Ideas for practising mindfulness in place of meditation

You’re not the only one who has attempted meditation and found themselves getting restless or having trouble focusing. You are present in the moment and letting go of your baggage while you are in a meditative state.

You don’t allow yourself to get distracted by opinions, memories, or concerns about the future. Sitting cross-legged in a silent space comes to mind when we think about traditional meditation practises. But, there are a lot of us who can get rid of the mental “noise” in our thoughts far more effectively.

Take a walk to relax.

Walking outside in the fresh air is a proven way to improve mood, but it’s also a great opportunity to practise mindfulness. If you catch your thoughts wandering, bring them back to the sound of your footsteps, the sensation of the sun on your skin, or the sound of your breathing. The goal is to refocus your attention and let ideas pass straight through you.

Visit a movie theatre

We allow ourselves the chance to step away from our thoughts while we’re engrossed in the story of a movie, much to the sense of awe we have when we’re in nature. This is particularly true in a movie theatre where we are sequestered from the outside world and compelled to put our phones away. It also enables us to become more self-aware of our tendency to daydream and teaches us how to refocus our thoughts.

Take up a difficult hobby

Developing a new talent, particularly one that tests us, encourages us to be present. When self-critical thoughts surface, it provides an opportunity to refocus our attention. You will transition from your brain’s whirling to the potter’s wheel’s churning when you pay attention to how these judgements make you feel physically, the clay’s texture and temperature, and the sound of the wheel.

Housework shouldn’t be disregarded.

Being present in the now, or the job at hand, is the essence of mindfulness as a whole. Here’s where doing the dishes comes in; its frequently repetitive nature helps us into a contemplative state. When we focus our attention back on the work in front of us and away from distracting thoughts and emotions, routine chores can be accomplished almost as though on auto-pilot.

Set a pen to paper

It’s okay to step away from our thoughts and feelings occasionally, but there are other times when it’s crucial to notice them and give them some thought. It’s simple to begin started by blocking off five minutes of uninterrupted time, whether it is before turning out the lights at night or as you drink your morning coffee. Try a variety of journaling formats until you discover one that suits you the best. There are many different kinds available.

Let nature to make you feel in awe.

That really lifts my spirits. Simply look up at the trees and sky and observe the sunrise to get that feeling. You don’t even need to be in a national park.

Awe is a science of life that transforms our ability to relate to the outside world by inspiring surprise and amazement in us.

The more awed we are, the less stressed we are, the happier we are with life, and the better off we become. Awe can also be evoked by witnessing something amazing or watching a stunning performance.

Improve your drawing abilities.

Hobbies that require us to concentrate on the task at hand, especially artistic ones like arts and crafts, may be immensely soothing and aid in mind-calming. Drawing is a fantastic example because it uses the brain and diverts our focus from other concerns.

Up Your Email Game with These Gmail Tips and Tricks

Because we spend the majority of our workdays within Gmail, we have, over the course of the past few months, developed a few helpful hacks that help us save time each and every day.

You’ll cut minutes off your day with our top five Gmail hacks, and ideally you’ll end up with a more organized and easier to browse inbox as a result.

Email Filters and the Combination of Your Email and a Keyword

Take, for example, the fact that your email address is Use a specific email address if you want to sign up for daily bargain emails or other newsletters that wind up cluttering your inbox rather than helping you organize your inbox.

Sign up for the newsletters going forward by sending an email to an address such as “” After that, proceed to establish the email filter with the following criteria: “To:” and apply the appropriate action, such as “Never Mark as Important.”

When you use Priority Inbox, this will cause those newsletters to be moved down to the bottom of your inbox automatically.

Rehearsed remarks and answers

The following “hack” is actually a Gmail Lab that you can try out. Once activated under the Labs page in your Gmail Settings, Canned Responses enables users to draft and save standardized emails that can then be swiftly inserted into an email to deliver a quick answer.

Users can enable this feature by following the steps outlined in the previous sentence. To send a specific email answer based on the predetermined criteria, you may also utilize Filters with Canned Responses.

Does it sound good? It’s undeniable that using canned responses will help you save time throughout the day, but you should proceed with caution. Be sure to delete your email signature before storing any messages that you intend to later use as Canned Responses.

This step is necessary when creating an email that you intend to later use. If you do not do this, the signature will be pasted in when you use the Canned Response, which will result in two email signatures.

Anyone who receives this email will likely realize that they have just gotten a bulk email because of the duplicate signatures.

Make a “Follow Up List” for yourself.

It is simple to lose track of critical emails, particularly when you are sending a note that you want to follow up on later, particularly if the receiver fails to react. This is especially the case when the email is sent from a personal account.

You can make sure that you always follow up on these emails by creating a “Follow Up List” using a mix of Labels and Priority Inbox. This will ensure that you never miss an opportunity to do so.

First, create a label for “Follow Up” by going to Settings and then clicking on the Labels menu item. If you haven’t already done so, go to Settings > Inbox and turn on the Priority Inbox setting.

Last but not least, create a new section for your inbox and specify that you only want messages labeled “Follow Up” to appear in that particular section. If you apply that label to any email from this point forward, the message will be added to the “Follow Up” list at the bottom of your inbox.

Before sending an email regarding a matter on which you need to follow up, you need now make sure that the label “Follow Up” has been applied to it. The message will be delivered to the inbox designated for your “Follow Up List” as soon as you click the “Send” button.

Watch this video from Ask the Gooru to get additional assistance with the configuration of this exploit.

Also Read: 9 Gmail Hacks to Boost Your Productivity

Keyboard Shortcuts for Use With Gmail

Keyboard shortcuts can save power users of Gmail significant amounts of time each and every day. To start utilizing Keyboard Shortcuts, you will first need to enable them by going to Settings and then selecting the General option from the menu that appears. Make sure that Keyboard shortcuts are turned on, then save your modifications.

