Bamboo Shoots Are a Good Source of Nutrition

Bamboo shoots, which are often referred to as bamboo sprouts, are an essential ingredient in a wide variety of meals and soups, particularly in the cuisine of Southeast Asia and in certain regions of India.

Bamboo shoots, which may be found in either their fresh, fermented, or canned forms, have gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to the fact that they have an exceptionally excellent nutritional profile. These bamboo shoots, which have a crisp texture, are harvested from the soil of a variety of bamboo species, such as Bambusa vulgaris, Phyllostachys edulis, Bambusa oldhamil, and others.

Bamboo shoots in their raw form contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are a sort of naturally occurring toxic substance. Toxins like these are eliminated during the cooking process, which typically involves boiling bamboo shoots that have been cut in a sufficient amount of water for many times.

The harvesting of bamboo shoots takes place throughout the summer months in locations such as Japan, China, and Taiwan. In our nation, states such as Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Karnataka regularly consume these delectable shoots.

They are considered to be a kind of staple food. There are numerous ancient literature on traditional medicine that refer to bamboo shoots as “The Poor Man’s Timber,” “The Plant With Thousand Faces,” and “The Green Gold.” These names are attributed to the numerous medicinal capabilities that bamboo shoots possess.

It was in Chinese texts that dates back to 618-907 AD that the therapeutic properties of bamboo shoots were first documented. In Japan, bamboo shoots are highly valued and are considered to be the “King of Forest Vegetables.”

Detailed Nutritional Profile

A rich source of minerals, proteins, carbs, and fiber, bamboo shoots are a powerhouse of nutrients. Because they contain a very low amount of both sugar and fat, these shoots are an excellent choice for diabetics as a snack.

The presence of fiber in significant quantities, which are referred to as nutraceuticals, is beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders. Several studies conducted in recent years have demonstrated that these shoots contain a significant quantity of antioxidants, which, along with the phenolic compounds that they contain, contribute to the battle against free radicals and exhibit anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-cancerous effects.

You may reap the benefits of these shoots by including them in your daily diet. They include a variety of essential minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, and others. What else is there? One does not need to feel guilty about eating bamboo shoots because the calorie count does not go over twenty calories for every one hundred grams.

A serving size of 100 grams contains approximately three to four grams of carbohydrates, making the carbohydrate count of this food extremely low. Since these shoots include unsaturated fats, which aid in the fight against bad cholesterol, they are suitable for patients who are suffering from heart conditions.

Care for the Heart

The use of bamboo shoots on a regular basis is recommended by cardiologists because it protects the heart from a variety of cardiac conditions. When these shoots are ingested in a fermented and boiled form, they aid to unblock clogged arteries and dissolve bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol. They are loaded with phytosterols and phytonutrients.

Strengthens the Immune System

Because they contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals, these shoots contribute to the enhancement of the immune system. Consume these foods prior to the commencement of the monsoon season and winter in order to protect yourself from bacterial and viral diseases. Additionally, the healthy components contribute to the brain’s ability to work at a high level and reduce the likelihood of neurodegenerative medical conditions.


The juice that is collected from these shoots is effective against poisoning in India, particularly in cases of snake and scorpion bites, as well as bites from other insects and animals that are poisonous. For the purpose of flushing out the poison, Ayurveda recommends both drinking the juice and applying it by topical application.

Activates the contractions of the uterus

It is possible for bamboo shoots to promote uterine contractions, which can help facilitate a normal delivery. In order to aid a normal birth, traditional Chinese medicine advises pregnant women who are in the latter stage of their pregnancy to consume bamboo meals in tiny amounts.

Can Be Used As an Expectorant

The lungs are strengthened and their functionality is improved as a result of the large variety of vitamins and other substances that are found throughout these shoots. It is recommended to boil washed bamboo shoots in boiling water for a few minutes in order to drain out mucus from the lungs.

After it has cooled down, combine it with honey. Because of its natural expectorant properties, you should consume it twice. Additional benefits of this decoction include the alleviation of breathing difficulties and other respiratory diseases.

Perfect for Strengthening Bones

When it comes to potassium and phosphorus, bamboo shoots are among the greatest sources available. A single serving of bamboo shoots contains approximately 13% of the daily needed levels of potassium, which is equivalent to twice the amount of potassium that is found in a single banana.

The rate at which the heart beats is regulated by potassium, which is an essential component of both cells and body fluids. In addition to this, it maintains a healthy blood pressure by preventing the effects of sodium from occurring. Both potassium and phosphorus contribute to the maintenance of healthy bones and assist the body in the development of strong muscles.

Enhances the Elasticity of the Skin

There is a high concentration of silica in bamboo shoots, as is well known. The human body has a significant amount of silica, which is the third most abundant element after zinc and iron.

Silica raises the levels of hydroxyproline in the tissue, which is an essential amino acid that is necessary for the production of collagen and elastin. In addition, the creation of collagen results in the skin becoming more hydrated, having a smooth texture, radiating, and having a youthful bounce.

Properties Capable of Detoxification

Considering that bamboo possesses both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, it is an effective treatment for rejuvenating the body and promoting cell growth. Fresh bamboo shoots, as well as those that have been fermented, contain a significant amount of bioactive substances, such as phytosterols.

These chemicals exhibit anti-aging characteristics, as well as anti-allergic, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal activities, as well as neuroprotective properties. One of the primary reasons why bamboo is becoming an essential component in cosmetics and skincare products is because of this.