (3) cardamom
  • One tiny slice of kal pasi and one teaspoon of poppy seeds
  • 2 clover scapes
  • 2 inch slice of ginger
  • 6 green peppers
  • 1 bunch of shallots
  • 14 cup of water

In a pan, heat a tablespoon of oil. Today, I used peanut oil. Any vegetable oil will do, no matter what sort. Include the spices. black pepper, cardamom, a tiny piece of kalpasi, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, and tiny poppy seeds.

Maintain a low flame while sautéing the spices until they are fragrant and have barely changed colour. It should only take a few minutes.

Ginger, garlic, and green chilies should also be added. Adapt the amount of green chilies to your preferences. Saute a few shallots for a couple of minutes after adding them. The masalas are roasted and ready to be ground after a few minutes.

Add the ground spices to a mixer. To get a smooth paste, mix with about 1/4 cup of water. Make sure the masalas are ground into an extremely fine paste.

Preparing the biryani

For Biryani

  • A serving of basmati rice
  • 2 tablespoon ghee
  • two tablespoons of peanut oil
  • 2 bay leaves, 2 curry leaf sprigs, chopped
  • 1/2 cup chopped onions
  • 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
  • A quarter-teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 2 diced tomatoes,
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped mint leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped coriander leaves
  • 1/fourth cup plain curd
  • 750 grammes of bone-in, salted chicken
  • three water cups
  • Juiced lime, half

The biryani will be prepared using a pressure cooker. Slightly ghee the pan. Add some oil to the mix. Include a few bay leaves. Curry leaves, cut, are added. Include the onion slices. Cook the onions until they are just beginning to turn brown. On a medium flame, it will take about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the red chilli powder once the onions start to turn a light brown colour. the powdered turmeric is added. For a few seconds, sauté.

Sauté the tomatoes for one minute after being added. The mint and coriander leaves should be added. Ensure that the leaves are chopped before adding. For one minute, sauté. The ground biryani masala paste should be added. Add plain curd or yoghurt along with the masala paste. Blend thoroughly.

Cook the dish over a low burner for five minutes with the lid on. Add the chicken pieces when the masalas have finished cooking. Always use chicken that has the bone in because the flavorful meat on the bone will permeate the rice and enhance the flavour of the biryani.

Add salt after. Blend thoroughly. For 10 to 12 minutes, cook the dish over a low heat with the lid on. There is no need to add any water because the chicken will release enough water while cooking. Saute occasionally to prevent the bottom of the masalas from burning.
Basmati rice should be washed and given a 15-minute soak in water while the chicken is cooking.

Add around 3 cups of water after the chicken has finished cooking. About two cups of rice were consumed today. For each cup of rice used, we must add 1.5 cups of water.

Water should be added, then well combined. Bring it to a boil. Juice from half a lime should be added once the water has reached a boil. At this point, taste for seasoning and make any required salt adjustments.

At this point, mix well before adding the soaked and drained rice. Add the whistle weight and a lid to the pressure pan. On a medium temperature, cook for 5 to 6 minutes or until two whistles sound. On a medium flame, cook.

Remove from heat after the aforementioned two whistles, and allow pressure to naturally release.
We have prepared our chicken biryani in the Chettinadu way. Serve warm.

A Guide to Traditional Tamil foods from Tamil Nadu

Most vegetarians and non-vegetarians find the distinct flavours, the tangy twist, the sweet infusions, and the abundance of veggies utilised in any meal to be eye-catching. The cuisine of South Asia is highly regarded and adored within and outside of the nation. Compared to the cuisines of other states like Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, Tamil Nadu cuisine is quite distinctive. Here is a selection of foods and specialties from Tamil Nadu that will make you yearn for a south Indian meal.

Idli and Vada

Almost always, Idli and Vada together save breakfast for those who are running late in the morning! These dishes from Tamil Nadu are utter comfort meals and pair nicely together. One of the emblematic foods of Tamil Nadu is the idli, which is produced from a combination of urad dal and rice and when cooked resembles a little, spongy pancake.


Vada, on the other hand, is made from fermented Bengal gramme combined with curry leaf, cumin seed, and mustard seed, and is either doughnut-shaped or spherical like an idli. After being formed, the vada is deep-fried to create a crispy yet tender dish that is eaten with sambar and coconut chutney.


Start with the paper dosa. The majority of dosas are paper-thin, and like any other Tamil Nadu cuisine, they are prepared by spreading a batter consisting of urad dal and rice on a skillet and gently cooking it. After that, it is formed into a thin sheet resembling paper and served in the form of a cone with chutney and sambar.