By pressing “Shift?” at any moment, you can bring up a comprehensive list of all the available keyboard shortcuts.

However, because there are so many short cuts, it can be difficult to determine which ones are actually helpful. The following are some of our top picks:

Compose: “c”
Mark as unread: “Shift” + “u”
Send mail: “Tab” + “Enter”
Archive + Next: “]”
Next message: “k”
Reply all: “a” (while viewing a message)
Reply: “r” (while viewing a message)
Forward: “f” (while viewing a message)

Bonus shortcut – Make a phone call: “g” then “p”

Operators of Searches

Lastly, you need to make sure that you make use of the search operators that are available within Gmail. After all, Google is based on its expertise in search, and there are various sophisticated search tools that can assist you in navigating your email in a more timely manner.

You may search for messages in your inbox using the From:, To:, Subject:, and even Has:attachment filters. Simply type the desired search operator into the search box that is located at the very top of your Gmail inbox to begin using search operators.

New Year Resolution Ideas

Have you ever vowed to make changes in your personal life at the start of the year? Thousands of people take their commitment to change and accomplishing their own objectives very seriously each year.

But more often than not, these are the same objectives you tried to accomplish last year but were unable to do for a variety of reasons. There are so many resolutions to pick from, but the top three to improve our lives over the course of the coming year are to lose weight, organise our lives, and spend more time with our families.

New Year Resolution

First of all, the most popular resolution every year is to reduce weight. I overate while I was pregnant with my daughter and put on fifty pounds, even though the doctor advised against gaining more than forty.

She was my second child, so her weight was much tougher to reduce. As a result, I kept telling myself to eat better and exercise more. While working a full-time job, attending school, and being a mother to two lovely children, there are moments when it is easier said than done.

Although scheduling a daily workout helps not only your health but also your marriage and gives you more energy to play with your kids.

Second, when I was younger, my mother would always tell me, “If you would have put it where it goes when you are finished playing with it, you would know where it is.” I hear myself repeating those same words now that I am a parent.

I enjoy keeping my home tidy and clutter-free because it allows me more time to spend with my family and friends. A person who is organised is also more focused and makes less money. Utilizing labels and boxes to organise your pantries, closets, and cabinets will keep your belongings more accessible and countable while also resulting in cost savings.

Although it might not be at the top of your list of priorities, organising your home ought to be. Being organised has a lot of advantages. You can save a tonne of time later on to do something more pleasurable if you take the time and make the effort to get prepared today.

Finally, although life can be hectic at times, taking an extra hour each day to play a game with your kids and take a stroll with your spouse can make a big difference in your quality of life.

The finest feeling ever is when I enjoy a stupid game of Uno with my kids. Any poor day may become a fantastic evening if I get to watch them laugh at me for having to draw ten more cards. Sometimes all that’s required for a special moment with your spouse is a simple stroll outside.

Nothing can provide you a healthier life than your own family, which makes a family stronger and more bonded.

Everyone aspires to better their lives in some way, but implementing adjustments to your routine can occasionally be challenging. I’ve discovered that keeping your New Year’s resolve will have a tonne of wonderful benefits. The entire family benefits when I lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of all the clutter, and set aside more time each day to spend with my loved ones.

Herbal Medicines Benefits and Uses

Rarely are plant-raising practises, let alone the length of time that ingredients are exposed to light and high temperatures while being stored in plastic containers, disclosed on the labels of store-bought herbs.

To assure the greatest quality and efficacy of your herbal treatments, grow your own. Jen Bredesen, a herbalist and instructor at the California School of Herbal Studies, asserts that the main advantage is the ability to form a bond with the herb.


Pot marigold is another name for calendula. It has been a wound-healing, antifungal, and antiseptic ally for generations. Many natural cosmetics and diaper creams benefit from the skin-soothing characteristics of the petals of these cheery yellow and orange daisy-like flowers.

An annual that reproduces freely and blooms all year long is calendula. It is a great addition to areas that receive direct sunlight. Pick up the petals right away. Additionally, you can dry the entire bloom, which closes in the evening before setting seed.


People either love or dislike cilantro’s distinctive flavour. Thai and Mexican food frequently use the leaves as a garnish. The coriander-flavored seeds are a key component of Indian curries.

Few people consider this plant to be a medicinal herb, but Source demonstrates that it is a potent help to digestion and may be able to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

Cilantro thrives in a cold, damp garden and bolts in high temperatures. Look for slow-bolting cultivars at seed stores. Try making this purifying cilantro pesto recipe.

Citrus balm

The calming, antispasmodic properties of the aromatic leaves and flowers of lemon balm on the neurological system and stomach. When applied topically, it may aid in the defence against viruses like herpes simplex, claims a 2008 research.

When made into teas or tinctures with a glycerin base, lemon balm is palatable and safe for kids. This perennial, which is peaceful and uplifting, grows fresh well and creates a lovely patch of vivid green in the garden.

After six months, the dried herb’s power starts to wane.


Both toothpaste and chewing gum commonly come in the flavours of spearmint and peppermint. Both have a potently reviving zing, but according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), peppermint has a stronger medicinal effect than its more savoury cousin.

Peppermint tea can help with nausea and other digestive issues like indigestion. When used topically in the form of a liquid or lotion, it can help relieve painful muscles. In a damp garden, all mints proliferated wildly.

Think about growing each plant in a separate, sizable pot. Just before the plant flowers, gather the leaves. They’ll start to taste bitter if you wait much longer.


The best reviver is rosemary. By increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain, this perennial woody plant energises and uplifts you while enhancing your memory and focus. When you need a boost, it’s a superb stimulant alternative to coffee.

These drought-resistant, long-living plants can be arranged in a row to create a lovely, bee-friendly evergreen hedge. One plant may be all you need in your garden because a little bit goes a long way.


