Global Warming and Life on Earth

How is the Earth and its inhabitants being impacted by global warming? The term “greenhouse effect” is sometimes used to describe global warming.

The greenhouse effect is the process through which carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere absorb energy radiated from the Earth’s surface, warming the atmosphere.

The Earth’s temperature is rising due to the greenhouse effect, which is also triggering a number of issues that will start to manifest in the next several decades. Humanity has benefited greatly from the Earth’s climate over the past 10,000 years.

However, significant changes are now occurring. People are inadvertently altering the entire planet’s appearance in an attempt to conduct a global experiment. The ozone layer, which supports life on Earth’s surface, is being destroyed by human activity.

Also Read: 10 Steps You Can Take to Reduce Global Warming

All of these actions are adversely affecting the biosphere’s composition and the Earth’s thermal balance. The planet could get hotter than it has in the last million years if we do not cut back on our use of fossil fuels and stop killing the trees.

Over the past century, the average global temperature has increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

By the middle of the next century, the temperature of the entire planet might increase by five to ten degrees if carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to leak into the atmosphere.

The Northern Hemisphere’s higher latitudes will be the ones with the strongest warnings, with winter seeing the biggest temperature increases.

Summertime highs will typically be far above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Every year, new temperature records will be broken.

The six hottest years of the century have all occurred during the 1980s decade, which may be a sign of future global warming. The additional warmth will cause atmospheric disruptions that will result in more severe storms and a higher mortality toll.

Some regions, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry up and experience an increase in lightning strikes, which will cause large-scale forest fires.

Natural and artificial forest fires will release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as they scorch the Earth. Global warming-related changes in temperature and precipitation will alter the make-up of the woods.

By the middle of the next century, most of the rain forests will have been destroyed at the current rate. As a result, areas that were previously lush will be invaded by man-made deserts.

Additionally, evaporation rates will rise and circulation patterns will alter. Increased rainfall will be seen in other locations as a result of decreased rainfall in some.

River flow may be slowed down or stopped altogether in some areas. There will be sudden downpours in some places, resulting in significant flooding.

The continents’ center regions, which often experience sporadic droughts, could turn into perpetually dry wastelands. Large tracts of once-productive crops could lose topsoil and turn into deserts created by humans.

As the ice caps melt due to warming ocean temperatures, coastal regions—where half of the world’s population lives—will suffer the negative effects of increasing sea levels.

By the middle of the next century, the sea level might rise up to 6 feet if the current melting rate is maintained. Large stretches of coastal land would vanish, along with coral reefs and shallow barrier islands.

Millions of people would lose their homes in low-lying fertile deltas. The sea would retake delicate wetlands, where many marine animals lay their eggs.

Where a greater frequency of extremely severe storms would prowl the ocean stretches, vulnerable coastal cities would need to relocate farther inland or construct defensive walls against the ferocious sea.

There may not be enough time for forests and other habitats for species to adapt to the fast changing climate. The warming will disrupt entire biological communities and lead to the extinction of numerous species.

Much of the terrain could get overrun by weeds and bugs. Since life influences climate in certain ways, it is unclear what long-term consequences a declining biosphere will have on the entire planet.

The likelihood that the climate will change in a way that is unfavorable to humanity is growing, though, as long as man continues to waste the Earth’s resources. Both the greenhouse effect and global warming are correlated.

Incoming solar light that travels through the Earth’s atmosphere yet stops much of the outgoing infrared radiation from escaping into space is known as the “green house effect.”

A long-term increase in the Earth’s average temperature is referred to as global warming. How do they relate to one another? Simply because they are mutually exclusive without the other.

The average surface temperature of the Earth has been maintained at or slightly above 33 degrees Celsius thanks to the natural greenhouse effect.

Water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), ozone (O3), and other trace gases are examples of the natural gases involved in the greenhouse effect.

If there was no natural greenhouse effect, life could not exist. All life on Earth needs to be able to breathe in order for there to be a natural greenhouse effect. If we don’t do our share to protect the environment, there won’t be much left for future generations to live on.

Some greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, are being accumulated in the atmosphere as a result of human activity. More carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere each time we burn fuels like gasoline, oil, coal, or even natural gas.

By removing forest trees, we enable the onset of air pollution. Because of this, there are numerous more issues that arise.

We are permitting more harm to the atmosphere that contributes to global warming since there are no longer any trees to help filter out pollution.

Global warming is the term used to describe how some naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere have a tendency to retain heat from the sun.