The same method is used to make all the other dosas, however different ingredients are used based on their names. The dosa follows the identical steps as the egg, except an egg is broken, poured on top, spread out, and cooked with the dosa in some oil or ghee.

There are a huge variety of dosas. There are a few well-known dosa varieties that are offered around the nation. Various types of dosas, such as plain, masala, tomato, onion, rawa, etc.


Uttapam, a specialty of Tamil Nadu cuisine, is a dish that is quite comparable to the dosa. Urad Dal and rice powder are combined in a grinder to create it. After a few hours of fermentation, it is slowly fried over a skillet with very little oil.


Uttapam is similar to a dosa in that it is flat and crispy on the sides and soft and doughy in the centre. After that, a garnish of tomatoes, onions, capsicum, etc. is added to the uttapam. Although I would choose the coconut chutney over the sambar, it tastes great with both. You may also try it with the heavenly-tasting hot tomato and chilli chutney.


This is a standard dish served throughout all of Tamil Nadu’s important festivals. The meal also includes cardamom, green gramme, raisins, and cashew nuts in addition to the rice and sweet milk.

What is sweet pongal made of?

Jaggery is added to cooked rice and yellow moong lentils to make sweet pongal.
Unrefined cane sugar from India called “jaggery” has a molasses-like flavour and taste.

Source: Sweet Pongal

Pongal is prepared in a vibrant clay pot known as a Kolam, which is adorned with patterns. Since Pongal is made in honour of the sun god, it is traditionally believed that it should be cooked outside in the sunlight. The dish comes in two flavors—one sweet and the other savory—and is served a top banana leaves.

Source: Ven pongal


Tamil cuisine’s diversity represents an amazing blending of cultures. It’s not simply the dosas and Vadai, as we initially thought. Whether from the Chettiars, Arcots, Kongunadu, or Iyengars, Tamil Nadu cuisine is full with delectable foods.


Without sambar, Tamil Nadu cuisine is insufficient. Typically, chopped onions, freshly grated and toasted coconuts, and tamarind water are used to prepare mashed toor dal. A mixture of fried mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, asafoetida, and dry red chillies is added for additional spice. Also utilised frequently are veggies like tomatoes and carrots. Curry leaves are used to finish the meal. This complements idli, dosa, and rice wonderfully.


In the past, one of the main cuisines for the Tamil peoples was koozh. In Tamil Nadu’s rural communities, the meal is served during Mariamman temple festivities. The millet porridge that is frequently offered by street sellers is known in Tamil as “koozh.” It is prepared in a clay pot using cumbu flour or broken rice.


The porridge takes on a tart flavour when fermented. With onion, buttermilk, curry leaves, and coriander leaves, it is slowly liquefied. As a side dish, the koozh is typically served with raw onion, green chilli, pickles, and mango that have been flavoured with red and black pepper.

5 Unspoken Guidelines for Dressing for Job Interviews

In a job interview, your words should stick out more than your attire, but that isn’t always the case.

Unusual clothing patterns, an excess of accessories, extra straps, or wrinkled clothing are all things that could make interviewers lose interest in what candidates are saying.

Wearing attire that reflects the professionalism desired by your potential employer can help you avoid this.

But depending on whether you work for a stuffy law firm or a laid-back tech startup, and whether your possible company has had loose dress requirements since the COVID-19 outbreak, what is deemed professional can vary greatly.

For instance, firms in the computer sector are typically accommodating and don’t care what employees wear. You’re usually in the clear as long as the candidate is at ease, confident, and refrains from wearing anything offending (for example, a shirt with an offensive saying or image), and the focus is more on the conversation’s topic.

We asked a variety of job search specialists to share what they believed to be the major unspoken rules about what you should wear to a job interview in order to provide job seekers with more clarity around what they should be wearing. What you need to know is as follows:

Rule #1: Consult social media images or directly question recruiters about clothing requirements if you’re unsure.

You can get a notion of how you should dress for the interview by looking at images of employees when the company is open.

“If they are genuinely stuck, I suggest that they look at our corporate careers page and the social media platforms where we feature our staff. Candidates will have a better notion of what to wear after participating in this exercise. The recommended attire varies by industry and business because some may be more professional and call for a suit.

Rule #2: Even if you believe the interviewer can only see your upper body in a video interview, avoid wearing pyjamas or sweatpants.