The calming effects of mullein may aid in the recovery of bronchial respiratory infections. Formulas for cough remedies frequently include the leaves. Give this magnificent and regal biannual plenty of room while marvelling.

A rosette of large, hairy leaves will give way to a robust stem with yellow flowers that will grow nearly 6 feet tall.


The small leaves and delicate stems of this groundcover conceal the incredible power that Europeans in the Middle Ages ascribed to it. Many thought that the herb might increase bravery and prevent nightmares.

The antibacterial and antiseptic qualities of thyme’s oils are relied upon by contemporary herbalists to stave off winter colds and flu. Beyond the pure species, there are other cultivars, such as citrus fruits with sweet flavours that are excellent for children’s upset stomachs. Learn more about thyme’s health advantages.


According to several research, lavender, which has long been known for its pleasant scent, also has health advantages as a mild antidepressant that may also be good for your nervous system.

Dependable source If you want to sleep better and feel less stressed, add lavender oil to your bath. It is also a component of lotions used to treat acne and sunburn. Lavender plants that are woody favour hot, sunny, and dry climates.

When used in moderation to salads, honey, butter, lemonade, and even shortbread biscuits, the fresh blooms are delectable. Try using the aromatic dried flowers to make an eye pillow or herbal heating pad if you’re crafty.

French chamomile

The delicate, apple-scented chamomile proves that gentle doesn’t necessarily equate to ineffectual. It is cultivated largely for its tiny, yellow-bellied blooms. One of the greatest herbs for treating colic, anxiety, infections, and gastrointestinal problems in children is chamomile.

How to Get Rid of a Stressful Job

You had the courage to leave a hostile work environment. You now have the right to restore your self-assurance and put the burden of a toxic environment behind you.

The author of this post provides advice on how to recover, move on, and succeed in your new position.

You can overcome setbacks and improve your resilience by being patient and kind to yourself.

It’s no secret that modern workers want to work in settings where their minds and emotions may flourish. Today’s workforce is less tolerant of rude behaviour, inadequate communication, and office drama.

In fact, a recent study by MIT’s Sloan School of Management revealed that a poisonous workplace culture is the main cause of employee departure and is 10.4 times more likely to do so than pay.

Your health may benefit from escaping the barrage of stress that results from working in a dysfunctional environment. However, it might be challenging to completely move over the impacts of a toxic workplace.

In the course of my work as an executive coach, I’ve seen innumerable smart, competent professionals struggle to move past the unpredictableness, incitement to fear, and sometimes bullying they experienced.

They occasionally bring heightened awareness and reaction into their subsequent roles, which has an impact on both their performance and satisfaction.

Consider Gerald, who had been a project manager at a software business for three months. His first 90 days had been a success by all accounts.

He had established good ties with important parties and had put new, urgently required procedures into place. In spite of these outcomes, Gerald was still uneasy about his new manager. I’m scarred by my last part, he said to me.

To prevent my supervisor from twisting and using my words against me, I had to take extraordinary caution when speaking. I could never broach a difficult subject without him blowing out.

It was evident that Gerald’s prior exposure to a poisonous workplace had left a lasting impression. He is not alone either. Given the high rates of employee burnout and departure, workplace trauma is an issue that is both genuine and under-discussed but that is now increasingly crucial to address.

It can result from a wide range of negative behaviours, including racism, social exclusion, verbal harassment, and employment uncertainty.

One technology strategist asked, “Has anyone ever had toxic workplace PTSD? “, which perfectly encapsulated the daily experience of living with professional trauma. Like, when you hear the chime of an incoming email, do you immediately go into “fight, flight, or freeze mode”? Just you?

You’ve already completed the most difficult step by making the courageous choice to leave a hostile workplace. You now have the right to restore your self-assurance and put the burden of a toxic environment behind you. Here’s how to move on, get better, and succeed in your new position.

Find closure.

You might be angry with the people who treated you poorly. Or perhaps you constantly go over conversations and circumstances in your thoughts and consider what you might have done or said differently. Rumination of this kind is typical and understandable. The brain despises uncertainty and will make an effort to find solutions to problems, even if doing so is counterproductive.

The urge for cognitive closure is strong, and it can aid us in achieving acceptance that enables us to move on to something new after something is ended. For instance, Gerald still harboured resentment toward his old supervisor, who attacked him when he tried to be of assistance and didn’t seem to value Gerald. Gerald understood that his employer would never apologise to him and that he neither needed nor wanted one. He needed to be kind to himself and to forgive himself. It was a potent self-healing exercise when I asked Gerald to write a letter to his former self, telling him that he did the best he could with the resources, information, and experience he had at the time.

Give yourself time to mourn the loss of leaving a job, no matter how toxic it may have been. Think about performing a ritual of release, such as composing a “goodbye” letter that you don’t send, archiving or erasing your work files, or trashing old paperwork.

Become in charge of what you can.

No one ever deserves to be mistreated, bullied, or abused, yet a typical reaction to trauma is self-blame. You can start to wonder, “What if I had spoken up sooner?” or experience shame over the abuse you received.

Regaining your power through taking action that enhances your feeling of self and practising self-compassion both help you to regain your confidence.

Consider the scenario where your previous position required you to be available at all times. Shaming oneself for being a “pushover” is not helpful. After all, it was your former employer’s fault for maintaining a “always-on” climate and distributing an excessive amount of work.

In order to speak up when you feel a project isn’t feasible or sustainable in your new capacity, it is much more beneficial to focus your energy on honing your assertiveness abilities. By explicitly stating your boundaries and expectations, put what you learnt from your previous work to good use.

Create a trigger plan.

Be mindful of circumstances at your new employment that feel familiar to you because they trigger previous stress responses. Knowing which events are most likely to emotionally trigger you can help you create a strategy for dealing with them. Being left out, feeling helpless, or sensing rejection are often triggers.

