Habits to Help You Learn Better

It is possible to dramatically improve both your capacity to learn new information and your ability to remember what you have learned if you develop useful learning habits. The following are some practices that can assist you in becoming a better student:

Establish Objectives for Yourself

Define learning goals that are both specific and attainable. Focus and motivation can be gained from having a distinct idea of what it is you wish to study and why you wish to learn it.

Make a schedule for your academic work

Create a regular study schedule that suits your needs and sticks to it. Learning is strengthened by maintaining consistency, which also makes it easier to develop and keep up a habit of regular study.

Dissect and Break Down Complicated Tasks

If you’re trying to get a handle on a difficult topic or talent, try breaking it down into simpler, more achievable steps. This strategy makes learning more approachable and enables you to make progress in increments thanks to its structure.

Active learning should be practiced

Take an interest in the topic you’re learning and participate actively in it. Take notes, engage in activities or conversations that will help you better understand the material, and don’t forget to ask questions! When you put what you’re learning into practice, it helps to reinforce your understanding.

Utilize a Wide Range of Educational Methods

Try your hand at a variety of different learning strategies and resources. Reading, listening to lectures or podcasts, watching videos, and engaging in hands-on activities are all great ways to learn, but different people have varied preferences when it comes to how they learn best; thus, you should attempt a variety of these methods.

Strive for Understanding Instead of Merely Memorization

Instead of only trying to memorize information or facts, make an effort to comprehend the principles that underlie them. If you fully grasp the “why” and “how” of a subject, you will be able to apply what you’ve learned to a variety of different scenarios and will have a more in-depth comprehension as a result.

Test Yourself

Quiz yourself or take some practice tests on a regular basis to gauge your level of understanding. Testing not only helps to solidify what you’ve learned but also draws attention to areas in which you could benefit from more study or development.

Show others the way

Teaching what you’ve learnt to other people is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your own comprehension of the subject matter. It is important to arrange your ideas before attempting to explain a topic to another person because doing so will help you better grasp the concept yourself.

Take Breaks

When you are studying, you should try to avoid cramming as much as possible and give yourself regular pauses. According to research, taking brief pauses can improve one’s ability to concentrate and retain information. Find a happy medium between your time spent studying and relaxing in order to keep your cognitive abilities at their peak.

Maintain your order

Maintain order in your study materials, including your notes and resources. It is much simpler to go back over previously acquired knowledge and solidify that knowledge when one utilizes a methodical approach to the storing and retrieval of information.

Seek Feedback

Ask for input from your instructors, mentors, or fellow students. You can uncover areas in which you could improve and acquire insights into how well you are learning when you receive feedback that is constructive.

Learn to Embrace Your Errors

Instead of viewing them as failures, view your missteps as opportunities for growth. Examine your blunders, figure out why you made them, and then make use of this newfound knowledge to improve both your understanding and your performance.

Maintain Your Drive

Discover the power of intrinsic motivation by tying your educational objectives to your personal passions, principles, or ambitions for the future. Honor your achievements and give yourself a pat on the back when you reach new benchmarks.

Take care of your own needs

You should pay attention to both your physical and emotional health. Make sure you get adequate sleep, eat well-balanced meals, stay active on a regular basis, and find healthy ways to deal with stress. A sound body and mind are prerequisites for successful learning.


Keep in mind that each person has their own distinct learning preferences and styles. Experiment with a variety of various approaches and routines to figure out which ones work best for you. As you continue to learn and develop, make adjustments to your strategy and improve upon it.

Cherish Every Second: The Moment of a Lifetime

A significant event that has a large impact on the life of a person, makes a lasting impression on that person, and stands out as a high point in that person’s life is what is referred to as “the moment of a lifetime.”

When referring to significant experiences such as these, the phrase “the moment that will last a lifetime” is often used. It is a moment that carries a considerable level of personal significance and has an effect that continues to have an aftereffect for a significant length of time.

In addition, the moment has an effect that has an effect that continues to have an aftereffect for a significant period of time.