Try to dress as though the interview is taking place in front of you, even if it is taking place on a computer screen. Match the top and bottom halves of your attire because you never know what a hiring manager might observe.

The pandemic, according to a search coach with corporate recruiting experience, has caused some job seekers to dress more casually. However, she cautioned, “this doesn’t give you licence to wear pajama or skip trousers completely because it’s a video interview.

Be ready for accidents. You don’t want the interview panel to see your underwear if an emergency arises and you have to leave right away during the interview.

Rule #3: How you dress can tell the interviewer how seriously you are taking it.

Even if you genuinely care about the possibility, if you dress too casually, people will assume that you aren’t all that enthused about the chance.

According to a career coaching service for first-generation professionals, you should dress to impress regardless of the field you are competing in because people can make hasty decisions in the blink of an eye.

When they are considering you as a candidate, they will either consciously or unconsciously take into account how you physically present yourself.

Rule #4: Always present yourself more formally. Being safe is preferable to being sorry.

However, believes that it’s best to dress for an interview in a way that reflects your individuality while remaining appropriate for the workplace. Avoid wearing cleavage-baring blouses, short skirts, wrinkled shirts, or too-tight leggings.Many observed that the pandemic has undoubtedly loosened clothing codes for the job.

Employees are my brand, and while I encourage everyone to be themselves, they are also a reflection of my company and my brand. Recall it while you get ready for interviews. How can you represent the organisation or business you are interviewing with by dressing appropriately?

Rule #5: This work might not be a good fit for you if the dress code genuinely bothers you.

It’s critical to keep in mind that a job interview serves both purposes: the hiring manager wants to determine if you are a good match for their organisation, and you want to determine whether they are a good fit for you. Before accepting an offer, you should think about whether the ideal uniform for your prospective team feels restrictive and oppressive.

Food Poisoning – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Food poisoning, often known as a foodborne illness, is an ailment brought on by consuming tainted food. The most frequent causes of food poisoning are infectious organisms or their toxins, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

The majority of people bounce back on their own, but some can get quite sick. If you are pregnant, older than 60, or have a compromised immune system, you are more at risk.

What is Food Poisoning?

The term “food poisoning” originated in the 1880s and quickly became interchangeable with “stomach flu.” Your immune system’s ability to combat the illness will determine how severe your food poisoning symptoms are. Initial feelings of weakness are frequent.

A doctor visit is only necessary in extremely rare circumstances; generally, the ailment goes away in a week or two. Older adults are more likely to develop food poisoning because they have weakened immune systems that make it difficult for them to easily fight off pathogenic germs.

Which signs and symptoms indicate food poisoning?

The illness’s symptoms may vary depending on its underlying aetiology. Among the most typical warning signs and symptoms of food poisoning are the ones listed below:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Weakness

Many different signs of food poisoning include:

  • Diarrheal episode lasting longer than three days
  • Severe dehydration is indicated by symptoms such as a dry mouth, little to no urination, and difficulty swallowing liquids.
  • 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius) or higher
  • Having difficulty speaking or seeing

What causes food poisoning?

There are three main causes of food poisoning: bacteria, parasites, or viruses.

Nearly majority of the food that people consume contains these viruses. However, before food reaches our plate, heat from cooking typically destroys microorganisms on the food. As a result of not having been cooked, raw foods are frequently the cause of food poisoning.

Food may occasionally come into touch with bacteria found in vomit or faeces. The most common scenario for this to happen is when a sick person prepares food without washing their hands first.

Frequently contaminated foods include dairy, meat, and eggs. Viruses and other disease-causing organisms can pollute water.


Food poisoning is almost always caused by bacteria. among the bacterial causes of food poisoning are

Salmonella and E. coli are immediately thought of when considering harmful bacteria, and for good cause.

Two lesser-known but potentially fatal bacteria that can be found in our food are campylobacter and C. botulinum.


A virus, such as the following, can also result in food poisoning:

Norovirus, also referred to as the Norwalk virus

The most prevalent foodborne illness, norovirus, is frequently contracted when infected food handlers contaminate the food being prepared (eg, in restaurants). The norovirus is extremely contagious and spreads quickly when people encounter contaminated objects or surfaces. Usually, 24 to 48 hours after exposure, symptoms such nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and stomach pain start to appear. Most situations are resolved without medical intervention.


Diarrhea is caused by the highly contagious virus rotavirus. Prior to the creation of a vaccine, by the age of 5, the majority of kids had had experienced the virus at least once.