Gerald was especially nervous before one-on-one meetings with his new manager because of his past experiences with a vindictive supervisor. Gerald was able to calm his nervous system by connecting the dots and taking a few deep breaths before the event. He also started paying attention to the stories he was telling himself.

When his employer didn’t provide him encouraging input at first, he first believed, “Here we go again. Similar to my previous work, this one. My boss doesn’t value me at all. Gerald learned to recognise that unproductive inner dialogue and evaluate their connection based solely on its own merits, without extrapolating prior events.

Cherish the good times.

The brain is constantly on guard for possible threats, but this is particularly true after trauma. This is why even after beginning a new role in a safer setting, you could be sensitive to potential slights, critiques, and threats. Savoring, a psychological strategy that includes transforming happy, transient moments into happy experiences and beliefs, can help you rewire this inclination. It has been demonstrated that savouring makes people feel happier, more satisfied, and more capable.

Here are some techniques you can use.

Positive reflection.

Meditating for 10 minutes each day on the feelings and thoughts associated with a pleasant experience.

Three positives.

Daily journaling of three happy occurrences and consideration of their causes.

Spreading to others

Making it a habit to share your “daily highs” with a friend or loved one.


Savouring the occasions during the day when you were able to use your skills.

Optimistic imagination

Considering the following day and carefully visualising all the positive outcomes that might occur.


When you’ve gained someone’s trust in your new work, think about letting them in. Everyone will feel differently about disclosure, but for some people, talking about your past experiences can be a crucial step toward healing. Above all else, look for yourself. Even when not recuperating from the impacts of a toxic office environment, adjusting to a new job can be difficult. You may overcome setbacks and improve your resilience with time and compassion for yourself.

Source: Harvard Business Reviews

The Health Benefits of Sex

Various studies suggests that benefits of sex may improve some aspects of people’s well-being and physical health. However, many of the research on the issue are now out of date, and not everyone could profit from them.

Scientific studies have shown a number of potential advantages of sexual activity beyond reproduction. Some of these benefits include maintaining heart health, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing immunity.

Additionally, sex can enhance your emotions, relationships, and mental health. In this piece, we examine potential health advantages of sex and highlight pertinent data, emphasising the physical rather than the emotional.

Support for heart health

In particular for women, partnered sex seems to have some preventive effects on cardiovascular health. A 2016 study examined the potential health advantages of regular partner sex.

According to this study, women who are sexually active had a lower risk of developing heart problems in later life. High levels of sexual activity, the study found, may, however, put men at greater risk for cardiovascular problems.

Additional investigations are required to confirm this risk because this finding defies the majority of past evidence. Benefits of sex is safe for heart-related patients, both men and women, should be discussed with their physician. In order to determine how often and how intensely they engage in sexual activity, it is important for them to be detailed.

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Lower blood pressure

Blood pressure was examined as one of the indicators of heart health in the same 2016 study. Researchers discovered that elderly women with high blood pressure were less likely to be satisfied with their sex life. The study’s authors, however, did not discover the same outcomes in older men.

The American Heart Association (AHA) claims that having high blood pressure might have an impact on a man’s libido as well as his capacity to get and keep an erection. Erectile dysfunction and decreased libido are also side effects of high blood pressure medication.

Although it cannot prove a benefit, this may indicate a connection between blood pressure and sexual health. When it comes to sexual activity, many persons with high blood pressure, or hypertension, worry about their safety.

Although it is always vital to see a doctor, having sex is mostly safe for those with high blood pressure. A person can speak with their doctor if taking a hypertension medication is producing sexual problems as they might be able to recommend an alternative prescription or dosage to lessen the side effects.

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Increasing the immunity of the body

Benefits of Sex early studies revealed that having sex frequently improved the immune system’s performance. Researchers discovered that individuals who engaged in frequent sex—defined as one to two times per week—had higher levels of immunoglobin A (IgA) in their bodies than non-frequent users.

IgA is an antibody that resides in mucosal tissue, including the tissue of the vagina, nose, and salivary glands. It is crucial to note that this study was published in 2004 and has not been followed up on afterwards. A fresh investigation might produce different findings.

Enhancing sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sexual engagement has hormonal advantages for sleep. Benefits of sex the hormones that make you feel less stressed and anxious also make you tired. The bodily chemicals oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins are released during sexual activity. Another hormone called prolactin begins to circulate after an orgasm. Feelings of relaxation and satisfaction are brought on by prolactin.

Lowering the risk of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer risk may be decreased by frequent ejaculation, according to an early study from 2004. The study looked at the frequency of ejaculation in over 30,000 individuals at various stages of their lives. Benefits of Sex, they came to the conclusion that males who ejaculated more frequently—more than 21 times per month—had a decreased risk of prostate cancer than those who did so only 4–7 times each month.

Reducing tension

A healthy method to decompress naturally is through sex. A 2019 study examined the impact of romantic connection on cortisol levels. The body releases the steroid hormone cortisol in response to stress.

The study’s findings showed that intimate displays, whether sexual or not, were effective in bringing cortisol levels in both males and females back to normal. This stress-relieving impact of sex may be due to the production of “feel-good” chemicals such as oxytocin, endorphins, and others.

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It’s important to keep in mind that having sex without protection can be harmful to general health, even though it might be enjoyable and possibly healthy. STIs and unintended pregnancy are risks for people who engage in sexual activity without utilising contraception.

These results can be avoided by using a condom or another form of contraception. If someone has several partners, they can lower the risk by limiting the number of people they have sex with. One should consult a medical practitioner if having sex gets uncomfortable or results in bleeding.

What are the benefits of chamomile tea ?

For a long time, chamomile tea has been used as a common folk cure for a variety of health problems. Researchers are now looking more into how well it works to treat diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Research on the effectiveness of chamomile tea has so far yielded promising results. Studies do differ, though, with some demonstrating definite advantages over complementary therapies while others only hinting at them.