The Earth can be heated by retaining the heat from the sun. Numerous natural disasters on Earth, including volcanic eruptions and other events, have changed the temperature of our planet’s atmosphere.

Over the previous century, the surface temperature has risen by one degree Fahrenheit on a global average. This suggests that human effects are to blame for the current warming trend.


There wouldn’t be global warming if there was no greenhouse effect. Together with the influence of humans and other living things, the greenhouse effect contributes to an increase in global temperature.

There are numerous strategies for both protection and prevention. The process of preserving the ozone layer for a longer period of time would take longer if humanity tried to assist. Humans needs to start assisting, nothing will be done.

Types of Essays

Essay writing is a regular school task, a requirement on college applications, and a part of academic standards. Choosing the right sort of essay to write in response to a writing prompt is crucial to answering the question correctly on examinations. Writing various types of essays effectively has become important to academic achievement. 

There are many kinds of essays, making it easy to become confused. Actually, there are four basic types of essays, with variants accounting for the remaining. This can assist writers in condensing their work into a clear, focused, and well-organized essay.

We’ll go over the 4 major types of essays in this article.

Narrative essays

Narrative essays are the most personal form of essay you’ll write because they describe an experience. you have  to use your imagination and creativity.

The writer of a narrative essay describes the journey about a real-life experience. When writing a narrative essay, writers should make the story as realistic as possible in order to engage the reader.

Descriptive essays

Descriptive essays put your ability to process words creatively to create a memorable picture of what you’re describing to the test.

This types of essays give a detailed account of the subject area. It could be a person, a place, an object, or an event. These essays are similar to narrative essays, encourage you to be more creative in your writing. 

The major different is narrative essays tells the complete story, but descriptive essays needs to talk about only the subject area.

Expository essays

An expository essay explains a topic in a straightforward and focused manner. It does not required a creative argument, but rather a well-balanced and well-organized perspective on the subject.

Expository essays examine your knowledge of a topic as well as your ability to structure and communicate information. This type of essays do not show any emotion because they are based on facts rather than personal feelings.

In an expository essay, the writer uses facts, data, and examples to illustrate or clarify a topic. Expository writing includes a variety of essay types, including comparison and contrast essays and cause and effect essays. 

Persuasive essays

Argumentative essay writing is another name for persuasive essay writing.

The purpose of a persuasive essay, like that of an explanatory essay, is to convince the reader to adopt the writer’s point of view or recommendation.

The writer must use facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning, to construct a case.

The writer should offer all sides of the debate, but he or she must be able to convey effectively and without ambiguity.

Persuasive writing is frequently used in advertising campaigns to persuade you to buy something. But it’s not just for marketing; it’s used in a variety of situations.

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is a well-known name around the world. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant scientists of the twenty-first century. Furthermore, he becomes India’s 11th president and serves his country. He was the country’s most cherished citizen because of his incomparable contributions as a scientist and a president. He implanted the seed of self confidence among the student community, who believed that the youngster’s of India is the greatest resource for the nation’s development.

He is known as the people’s president, who loved and lived a simple life as a president of India

His contribution to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is outstanding. He oversaw a number of initiatives that contributed to the development of the Agni and Prithvi missiles. He was dubbed “India’s Missile Man” because of his participation with nuclear power. And the government honored him with the highest civilian award for his service to the country.

Early life and education

APJ Abdul Kalam was born in the Tamil Nadu town of Rameswaram. His family’s financial situation was poor at the time, so he helped the family by working as a newspaper distributer during the childhood. But he also went to school which never stopped learning. He maintained his studies and graduated while still supporting his family.

After graduating from Ramanathapuram’s Schwartz Higher Secondary School, Kalam went on to Saint Joseph’s College in Tiruchirappalli, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1954. Later, in 1955, he enrolled at Madras Institute of Technology to study aerospace engineering.

He had a dream to become a fighter pilot, but he couldn’t make it, as he placed ninth in qualifiers, and only eight positions were available in the IAF.

Career as a scientist

Kalam joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation’s Aeronautical Development Establishment as a scientist in 1960 after joining the Defence Research and Development Service (DRDS). He began his career by building a small hovercraft, but he was disillusioned by his decision to work for the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

Kalam was also a member of the INCOSPAR committee, which was led by renowned space scientist Vikram Sarabhai. Later in 1969, Kalam was transferred to the Indian Space Research Organisation as the project director for India’s first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III), which successfully launched the Rohini satellite into near-earth orbit in July 1980.