Despite how nasty rotavirus infections are, you can typically treat them at home by drinking more fluids to stay hydrated.

Regular hand washing is an essential part of good hygiene. But the best defence against rotavirus infection is immunisation.


Gastroenteritis is brought on by a class of viruses called astroids (diarrheal illness). While elderly adults and others with weakened immune systems are also at risk, infants and young children are most likely to experience diarrhoea brought on by astroviruses. 1

The symptoms of diarrhoea brought on by an astrovirus infection can be comparable to those of other widespread viral illnesses, but they are often much milder than those brought on by rotavirus and norovirus. It also infrequently necessitates medical attention.


Acute gastroenteritis outbreaks and sporadic instances are both brought on by sapovirus infections. All age groups are affected, however the disease burden is highest in children under the age of five. Vomiting and diarrhoea, which usually go away within a week, are common symptoms of sapovirus gastroenteritis, which shares many features with closely related noroviruses. Asymptomatic people have also been found to have the sapovirus.

Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis A virus raw shellfish or foods contaminated by an infected person, such as a food handler, are the two main sources of hepatitis A virus transmission. Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes) and liver failure can occasionally result from hepatitis A. It can be challenging to pinpoint the illness’s origin because symptoms don’t often present until 15 to 50 days following infection. Passive immune globulin injection or post-exposure immunisation can assist nonimmune people avoid illness. All youngsters in the United States should receive the hepatitis A vaccine.

19 to 21 million cases of the norovirus occur each year.

Dependable source of nausea and diarrhoea in the US every year. Rarely, it can even be fatal. Similar symptoms are caused by other viruses, but they are less prevalent.

It is also possible for food to spread the hepatitis A virus, which damages the liver.


Although parasites that spread through food are exceedingly harmful, food poisoning caused by parasites is less frequent than food poisoning caused by bacteria.
Your digestive tract can harbour parasites that can go unnoticed for years. If certain parasites establish a home in a person’s intestines, they may cause more severe adverse effects, especially in immune-compromised individuals and women who are pregnant.

Food-Poisoning illness remedies

Most food poisoning cases can be handled at home.

You should visit a healthcare professional for an assessment and treatment if your symptoms are severe or persistent, if you have an underlying medical condition, or if there are any alarming signs or symptoms (fever higher than 100.4°F/38°C, severe abdominal pain, inability to eat or drink, bloody stools, or vomit).

The following are some methods for treating food poisoning:

Keep hydrated.

The easiest method to treat food illness is to stay hydrated by taking plenty of water and other electrolytes. Knowing what to eat and what not to eat when you have food illness is crucial.

Utilize over-the-counter drugs

OTC medicines like Pepto-Bismol and loperamide (Imodium), which is used to treat diarrhoea, can help you control nausea.

The body uses vomiting and diarrhoea to get the toxin out of the system, so you should consult a doctor before using these drugs.

Medicines on prescription

Depending on the organism that caused their sickness, some people may benefit from prescription drugs even though many cases of food poisoning resolve on their own.

Get an anti-toxin

A C. botulinum infection is regarded as a medical emergency. Consult a doctor as soon as you can.

An antitoxin will be given to you by a doctor if you have C. botulinum. BabyBIG, an unique antitoxin, will be administered to infants (botulism immune globulin).


Getting lots of rest is essential for folks who have food poisoning.

When you get food poisoning, what should you eat and drink?

It is preferable to avoid food poisoning by eating a healthy diet, but if you do, consider the aforementioned foods as home treatments for a speedy recovery.

It’s preferable to progressively delay eating solid foods until after vomiting and diarrhoea have stopped.


When it comes to treating illnesses, honey has a number of advantages. It has been used for a long time to soothe an upset stomach and alleviate indigestion. The antifungal and antibacterial qualities of honey help to treat food illness. Additionally, honey adds flavour to even the blandest of diets and is tastier than the majority of medications.


Ginger, a traditional remedy for nausea, inflammation, and stomach aches, is one of the greatest natural cures for food poisoning. It also aids in the body’s ability to absorb all essential nutrients. Slices of raw ginger can be eaten if you don’t mind the taste. You can also add ginger to your tea or juice if you can’t handle the harsh, acrid flavour.


Garlic is a popular home remedy for loose stools or diarrhoea, and it also has antiviral characteristics that make it an excellent treatment for people who have food poisoning. The chemical diallyl sulphide, which is present in garlic, is what gives it its strong flavour. The spread of dangerous bacteria is prevented by the same diallyl sulphide that sanitises food surfaces.