Chamomile tea is generally safe to use in addition to other treatments, but it shouldn’t take the place of conventional medical care when someone has a serious condition.

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What is chamomile tea?

Different chamomile teas have different strengths, with some having much more chamomile than others. In addition, those who are susceptible to them are more likely to have negative effects from stronger teas. As a result, it is safest to begin with a small dose and gradually increase it.

Flavonoids are a class of compounds found in chamomile. The nutrients known as flavonoids, which are found in many plants, are crucial to the therapeutic properties of chamomile. The particular compounds in chamomile that contribute to its advantages are still unknown to researchers.

The advantages of chamomile tea

The chamomile tea advantages for which the greatest evidence is available include:

Pain relief for menstruation

Chamomile tea has been related in several studies to less severe menstrual cramps. For instance, a 2010 study discovered that drinking chamomile tea for a month helped lessen the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Less anxiety and anguish related to period pain was also noted by study participants.

Managing diabetes and blood sugar levels

Once more, certain research have revealed that chamomile tea can help diabetics lower their blood sugar levels. While chamomile cannot replace diabetic drugs, research suggests that it may be a useful addition to current therapies.

Similar to this, a 2008 mouse study discovered that regular chamomile tea consumption may prevent blood sugar levels from rising. This impact lowers the long-term chance of developing diabetes complications, indicating that chamomile may enhance the course of diabetes.

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Treating or avoiding osteoporosis

Losing bone density over time is osteoporosis. The likelihood of broken bones and hunched posture is increased by this loss. Osteoporosis can affect everyone, but post-menopausal women are the ones who are more likely to acquire it.

The effects of oestrogen may be to blame for this propensity. According to a 2004 studychamomile tea may have anti-estrogenic properties. Additionally, it assisted in promoting bone density, though the authors of the study warn that more research is required to confirm this potential advantage.

Inflammation reduction

An immune system response to an infection is inflammation. Chemicals in chamomile tea may help to relieve inflammation. dependable source But persistent inflammation is connected to a variety of illnesses, such as haemorrhoids, gastrointestinal discomfort, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and even depression.

Cancer prevention and treatment

According to some research, chamomile tea may either target cancer cells or perhaps stop them from forming in the first place. Scientists say further research is necessary to substantiate chamomile’s anti-cancer claims because the available evidence is equivocal.

Additionally, rather than using human clinical models, the majority of research has examined animal ones. The effectiveness of chamomile and marigold teas in preventing cancer was examined in a 2012 study (Reliable Source). Both had the ability to preferentially target cancer tumours, but marigold tea’s effects were stronger.

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Treating the signs of a cold

According to a reliable source, inhaling steam infused with chamomile extract can help with some cold symptoms. But this benefit has not yet been demonstrated.

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Minor skin problems are treated

In a short 1987 study, it was discovered that topically rubbing chamomile extract into a wound promoted healing. Similarly, a few research Source have indicated that while chamomile ointments are not as efficient as hydrocortisone cream, they may aid with minor inflammatory skin problems like eczema.

Aiding with relaxation and sleep

Many individuals believe that chamomile tea can induce relaxation and sleep. But there haven’t been many clinical experiments to test this. 10 of 12 cardiovascular patients are reported to have slept off soon after drinking chamomile tea in one analysis of the available research.

Chamomile tea may aid in relaxation, according to a few previous research that used clinical models. In a rat study, chamomile extract promoted sleep in sleep-deprived animals.

Many scientists think chamomile tea might have benzodiazepine-like effects. Prescription medications known as benzodiazepines can ease anxiety and promote sleep. According to several studies, chamomile interacts with benzodiazepine receptors.

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Who should keep it away from chamomile tea?

Unless specifically instructed differently by a physician, the following categories should avoid chamomile:

  • Those who have experienced severe allergies in the past, especially to pollens: Chamomile may be contaminated with pollen from other plants and hence induce an allergic reaction.
  • People who have ever experienced an allergic reaction, no matter how minor, to chamomile products should stay away from the herb because allergic reactions might worsen with time.
  • Babies and small children: Chamomile tea may contain botulism spores, much as honey and certain other natural items. Infants might not be able to fight off the infection, but the majority of healthy people can. Honey and products containing chamomile should be avoided by newborns and young children, according to several specialists.

If a person is on any drugs, they should see their doctor regarding possible chamomile tea drug interactions.


Since ancient times, chamomile tea has been utilised in folk medicine, frequently with positive outcomes. It is currently a supplement, not a drug, though. Those who want to try chamomile tea should do so in addition to, not in place of, their regular prescription schedule. Regular use, such as 1 to 2 cups per day, may result in minor health gains.

Best Advice For Brainstorming Techniques

An essential step in the creative process is brainstorming techniques, which frequently brings together unrelated ideas to provide novel solutions.

The secret to their success, no matter what genre they write in, is creativity. Due to the unique methods they employ in their profession, many people have successful careers.

The tips and approaches in this article will help you increase your capacity for original thought. To conduct a brainstorming techniques, follow the step-by-step directions provided here.

In order to guarantee your success, we have also included a list of the best free apps.

What Is Brainstorming?

Finding a unique solution to a challenging issue might be accomplished through brainstorming techniques. Finding the issue is the first stage in the brainstorming procedure. 

The following step is to come up with as many potential solutions as you can, no matter how bizarre or spectacular they may seem. 

Finally, the solutions that offer the most innovative means of resolving the issue are chosen. 

A business meeting can be planned informally via brainstorming. Additionally, it can be used for private uses, particularly by those with creative minds. 

The fundamental objective is to refrain from rewarding or condemning any of the ideas.

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How Can Brainstorming Help Me Write Better?

Because of how much our culture has conditioned our minds, thinking creatively gets harder and harder as we age.

In order to produce quality writing, the finest method you can employ is brainstorming. Self-criticism and conventional thinking are silenced. To capture your ideas, use a voice recorder or a pen and paper.

