The Ultimate Guide To Responsive Design Best Practices Based On Google Experts

Learn about responsive design, and see examples of recommended practices and how a properly configured mobile-friendly website should look.

Creating websites that are mobile-friendly involves making them responsive to mobile devices. Google, which is responsible for 96% of all mobile search traffic, suggests responsive design as a best practice. Because it is mobile-friendly, responsive web design

Google favors sites that are mobile-friendly

If you want to expect to rank highly for competitive keywords in Google, you simply need to plan for a good user experience across numerous devices. Google is the flow of internet commerce.
Accessible, mobile-friendly, and audience-first design. from 360×640 to 1920×1080 in design.

If you build websites for small businesses, you’ll know they’re interested in search engine optimization and that they want a site that will do well in Google organic listings. From April 21, 2015, the performance of a website’s ranking across a range of devices has been affected globally by how mobile-friendly a site is.

At least for mobile users, SEO is now predicated in part on a good website’s user experience, as measured by Google. That basically means responsive website design and mobile friendliness right now, especially with Google’s “index mobile-first” policy.

One of the Google page experience signals is mobile friendliness.

Global statistics on desktop screen resolution from June 2021 to June 2022

The following is a list of the top screen resolutions currently used worldwide as of late (2020):

Worldwide Most Popular Desktop Screen Resolution Sizes

  • 1920×1080 – 22.97% (Most important)
  • 1366×768 – 17.88%
  • 1536×864 – 11.34%
  • 1280×720 – 6.18%
  • 1440×900 – 5.85%
  • 1600×900 – 3.58%

Global statistics for mobile screen resolution 2021 to 2022 June

Worldwide Most Popular Mobile Screen Resolution Sizes

  • 360×800 – 9.15% (Most important)
  • 414×896 – 6.18%
  • 360×640 – 5.49%
  • 390×844 – 5.24%
  • 412×915 – 4.82%
  • 360×780 – 4.2%
  • 393×873 – 3.58%

Stats about tablet screen resolution globally 2021 to 2022 June

Worldwide Most Popular Tablet Screen Resolution Sizes

  • 768×1024 – 32.74%
  • 1280×800 – 6.88%
  • 810×1080 – 6.63%
  • 800×1280 – 6.31%
  • 601×962 – 5.02%
  • 962×601 – 3.24%

Market shares for desktop, mobile, and tablets globally from June 2021 to June 2022

Market shares for desktop, mobile, and tablets worldwide

  1. Mobile – 59.74%
  2. Desktop – 37.99%
  3. Tablet – 2.27%

Note: Note that the preceding numbers are from one source, although a reliable one.

Graphs supplied by

How to create a website that looks the same across all browsers and screen sizes

“Sites that make use of responsive web design and correctly implement dynamic serving (that include all of the desktop content and markup) generally don’t have to do anything.”

Google NOV 2017

A website cannot be created to look the same across all browsers and screen resolutions. Avoid attempting to build a website that will look the same across all platforms, browsers, and screen resolutions. You can choose a fluid style for your design that does not use tables and has percent widths that enlarge and reduce to meet a visitor’s browser settings OR you can look into responsive design solutions that will accomplish the same goal. Good news for those who have adopted responsive design is that Google favours it.

You must create your website after determining WHO YOUR audience is and what devices they utilize.

Does the URL and version of your site that redirects to your mobile site change?

For accessibility reasons, it has ALWAYS been best to provide visitors with a single URL, and if you are considering developing “a mobile” version of your website, there is no difference in how content is delivered to mobile or smartphone users. Of course, if Google switches to a MOBILE FIRST INDEX, this might be EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.

Google will reportedly evaluate your website based primarily on how well it works on mobile devices.

Because of the difficulties with canonical URLs for search engines, it is typically much more crucial to provide a single URL when Google is the “visitor.” This was the situation until the canonical link element was implemented some time ago. Therefore, delivering a single URL at all times is perfect.

f you have “smartphone” content…. you can use the rel=canonical to point to your desktop version…. When users visit that desktop version with a smartphone, you can redirect them to the mobile version. This works regardless of the URL structure, so you don’t need to use subdomains / subdirectories for smartphone-mobile sites. Even better however is to use the same URLs and to show the appropriate version of the content without a redirect.

John Mueller, Google

Your visitors scrolling down a page.

As suggested by the first criterion, scrolling is always an important factor. Users generally disliked scrolling if they didn’t have to, although that has improved over time.

Therefore, when designing, take into account how much viewers can see if they scroll through one or two screens. You might notice if a screen is longer than five screens that there may be too much copy on the page. Of course, this is weighed against the idea that some articles are intended to be in-depth informational pieces and that consumers would anticipate having to wait a little longer to access certain page content and content kinds.

Crawling, indexing, and ranking systems typically look at the desktop version of a page’s content, which may cause issues for mobile searchers when that version is vastly different from the mobile version. Mobile-first indexing means that we’ll use the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking, to better help…. primarily mobile – users find what they’re looking for. Webmasters will see significantly increased crawling by Smartphone Googlebot, and the snippets in the results, as well as the content on the Google cache pages, will be from the mobile version of the pages.

Google Nov 2017

Source: The original artical was written by