Why Do People Believe the Earth Is Flat?

Even though the overwhelming majority of scientific research points in the opposite direction, there are still some people who hold the belief that the Earth is flat. A few of the causes are as follows:

Misunderstanding of Scientific Principles

It’s possible that some people don’t fully comprehend or aren’t familiar with the fundamental scientific principles that are associated with the form of the Earth.

This includes having a solid grasp of gravity, the spinning of the Earth, and space travel.

Skepticism and Mistrust of Authorities and Institutions

There is a growing trend of skepticism and mistrust toward authorities and institutions, such as the government and academic institutions.

Some people are under the impression that these organizations are participants in a vast plot to conceal the “truth.”

They may see their belief in a flat Earth as a kind of defiance or doubt directed on the established authority figures in their society.

Confirmation bias and echo chambers

With the advent of the internet, it is easy to discover material that supports any belief, regardless of how accurate the information may or may not be according to scientific standards.

If a person is leaning toward the belief that the Earth is flat, they can find a wealth of resources online that appear to support this claim and help them solidify their position.

These echo chambers serve to reaffirm their opinions and make individuals more resistant to evidence that runs counter to their assumptions.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who maintains two or more conflicting ideas, values, or perceptions at the same time.

In other words, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person’s views, values, or perceptions are in direct opposition to one another.

Some people choose to alleviate this discomfort by rejecting the widely held concept that the Earth is spherical in order to identify themselves with an alternate belief system. Others choose to affirm that the Earth is flat.

Religious or Cultural Beliefs

Beliefs Derived From Religion Or Other Cultures There are those who subscribe to the literal interpretations of particular religious or ancient writings which characterize the Earth as being flat.

In these situations, religious or cultural views may be given more weight than the general opinion of the scientific community.

Misinterpretation of Sensory Experience

The curvature of the Earth is not something that people can immediately sense in their day-to-day lives since it is not there to be perceived.

We move about as though we are walking on a flat surface, which can give the impression that the horizon is also level. Because of this, some people develop the naive empirical notion that the surface of the Earth is flat.

Conspiracy Theory Culture

Believing in conspiracy theories can provide a sense of excitement and a sense of belonging to a community.

Having the mindset that you are one of the select few who are in possession of “the truth” might give one a feeling of superiority or exclusivity.

It is essential to keep in mind that the idea that the Earth is flat is held by a minority of people. The great majority of scientists agree that the Earth is an oblate spheroid, which means that it is round but somewhat flattened at its poles and slightly bulging at its equator. This hypothesis is supported by actual facts and observations.