Never categorize your thoughts as good or negative. Just take notes as they come to you.

Writing is divided into six stages. The first step is to come up with topical concepts. You then outline your task, come up with content ideas, and plan your work. Most people have writer’s block after this step.

The hardest part of your project will be writing during this period, but if you get through it, you can finish it. Each of these steps can be aided by brainstorming.

The best way to develop your writing abilities is to use brainstorming techniques, which is a creative exercise. In addition to the suggestions below, we advise you to look through our database of essays to make this procedure even more fruitful.

Personal brainstorming

It is widely believed that conventional thinking is the most fruitful kind of thinking. But this is frequently demonstrably false in the case of creative jobs. The worth of musicians, writers, poets, and painters is in their originality. Individual brainstorming techniques have been shown to bring in more worthwhile outcomes than group brainstorming sessions. One explanation would be that when you work alone, you aren’t worried about what other people will think of your ideas. You can be more creative and liberated on your own.

Collective Thought

With straightforward issues and general concepts, the individual approach is more effective. However, when a difficult topic is involved, group brainstorming is ideal. Complex problems call for the contributions of many distinct viewpoints. For instance, during the brainstorming process for an audit, a manager’s input only makes up a small portion of the discussion. Each worker ought to be given the opportunity to suggest potential answers.

Brainstorming Techniques

You may spend all day attempting to come up with a unique idea to write on some subjects because they are so challenging. It can be difficult to write tough philosophical writings. There are times when a topic presents an impossible number of options for finishing the task, yet none seem appropriate. In each of these situations, a fruitful brainstorming session is typically the first stop on your road to achievement.

Also Read: Power Words – How to Use Strong Words to Write Headlines

Phase 1: Coming up with Topic Ideas

You must decide what you want to write about before you start. Your study area will be constrained by this choice. Here are five methods to assist you.


Brainwriting is a fantastic approach to produce original ideas, foster creativity, and share new perspectives. Bernd Rohrbach, a German marketing strategist, created it in 1969.

Team members that are quiet or reserved may be afraid to speak up during brainstorming sessions.

By enabling users to write down their ideas instead, brainwriting gets over these restrictions and ensures that everyone has an equal chance to participate.

It also encourages people to consider their ideas more carefully and gives them the chance to expand on suggestions made by others.


Freewriting is a technique where the writer swiftly and continually expresses their ideas without regard to syntax, style, or even form. Early in the writing process, freewriting is frequently used in conjunction with brainstorming techniques to gather and organize concepts.


Your mental discipline will benefit from it. Better attention, concentration, creativity, and productivity will result from this, which will enable you to write more fluidly, confidently, and clearly.

You’re learning how to let go of everything else and concentrate solely on one thing. It depends on the day, the weather, your mood, and what you ate this morning how that feels. Acceptance, being present in the moment without resistance, and meditation are all related.

Also Read: How to Use Positive Thinking to Grow Your Personal Life

The criminal method

Stealing the top title is usually a smart idea. This approach is ideal for choosing a title for your essay. Find about ten texts that are similar to the one you must write. Examine the positives and negatives of their titles. Then, incorporate the noteworthy components into your own unique title.

Challenge of the worst idea

The Worst Possible Idea method is a creative and useful icebreaker for ideation. It’s possible for awful concepts to work. When nothing else has worked, try this. Make a list of the worst possible topic suggestions.

You’ll be astonished to learn that some of them are not as horrible as you initially believed. Our brain is wired for common sense and critical analysis, the exact opposite of what you want when attempting to be creative.

They become more at ease, more self-assured, and more creative during the “inverted” search process, which allows them to study these concepts, question their presumptions, and acquire insights into truly innovative ideas.

Phase 2: Planning Your Work

You’ve created a list of ideas that exactly match your task; congratulations! You must now decide on only one, though. You need to make plans now for how and where you will look for content to include in your paper.

SWOT analysis is an excellent resource for you.

SWOT evaluation

This method is typically used to assess a company’s advantages and disadvantages, but it can also be applied to evaluate concepts for imaginative purposes. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is referred to as SWOT.

Compare the topic’s advantages and potential with its drawbacks and risks to determine its viability. Select a different topic if the latter outweighs the former.

Phase 3: Drafting

Students and copywriters alike frequently find this to be the most tedious part of the writing process. But when you get to the writing stage, you’ll be glad your plan is so organized and thorough. These two methods can make the medicine more appealing.

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Idea mapping and clustering

Make a drawing of every thought you have about the topic of choice. This method is excellent for establishing the connections between issues, their causes, and their effects.

Try to incorporate some advantages in your writing and build a line between them and their benefits. You can also put ideas and their reasons. When you’re through, you’ll have a thorough diagram to use while you build any strategy for your position.

Phase 4: Developing Content Ideas

As soon as your outline is complete, you must create the minute content components that make up an engaging paper. Although any of the methods mentioned above can assist in coming up with content ideas, the following brainstorming techniques have particular advantages at this point.

Brainstorming in reverse

This is a helpful tool for essays that must present a fix for an issue. The brainstorming process is applied in reverse in this situation. Consider a factor that might contribute to or exacerbate the stated issue.

The better the outcomes, the worse they are! Continue doing this until your brainstorming is a complete failure. Next, start thinking about how to solve those issues.

Five whys

An iterative interrogative method called “five whys” is used to investigate the cause-and-effect connections underpinning a specific issue.

This method will help you get to the heart of any problem. Consider a situation, consider the cause of it, and then put down your response. Next, determine what caused the last thing you observed. five times through the same sequence.


Role-storming is a brainstorming approach where participants share their ideas and thoughts while acting like different persons.

It plays, silliness, and laughing to actually reduce these shyness. Use this strategy to promote idea sharing and gain fresh insight into situations. Rick Griggs created the concept of role-storming.

Figuring Storming

Practicing “placing yourself in someone else’s shoes” is known as Storming.