Achieving a Personal Goal

It is conceivable for a person’s preferences, goals, and the environment in which they find themselves to have a significant impact on how they comprehend the particulars of a given instant such as this one.

This is the case. It may be a huge achievement, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a profound insight, a meaningful relationship, or even an event that fundamentally changed the path that your life would take from that point on. Nevertheless, it will imprint itself on you in such a way that it cannot be erased no matter what it is.

When people are asked to provide examples of periods that they regard to be “moments of a lifetime,” the following are some situations that are regularly brought up as candidates for “moments of a lifetime”: Acquiring the Crown of Victory in the Acquisition of a Private Objective

A person experiences a moment of extreme delight and pride when they accomplish a long-term personal goal, such as finishing a marathon, having a book published, creating a successful business, or graduating from university.

It’s possible that this moment will go on for a very long time. It’s possible that this moment will drag on for an extremely extended period of time.

Traveling to a Dream Destination

Getting the Chance to Travel to a Place That You Have Always Considered to Be One of Your Most Important Goals When You Have the Chance To Do So

Finding a location that one has long fantasized about seeing and then actually making the journey to that location can be an experience that is extraordinarily meaningful and that fills one with awe for the person who does the finding and the traveling.

Your life could be profoundly altered for the better if you went on a vacation to one of the places that has always been one of your priorities. This holds true regardless of whether your objective is to visit the Taj Mahal, trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, or witness the Northern Lights in Iceland.

Falling in Love or Starting a Family

Two wonderful options are developing a meaningful connection with another person and starting a family with that person.

The capacity to find one’s true love, get married, and start a family are all potentially life-changing experiences that have the potential to provide a person with incomprehensible levels of happiness, a sense of fulfillment, and a profound sense of emotional connection.

Overcoming a Personal Challenge

The Accomplishment of Conquering a Challenge Within One’s Own Life Successfully

Conquering a significant personal obstacle, such as recovering from an illness, overcoming a fear or phobia, or breaking through boundaries that one has self-imposed, can be a defining event in terms of personal development and empowerment.

Examples of such obstacles include recovering from an illness, overcoming a fear or phobia, or breaking through boundaries. The process of healing from a sickness, conquering a fear or phobia, or breaking through limits that one has self-imposed are all instances of substantial personal hurdles.

Some examples of significant personal obstacles include recuperating from a serious sickness, prevailing over a dread or phobia, and pushing one’s own self-imposed boundaries to their breaking point.

Receiving Recognition or Awards

Getting acknowledgement for one’s accomplishments in the form of an award or appreciation for those accomplishments

When someone is given recognition for the things that they have achieved, it can provide them a sense of validation in addition to being a source of pride in that same point in time.

This acknowledgment could come in the form of winning an award, getting recognized in a professional field, or gaining attention for outstanding accomplishments.

Witnessing a Natural Wonder

Take in the Breathtaking Scenery of a Natural Wonder, and Allow Yourself to Be Astounded by It

Those who come into contact with natural phenomena such as a total solar eclipse, a stunning sunset, or a magnificent waterfall, to name a few examples of things that have the potential to elicit feelings of wonder and surprise in those who do so, are good examples of what we mean by the phrase “things that have the ability to evoke these feelings.”

These are the kinds of events that can make an indelible impression on a person’s memories and lead them to remain with that person for the rest of their lives.

Making a Difference in Others’ Lives

The deed or action of making a positive contribution to the lives of other people, whether directly or indirectly.

Volunteering one’s time, working for a charitable organization, or performing acts of kindness for other people can produce the wonderfully pleasant sense of knowing that one’s efforts have had an influence that is important on the lives of individuals to whom they are useful.

This can produce the feeling of knowing that one’s activities have made a significant contribution to the lives of those other people. This feeling can be accomplished by being aware that one’s actions have made a significant impact on the lives of the others whom they have assisted through the provision of assistance.

Because of this, a person could have the idea that they are making a constructive contribution to the world.

