For a long time, chamomile tea has been used as a common folk cure for a variety of health problems. Researchers are now looking more into how well it works to treat diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Research on the effectiveness of chamomile tea has so far yielded promising results. Studies do differ, though, with some demonstrating definite advantages over complementary therapies while others only hinting at them.

Chamomile tea is generally safe to use in addition to other treatments, but it shouldn’t take the place of conventional medical care when someone has a serious condition.

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What is chamomile tea?

Different chamomile teas have different strengths, with some having much more chamomile than others. In addition, those who are susceptible to them are more likely to have negative effects from stronger teas. As a result, it is safest to begin with a small dose and gradually increase it.

Flavonoids are a class of compounds found in chamomile. The nutrients known as flavonoids, which are found in many plants, are crucial to the therapeutic properties of chamomile. The particular compounds in chamomile that contribute to its advantages are still unknown to researchers.

The advantages of chamomile tea

The chamomile tea advantages for which the greatest evidence is available include:

Pain relief for menstruation

Chamomile tea has been related in several studies to less severe menstrual cramps. For instance, a 2010 study discovered that drinking chamomile tea for a month helped lessen the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Less anxiety and anguish related to period pain was also noted by study participants.

Managing diabetes and blood sugar levels

Once more, certain research have revealed that chamomile tea can help diabetics lower their blood sugar levels. While chamomile cannot replace diabetic drugs, research suggests that it may be a useful addition to current therapies.

Similar to this, a 2008 mouse study discovered that regular chamomile tea consumption may prevent blood sugar levels from rising. This impact lowers the long-term chance of developing diabetes complications, indicating that chamomile may enhance the course of diabetes.

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Treating or avoiding osteoporosis

Losing bone density over time is osteoporosis. The likelihood of broken bones and hunched posture is increased by this loss. Osteoporosis can affect everyone, but post-menopausal women are the ones who are more likely to acquire it.

The effects of oestrogen may be to blame for this propensity. According to a 2004 studychamomile tea may have anti-estrogenic properties. Additionally, it assisted in promoting bone density, though the authors of the study warn that more research is required to confirm this potential advantage.

Inflammation reduction

An immune system response to an infection is inflammation. Chemicals in chamomile tea may help to relieve inflammation. dependable source But persistent inflammation is connected to a variety of illnesses, such as haemorrhoids, gastrointestinal discomfort, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and even depression.

Cancer prevention and treatment

According to some research, chamomile tea may either target cancer cells or perhaps stop them from forming in the first place. Scientists say further research is necessary to substantiate chamomile’s anti-cancer claims because the available evidence is equivocal.

Additionally, rather than using human clinical models, the majority of research has examined animal ones. The effectiveness of chamomile and marigold teas in preventing cancer was examined in a 2012 study (Reliable Source). Both had the ability to preferentially target cancer tumours, but marigold tea’s effects were stronger.

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Treating the signs of a cold

According to a reliable source, inhaling steam infused with chamomile extract can help with some cold symptoms. But this benefit has not yet been demonstrated.

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Minor skin problems are treated

In a short 1987 study, it was discovered that topically rubbing chamomile extract into a wound promoted healing. Similarly, a few research Source have indicated that while chamomile ointments are not as efficient as hydrocortisone cream, they may aid with minor inflammatory skin problems like eczema.

Aiding with relaxation and sleep

Many individuals believe that chamomile tea can induce relaxation and sleep. But there haven’t been many clinical experiments to test this. 10 of 12 cardiovascular patients are reported to have slept off soon after drinking chamomile tea in one analysis of the available research.

Chamomile tea may aid in relaxation, according to a few previous research that used clinical models. In a rat study, chamomile extract promoted sleep in sleep-deprived animals.

Many scientists think chamomile tea might have benzodiazepine-like effects. Prescription medications known as benzodiazepines can ease anxiety and promote sleep. According to several studies, chamomile interacts with benzodiazepine receptors.

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Who should keep it away from chamomile tea?

Unless specifically instructed differently by a physician, the following categories should avoid chamomile:

  • Those who have experienced severe allergies in the past, especially to pollens: Chamomile may be contaminated with pollen from other plants and hence induce an allergic reaction.
  • People who have ever experienced an allergic reaction, no matter how minor, to chamomile products should stay away from the herb because allergic reactions might worsen with time.
  • Babies and small children: Chamomile tea may contain botulism spores, much as honey and certain other natural items. Infants might not be able to fight off the infection, but the majority of healthy people can. Honey and products containing chamomile should be avoided by newborns and young children, according to several specialists.

If a person is on any drugs, they should see their doctor regarding possible chamomile tea drug interactions.


Since ancient times, chamomile tea has been utilised in folk medicine, frequently with positive outcomes. It is currently a supplement, not a drug, though. Those who want to try chamomile tea should do so in addition to, not in place of, their regular prescription schedule. Regular use, such as 1 to 2 cups per day, may result in minor health gains.

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