If there is a specific person you like, such as a famous person or an expert in your profession, try imagining how they could approach the situation or what solutions they may propose.

It might serve as a starting point for your creative process.

Question everything

Questioning leads to consideration, and consideration promotes understanding. So by asking questions about everything, you’re trying to comprehend everything better.

The technique’s name gives it away, but the next example will help people understand it better. By challenging every aspect of the topics you discuss, you will find fresh perspectives.

For example,

Consider the benefits and drawbacks of mobile phones.

Questions will be like: Are there any benefits to using a mobile phone? cell phones? Is the problem really worth thinking about?

Phase 5: Overcoming Writer’s Block

Overcoming writer’s block is a difficult process that frequently depends on the individual and is highly subjective.

Everybody dreads the empty page. It can be difficult to start writing, even when you have a framework and a list of original ideas. They want everything to be flawless right away, which is a common issue with perfectionists. Freestorming can be used to get around this obstacle.


Similar to freewriting, which was covered in the chapter on coming up with topic ideas, freestorming is a great way to brainstorm. Freestorming differs in that you are not need to set a predetermined time restriction for yourself.

Write anything that comes to mind about the issue after taking as much time as necessary. The brainstorming process can be made more enjoyable because you are no longer restricted to only subject generation.

Phase 5: Writing

The methods mentioned above most likely produced so many ideas that you will need to choose which ones to include in your text. Choosing the appropriate words may now be another challenge for you. The method listed below will be helpful for that.

Word banks

Make a note of the five to ten words that appear most frequently in your content to prevent using them more than once. Look for synonyms and incorporate them throughout your work to add variety.

10 Best Free Brainstorming Software

It is possible to brainstorm both individually and in groups. It is a highly forgiving method of solving problems creatively. Participants share sometimes bizarre ideas in the hopes of coming up with a very clever answer. Platforms for individual brainstorming will contain similar helpful tools to those for group brainstorming, with the exception of a collaborative feature. You can come up with ideas on your own and then share them with others.


A group of people who have varied backgrounds, perspectives, and areas of expertise come together during a brainstorming session to develop something new.

When done properly, brainstorming can assist you in coming up with innovative solutions to issues. Because they contributed ideas and helped develop the solutions, it may also inspire people to support them.

Combining individual and group brainstorming is the most effective strategy. We hope that our guidance and pointers will improve your originality as a writer and a team member. During the process, there shouldn’t be any criticism of ideas, and innovation should be encouraged.

5 Useful Advice to Stop Feeling Insecure

Stop Feeling Insecure, most people are aware with the struggles related to self-doubt and anxiety in the face of public scrutiny. These problems are more common than usual when there have been considerable changes. 

For instance, a first-year student might experience these things when they enroll in a new class, relocate, or take on new duties. At initially, not everything will be ideal.

But it doesn’t imply you should belittle your accomplishments and place the blame on yourself. In order to boost your confidence, this article seeks to remind you of these realities.

Why Am I Stop Feeling Insecure?

Your connection with your parents, social sickness, or perfectionism are the three typical responses to this query. They are fully discussed in our essay database and the relevant online publications.

Let’s quickly review each of them:

Relationships with your parents that are disconnected.

An individual’s sense of personal security is largely influenced by their relationship with their parents. Early partnerships lay the groundwork for future relationships that person will build throughout their lives.

Trauma or maltreatment might cause someone to have an insecure attachment style. As a result, they experience emotional anxiety, which might undermine their sense of confidence.

Social sickness

Similar to most emotional problems, social anxiety frequently starts in childhood. Exclusion from friend groups, parental pressure, bullying, discrimination, or other traumatic situations might cause it to manifest. People who experience social anxiety have distorted views of their own worth.

It gives them the impression that people are continually criticizing their behavior. These people experience self-consciousness out of a dread of being judged and seen to be inadequate.

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Paying attention to detail and ensuring that your work is of a high caliber are admirable traits. But if you push it too far, perfectionism can result, which will constantly make you feel let down.

After all, there is no way to guarantee that every action you take will be successful. Your confidence and self-esteem will dramatically decline if you continue to blame yourself for your incapability to be flawless.

Can I Do Anything?

It will be lot simpler for you to control your self-doubt if you can identify where it comes from. First of all, you can view your circumstance from a fresh perspective once you grasp the cause of your feelings. You might start believing in yourself after hearing it. The second is that each problem has a special solution:

If you lack confidence as a result of

Relationships with your parents that are disconnected.

Improve your interpersonal skills by being more open and vulnerable. Your mind will become accustomed to connecting and being vulnerable with others as a result. Convince your loved ones to spend time with you by making a deliberate effort to contact them. Discuss your worries with a trusted friend. It’s possible that acknowledging your insecurities will make them easier for you to deal with.

Social sickness

Instead of focusing on yourself and your activities, consider others. Pay attention to what those close to you are doing, saying, or feeling. Look for areas of similarity or a shared interest between you and them. Avoiding social settings can only make your nervousness worse.


Keep in mind that “perfection” is unattainable. In addition, every person will have a unique perspective on the same issue. No one is likely to pay as much attention to the tiny things as you do. The level of work you put into a project is what matters most. An outcome that is “good enough” in some cases is acceptable.

Changing negative perceptions

It is simple to fall victim to a vicious cycle of pessimism and self-blame when anything goes wrong. You will only strengthen your feelings of guilt and insecurity if you keep dragging yourself down. Learning how to change your mind habit is crucial because of this.

You can take the following actions to begin honing your reframing approach in accordance with cognitive behavioral therapy:

Also Read: How to Use Positive Thinking to Grow Your Personal Life

Identify your negative ideas.

Being aware of your negative thought patterns is the first step in successfully managing them. Obviously, it is much simpler to say than to accomplish. You must therefore be aware of your thoughts and ideas. Make an effort to identify people who might prove detrimental. Keep a mental (or physical! ) note of how your thoughts are making you feel.