Facing and Overcoming a Fear

The process of confronting one’s phobias head-on and attaining success in overcoming those phobias

It is possible for a person to have a transformative moment of inner release and renewed self-assurance when they confront and overcome a fear that has been holding them back in life.

This can be the catalyst for a chain reaction of positive life changes. It’s possible that this is the case, especially if the individual in question has been holding himself back in some way.

Meeting a Role Model or Idol

The Phenomenal Experience of Meeting a Hero or Icon While Acting in a Capacity That Places You in Their Role as a Hero or Icon

An experience with a person that one admires and looks up to as a role model, an idol, or a mentor can be a period in one’s life that gives them hope and a sense of purpose in what they are doing with their lives in relation to what they are doing with the lives of others.

This can be the case if the individual has a beneficial impact on the lives of the person being considered.

Embracing a New Adventure

Getting ready to embark on an adventure that promises to be brand-new and exciting!

It is feasible that a significant turning point in one’s life could be marked by the action of taking a chance and heading out on a new adventure.

This is because a major turning point in one’s life could be marked by this activity. This is a possibility that could be considered. This may entail moving to a different country, beginning a new line of work, or pursuing a hobby or interest of one’s own choosing. Other possibilities include all of the above.

There are also other possibilities open to consideration.


It is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that the experience of a lifetime is intensely unique to the person having it and can seem very different from one person to the next.

It is possible that something that one person thinks to be a big turning moment in their life is not the same thing that another person feels to be significant in their own personal development as they progress through life. This is because people’s perspectives on what constitutes a significant turning point in their lives can vary greatly.

Appreciating the moments that are packed with significant personal significance and that give rise to cherished memories that will be retained in one’s heart for the rest of one’s life is ultimately what it boils down to in the end.

This is what it comes down to in the end. This is what it means to empathize with another person and put oneself in their position. The most important component is having an attitude of gratitude.

The Seven Energy Centres, or Chakras

You’ve probably heard of the seven chakras (energy centres); there is only One Energy and it takes in many forms. Your body’s many energy centres, or chakras, are matched to particular nerve bundles and internal organs.

From the bottom of your spine to the top of your head, there are seven main chakras. If one of these energy centres becomes blocked, you could experience emotional or physical symptoms that correspond to that chakra.

The energy appears as zeal or inertia in the first chakra (Muladhara), located at the base of the spine.

The same life force energy manifests as sexual, creative, or procreative energy as it enters the second chakra (Swadhisthana).

The same energy ascends to the third chakra (Manipura), the area around the navel, and appears in four different ways that correspond to four distinct emotions: greed, jealousy, generosity, and joy. Because of this, the stomach is used to represent all four of these emotions.One can physically feel jealousy in their stomach. The belly of someone who is generous is typically enormous, like Santa Claus. Like Lord Ganesha and the Laughing Buddha, joy is also shown as having a large stomach.

The fourth chakra (Anahata), the heart chakra, receives the same emotion and expresses it as three distinct emotions: love, hatred, and fear.

This energy represents sorrow and gratitude when it reaches the fifth chakra (Vishuddha), located at the level of the throat. The throat becomes constrictive when you are grieving or feeling grateful.

The same energy then travels to the sixth chakra (Ajna), where it appears as rage and awareness. The third eye centre is connected to emotions including rage, attentiveness, knowledge, and wisdom.

The seventh chakra (Sahasrara), located at the top of the skull, receives the same energy and expresses itself as pure bliss. Because of this, whenever you experience complete joy in a sanctuary, your mind automatically wanders to your head’s top. You experience bliss as something rises to the top of your skull.

All of life’s emotions are thus upward and downward flows of energy.

Black fungus in Covid-19 patients

It is a dangerous infection, despite its rarity. It is caused by a group of moulds called as mucormycetes, which are found in nature.

According to scientists from the Covid-19 task force task team, it primarily affects people who are taking medicine for health problems that decreases their ability to resist environmental germs.