From July 1992 to December 1999, Kalam served as the Prime Minister’s Chief Scientific Adviser and Secretary of the DRDO. During this time, he was heavily involved in politics and technology, and the Pokhran-II nuclear testing were carried out. During the testing phase, Kalam and Rajagopala Chidambaram functioned as the Chief Project Coordinators. During this time, Kalam became the country’s most well-known nuclear physicist.

Presidency Period

Kalam succeeded K. R. Narayanan as the 11th President of India.   He served  presidential position from July 25, 2002, to July 25, 2007. 

During his period, the nation reached  numerous milestones that greatly benefited the country and attained the focus of other countries. He was known as the “people’s president” because he served the country with an open heart. 

Post-presidency Period

As a visiting lecturer after his presidency, he began to enlighten the young and beautiful brains of Indian students all around the country. And the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology in Thiruvananthapuram’s chancellor. He was believed that India’s youth were the key to transforming the country into a global superpower. He sparked their thoughts to glorify the nation.

Awards and Honors

He was one of India’s most renowned scientists, having received honorary doctorates from more than 30 universities and institutions. He has received the Padma Bhushan (1981) and Padma Vibhushan (1990) civilian awards, as well as the highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna (1997). He was also a recipient of a number of other honors and a Fellow of a number of professional organisations.


He wrote around 25 inspiring books that can influence your view of life. Abdul Kalam’s significant books are “A Vision for Tomorrow’s India” and “Wings of Fire.” You can also find the list of all 25 books here.

Death of APJ Abdul Kalam

In 2015, he died of sudden heart failure while giving a lecture to students in Shillong. He was a great scientist and a pioneer engineer who dedicated his life to the country and died while doing so. The man had the ambition to transform India into a great nation. And, according to him, the youth are the country’s true assets, so we must encourage and motivate them.


The DRDO created the Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam National Memorial in Pei Karumbu, in the island town of Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, in Kalam’s honour. Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave the inaugural speech. Replicas of rockets and missiles with which Kalam worked are on display. In the entryway, there is a monument of APJ Abdul Kalam playing the Veena.

The Value of Kindness

From world wars to epidemics, the society we live in today has been through a lot, but one thing has stayed constant: resilience and kindness. Furthermore, it was the will to fight back and assist one another. To make the world a better place, kindness must be a necessary and universal attribute. We will go through it in detail in an essay on kindness.



Kindness is defined as being kind, empathetic, and considerate. Every religion and faith instils the virtue of kindness in its adherents. Most essential, generosity must extend not only to humans but to all living things.

Nature, too, has its own way of offering compassion. The trees, for example, produce fruits for us and provide shade. Kindness must be viewed as a fundamental behavioural feature rather than a core value. When you are kind to your loved ones, you establish a solid foundation.



Kindness to animals, the environment, and other people has the power to improve the world and make it a more beautiful place to live. But it’s also crucial to remember that kindness to yourself is necessary for personal development.

We must develop kindness as people today become more self-centered. We must make an effort to incorporate it into our lives. You may not realize how a tiny act of kindness may make a difference in someone’s life. So, always be kind.



It is fundamental that we all understand the significance of compassion. Always keep in mind that being kind does not cost anything. It could be a little comment or a magnificent gesture, but no matter how big or small, compassion is always appreciated. As a result, do your best to be kind to everyone you meet.

Why Kindness is the most important thing?

Kindness have the power to alter the world.

Every act of kindness influences our thoughts of ourselves and others, as well as the views of others. Being kind is vital because it makes one feel good about themselves.

When you do things for other people and assist them in any way, you feel good about yourself and like you’ve accomplished something.

Furthermore, you will be respected in return. Selfless acts of kindness to share love in society are necessary for keeping individuals grounded and aware that there are those in the world who are less fortunate than them.

We feel more empathetic, confident, useful, and in control as our kindness has a good impact on others. We’ve also noticed that we’re feeling more grateful and optimistic. 

What are the qualities of kindness?

Being compassionate, kind, helpful, and understanding of others is what kindness entails. Caring, compassion, friendship, and generosity are all qualities that can be demonstrated. 

Treating people in the same way that you want to be treated. A kind person is considerate of others’ feelings and is helpful and generous.

What is the power of kindness?

Kindness is such a basic principle, but it has such a significant impact. It has the potential to improve the world by putting a stop to suffering caused by war, starvation, human rights violations, and injustice. It has the ability to significantly improve our personal health as well as the health of our families, friends, acquaintances, and strangers.