The Value of Good Manners

When he is living in society, man is God’s most intelligent creature on the planet. Furthermore, he is capable of thinking, speaking, and acting appropriately. Because of this, he must understand proper behaviour and etiquette.

Parents must educate their children appropriate social skills for interactions with other people, including teachers, neighbours, and friends. Only when they are in front and speaking politely, some people behave well.

Such behaviour is improper. Being polite and acting appropriately in public are highly important in life. We can win over people’s hearts in public spaces by using good manners. Thus, with good manners, one can develop a distinctive identity.

Good manners: what are they?

When someone has good manners, they respect the feelings and sentiments of their neighbours. Never making a distinction between people, he or she treats everyone equally. The qualities that characterise a well-behaved individual include modesty, humility, kindness, and courtesy.

As a result, someone who behaves decently never feels smug or conceited and always considers others’ sentiments. It will undoubtedly be sunny and full of virtues if decent manners are practised and upheld throughout the day.

Good manners are a must

Although there are innumerable qualities that make someone polite, some qualities are necessary. All people should practise these manners. Here are a few examples of such considerate behaviours that we might employ every day:

Sharing with others must become a habit for us. In every way that we can, we should be kind, considerate, and helpful to others. Please, thank you, excuse me, sorry, and time wish must all be used as needed.

When using someone else’s property, we must always ask their permission. For everything, everywhere, we must be accountable and self-sufficient. Regarding our professors, parents, other elders, and elderly citizens, we must act honourably and with humility.

In our homes, schools, and other public spaces, we should always keep them clean. At home or anywhere else, we should never use vulgar or harsh words against others. When seniors are using public transit, a seat must be provided.

Good manners are important in life.

In everyday life, having good manners is crucial. We all know how important these things are in life. In addition to making a favourable first impression in public, good manners facilitate effective interactions with friends.

Being optimistic all day long benefits us. Parents should therefore assist their children in forming as many positive social habits as they can. The ultimate success in life comes from using good manners, which always open the door to fresh conversations with others.

Even if someone is rude to you, don’t be rude to him back. To give him the possibility to change, always speak to him in terms of your own constructive behaviour.


Every single person in society needs to have good manners. Due to the fact that no one enjoys mischievous or bad-behaving people, these will undoubtedly aid us in gaining popularity and success in life.

A tonic for those who live in society, good manners are. People who are polite and have a good disposition are always well-liked and respected by a big population.

Without a doubt, these individuals have a magnetic pull on others. Consequently, we must always uphold and put into practise decent manners.