After inhaling fungal spores from the air, these people’s sinuses and lungs become infected. In several states, doctors have seen an increase in occurrences of mucormycosis among persons hospitalised or recuperating from Covid 19, with some requiring emergency surgery.

Mucormycetes does not usually offer a significant hazard to people who have a healthy immune system.

What happens if someone gets it?

Fever, headache, coughing, shortness of breath, bloody vomits, and changed mental status are all warning indications, as are pain and redness around the eyes or nose. According to the recommendation, mucormycetes infection should be considered if there is:

  • Nasal blockage or congestion, nasal discharge (blackish/bloody); sinusitis
  • One-sided face pain, numbness, or swelling; local pain on the cheek bone;
  • Over the bridge of the nose/palate, there is a blackish darkening;
  • Painful blurred or double vision;
  • Thrombosis, necrosis, and a skin lesion are all examples of thrombosis.
  • Chest pain, pleural effusion, and worsening respiratory difficulties are all indications of a pleural effusion.

Everywhere in the environment, fungi, notably the aspergillosis spores, can be found, including in soil, plants, air, food, and water. compared to the mucor fungus linked to mucormycosis, is almost ten times more common. As immune-competent individuals, we often do not have a problem residing with them every day.

These spores can enter the body in a number of different ways, including through inhalation, ingesting them through food or medications, or by penetrating wounds and polluting them. The most frequent way to come into touch with these fungi that cause systemic infection is through inhalation.

These spores are often excreted from the body by healthy individuals. It becomes a concern when either our immune systems are compromised or when natural human defences in tissues or the lungs are damaged—for example, with a COVID-19 infection—which can lead to the spread of an infection.

Risk factors

In patients in India, where diabetes is more common and frequently goes untreated, poorly controlled diabetes was allegedly the most prevalent underlying risk factor. Diabetes patients have elevated blood sugar levels. According to studies, this creates a more favourable environment for fungi to flourish inside the body.

The use of corticosteroids, which are powerful immunosuppressants used to treat severe COVID-19 instances and make a person more susceptible to fungal infections, is another risk factor.

There are additional factors at work. Fungi thrive best in hot, humid temperatures like those found in tropical regions.

How is it being treated?

Mucormycosis is now managed with antifungals, although it may eventually need surgery. Controlling diabetes, reducing steroid use, and stopping immunomodulating medications have all been deemed to be of paramount importance by medical professionals.

The course of treatment comprises a normal saline infusion for at least 4-6 weeks in order to maintain appropriate systemic hydration.

The task force’s experts have emphasised the importance of managing hyperglycemia and monitoring blood glucose levels in both diabetics and those who have just finished receiving Covid-19 treatment. Steroids should only be used sparingly; timing, dosage, and duration all need to be considered.

After surgery

Mucormycosis can result in the loss of the upper jaw and, in rare cases, the eye, difficulty swallowing and chewing, changes to the appearance of the face, and a decline in self-esteem.
The upper jaw and the eye can both be replaced with the necessary prosthetics or artificial replacements.

Antifungal medications that require a prescription must be used to treat mucormycosis. Surgery may be necessary in some instances, and it may eventually result in the loss of the upper jaw and occasionally even an eye.

Prosthetic reconstruction is possible after surgery, but for better long-term results, intermediate solutions should be established even before jaw surgery. Reconstruction with prosthetics can make sure that the illness is not made worse by the treatment.

Who is at risk ?

People with health issues or those who take medications that reduce the body’s capacity to fight infection and disease are among the vulnerable categories. These people have conditions including diabetes, cancer, or organ transplants.


If you attend dusty construction sites, wear a mask. When gardening, put on shoes, long pants, long sleeve shirts, and gloves. Maintain personal hygiene, which includes taking a cleansing bath.


Depending on where the infection is thought to be, A tissue biopsy or a CT scan of your lungs, sinuses, etc. may be done instead of collecting a sample of fluid from your respiratory system for laboratory testing.