Because of their high vitamin C concentration, citrus fruits are mostly consumed. Citrus fruits like lemon, however, have a bigger role in cases of food poisoning patients. They help patients feel better by killing hazardous food poisoning bacteria thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial capabilities. They can be eaten with water or simply squeezed into a variety of dishes, making it simple to ingest them multiple times per day.

What not to eat and drink?

Even if you feel better, try to avoid eating the following difficult-to-digest items to keep your stomach from getting worse:

  • A fatty diet
  • High-spiced foods
  • Fried food
  • Dairy items
  • Particularly milk and cheese

Avoid alcoholic, coffee- or sugar-containing beverages.

11 Steps to Follow to Reach Any Goal

Setting to reach any goal is critical to leading a meaningful life. Our lives have direction and concentration thanks to our goals, which also sustain our motivation throughout time.
Goals are at the centre of almost everything in life; they include all of our future plans, as well as all of our aspirations and ambitions for the future. Yet we frequently fall short of our objectives. That’s because distractions are something we may all experience as humans.

Think about your overall objectives.

What kind of life do you want to lead, and how does this aim fit into that picture?

Setting goals should be a part of your journey through life and should have personal significance for you. Things to think about:

  • What do you want to do with your awake time?
  • What about life excite you?
  • What subjects are you interested in learning more about? Whom do you want to hang out with, exactly?

Put everything on paper.

You are forced to clarify your objectives when you put them in writing. This straightforward action has a way of helping your goal stick in your mind and getting your mind to start planning the specifics of how to make it happen. According to a recent study, writing down your goals increases your chances of accomplishing them by 42%.

Create a list of ideas.

You already have an idea of what you want to achieve; now it’s time to plan out how to get there. To determine the key actions and tasks you must complete along the route, you’ll need to perform some brainstorming.

  • Are there any actions you need to take first?
  • Exist any time-critical jobs that must be completed in a specific order?
  • Start planning out what must occur when.

Create a plan of action.

The roadmap you can use to follow to reach your objective is an action plan. By doing this, you can prevent missing any crucial steps. Consider doing this as setting smaller goals and breaking larger goals down into “bite-sized” morsels. Your objective will seem more attainable and manageable if you do this. Every step of the journey, be explicit about the results you intend to attain.

Do something by taking some actions

The now is the only time that matters. Since you must begin somewhere, dig deep, summon the bravery, and move forward. If you don’t do anything, your goals won’t be achieved. It could be intimidating to make the first move. Perhaps you are still ironing out the details or are concerned that you are not prepared. Get started, and you’ll start to understand it as you go.

Pass on less crucial responsibilities.

If your goal or desire is huge and far-reaching, you’ll undoubtedly need assistance to achieve it. To assist you in achieving your goals, it’s crucial to assemble a strong team and surround yourself with encouraging individuals. Why not employ a freelancer?
Concentrate as much as you can on your strongest suit, and look for ways to outsource or get assistance where you fall short.

Evaluate the success of the plan.

Take the time to monitor how things are going when you start pursuing your goals to determine whether the plan is effective. Can you complete the tasks and reach the goals you’ve set for yourself? Reevaluate your objectives on a regular basis, check to see where you’re falling short, and start making changes as necessary.

Set new goals if necessary.

Keep in mind that change is a natural aspect of life, which calls for flexibility. If the numbers don’t add up the way you think they should, you might need a different strategy. Don’t let your goals cause you to lose sight of your greater vision. Is it time to shift your direction and make some major changes? If so, it would be best to act now rather than later.

Obtain feedback.

Seek out constructive criticism and pay attention to both the positive and negative comments made by others. The least expensive and most effective way to determine how other people view your performance is through feedback. It’s a crucial tool for determining how effectively you’re achieving the goals you set. Feedback is essential for enhancing performance and expanding your capacity to succeed.

Give yourself some time to relax.

It’s crucial to recognise and appreciate your accomplishments along the path. Keep in mind that this is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. You’ll undoubtedly experience burnout before you achieve success if all you do is worry about the future.

This helps you remember how exciting and significant what you’re doing is while also giving you an opportunity to thank people who have supported you along the journey. Additionally, acknowledging your successes can keep you focused and inspired to keep trying.

Source: The main article was written by the Deep Patel and we made few changes so, every once can easily understand it.