The Seven Energy Centres, or Chakras

You’ve probably heard of the seven chakras (energy centres); there is only One Energy and it takes in many forms. Your body’s many energy centres, or chakras, are matched to particular nerve bundles and internal organs.

From the bottom of your spine to the top of your head, there are seven main chakras. If one of these energy centres becomes blocked, you could experience emotional or physical symptoms that correspond to that chakra.

The energy appears as zeal or inertia in the first chakra (Muladhara), located at the base of the spine.

The same life force energy manifests as sexual, creative, or procreative energy as it enters the second chakra (Swadhisthana).

The same energy ascends to the third chakra (Manipura), the area around the navel, and appears in four different ways that correspond to four distinct emotions: greed, jealousy, generosity, and joy. Because of this, the stomach is used to represent all four of these emotions.One can physically feel jealousy in their stomach. The belly of someone who is generous is typically enormous, like Santa Claus. Like Lord Ganesha and the Laughing Buddha, joy is also shown as having a large stomach.

The fourth chakra (Anahata), the heart chakra, receives the same emotion and expresses it as three distinct emotions: love, hatred, and fear.

This energy represents sorrow and gratitude when it reaches the fifth chakra (Vishuddha), located at the level of the throat. The throat becomes constrictive when you are grieving or feeling grateful.

The same energy then travels to the sixth chakra (Ajna), where it appears as rage and awareness. The third eye centre is connected to emotions including rage, attentiveness, knowledge, and wisdom.

The seventh chakra (Sahasrara), located at the top of the skull, receives the same energy and expresses itself as pure bliss. Because of this, whenever you experience complete joy in a sanctuary, your mind automatically wanders to your head’s top. You experience bliss as something rises to the top of your skull.

All of life’s emotions are thus upward and downward flows of energy.