Self-reflection is encouraged.

Take a moment to collect yourself when you become aware of a negative thought. What caused the thought to emerge? Is it beneficial? If you were advising a buddy, would you think the same thing? To check if your way of thinking is productive, go through this set of questions.

Consider the actual circumstance.

Your emotional interpretations of reality often cloud your rational thinking. Put your emotions aside as you consider the situation objectively. Do your thoughts accurately represent the circumstances you are facing? Only give thought to the assertions that you currently believe to be true.

Try to adopt a different viewpoint.

These exercises are meant to help you find an alternative to your negative thought habits. Redirect your thinking after identifying your negative ideas and identifying the situation’s true circumstances. In other words, envision a positive and helpful story rather than dwelling on all the things that could go wrong.

Develop self-compassion

You need to develop compassion before you can become confident. Instead of being kind to those around you, be kind to yourself since the point of this is to become your biggest fan and best friend. You will undoubtedly learn self-worth and how to forgive yourself for your errors as a result.

Never underestimate your emotions.

Recognize your emotional states and give them names. You’ll be able to resolve your internal disputes more successfully.

Be kind to yourself.

Never undervalue the importance of taking care of oneself, and don’t be afraid to be kind to yourself. When you need assistance, give yourself a hug.

Attempt to be mindful

You may be totally present in the moment and experience the entire range of emotions by practicing mindfulness.

By developing the ability to live through your emotions, self-compassion will be strengthened.

Prioritizing your own interests is the only way to ensure that you receive adequate care and consideration.

Also Read: Yoga to Reduce Headaches

Highly Effective People’s Habits

  • Take initiative.
  • Consider the end when starting.
  • prioritize your needs first.
  • Think win-win.
  • Prioritize understanding over being understood.


When it comes to enhancing your self-esteem, positive thinking is a strong tool. However, it might be difficult to put into practice, particularly for those with many fears. We advise you to start with affirmations because of this.

We appreciate you reading our content. We think it will give you more self-assurance and self-awareness. Send your friends a link to this page if you think our advice will be helpful to them.

How to Write the Body of an Essay

Seek advice from professionals on how to write your essay’s body. Students in high school and college can find study advice and homework assistance. It is your responsibility as a writer to decide how many body paragraphs are necessary for the structure, pacing, and topic of your essay.

However many you decide, keep in mind that these paragraphs are the “heart” of your writing and serve an important purpose. Body paragraphs include specifics, supporting information, and evidence for your thesis.

Make sure they are well-developed because they provide all the knowledge you have learned and all the ideas you have created. You will further divide your body paragraphs into “subject sentences,” “support,” and, occasionally, “transitions,” which together make up the bulk of your essay.

Since the body paragraphs are what constitute the “meat” of the essay, it is crucial that they provide solid proof for your thesis. However, it’s more crucial that you keep in mind to confine each body paragraph to a single idea.

Also Read: How To Write An Introduction For An Essay

A Body Paragraph’s Parts

Topic sentences

The first sentence of each body paragraph is a topic sentence. Make sure they are exact, directional, and unambiguous because they decide what each paragraph will be about. Consider it a brief summary that clarifies the point of the preceding paragraph and directs the reader’s attention to the information that follows. It is crucial that you confine the remainder of your paragraph to the concept expressed in your topic sentence. A new paragraph should be started whenever you veer off-topic or offer material that is not directly related to the topic at hand.

Length of body of the paper

Depending on the genre of essay, the body length will vary. The body of your essay should make up 60–80% of it on average. This might only be three paragraphs for a high school essay, but it might take eight to ten pages for a 6,000-word graduate school essay.


Your body paragraphs will contain details that back up your claim and thesis, so be careful to mention specific examples while creating your outline! This supports and validates your research. It shouldn’t be minimised. Your study must to be thoroughly recorded and supported by a variety of sources. You must now demonstrate your knowledge. Explain every concept in detail and include citations as necessary. Don’t stop at providing proof; also explain what it means and why it supports your position.


It is crucial to incorporate transitions in your outline in order to improve the flow of your work; make sure you have a manner of tying together, developing, and transitioning from one point to the next. If not, a reader will become confused. Making smooth transitions between paragraphs is crucial. Here are a few instances of transitional phrases: however, furthermore, further, however, conversely, likewise. If you’re stuck, it’s simple to Google complete lists online.


When making sure your body paragraph is thorough and well-developed, keep the following in mind:

  • My paragraph’s key idea will be controlled and governed by a precise topic sentence.
  • The topic sentence and the overall thesis of my text are both supported by the specific evidence I have offered.
  • All pertinent evidence has been cited.
  • I have explained and emphasized an analysis of the information I have researched rather than just regurgitating it.
  • I’ve given and described instances.
  • I have a single, well-developed paragraph that is neither irrelevant nor endless.
  • Transitions are made between ideas and paragraphs.
  • I’ve conclude and am now preparing the reader to go on to the following thought.

A Few Examples Of Improper Paragraph Elements


Writers might sometimes become mired in their own thoughts. Some authors may include information that are extraneous, outside the argument, or even wholly unrelated, instead of sticking to the road map laid out in the first line of a paragraph with their main phrase.

  • Do the sentences you write in the body of the paragraph adhere to your topic sentence?
  • Is this data brand-new?
  • Is a new paragraph necessary here?
  • Does this even matter for my case?

Insufficient Clarity

We sometimes fail to practice simplicity. Keep things simple if you don’t want to screw up your body. Be sure to be concise and avoid filling the paragraph with concepts that might be jumbled, disorganized, or overly complex.

No Analysis

Finding supporting evidence for your claim is fantastic, but it is useless if it isn’t communicated. The purpose of your choice of evidence, what it means for your claim, and how you, as a writer and researcher, processed it are all things that readers are interested in learning.