Yoga to Reduce Headaches

Yoga to reduce headaches is a brilliant way to get relief through yoga or from over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen?

Most people get headaches occasionally or even on a daily basis. It occasionally starts when I wake up for me, or it can start later in the day or evening, and it might be difficult to endure the pain of my headache. Additionally, a pounding head can prevent us from sleeping at night, make us miss a crucial appointment, or simply ruin our attitude. I’m suffering from a headache behind my eyes as I type this, but happily I know how to treat it!

When you feel a headache building on, all you want to do is zap the pain away – and quickly. This could be due to dehydration, stress, tension, sinus issues, too much drinking or indulging, or anything else.

Ibuprofen shouldn’t be taken just yet, though. Your headache might disappear thanks to yoga! According to scientific research, yoga can relieve stress and tension in the body, which is a common cause of headaches.

Headache locations and kinds

which, based on where the discomfort is, identifies different forms of headache. Which one do you currently experience? Have you tried yoga? Please let us know in the comments section.

  • TMJ pain at the temples and in front of the ears
  • Sinus headache below the brow bone and/or cheekbones
  • Cluster headache around one eye
  • Tension headache that feels like a band is squeezing the head
  • Changes in vision, nausea, and pain – Headache
  • Neck, top, or rear of head
Source: Texas TMJ

Here are 5 poses that are intended to stretch and open your body in gentle ways (such as your neck, shoulders, or back) while also promoting blood flow to your head. Consider skipping the pharmaceutical cupboard the next time you have a headache and going straight to your yoga mat.

Make a point of intentionally taking deep breaths that begin in your diaphragm and fill your lungs as you perform these poses. Your blood will receive a lot of fresh oxygen as a result, which will help you relax.

Yoga positions for headache relief

Positional Neck Release

Since tension headaches frequently begin in the neck, it’s crucial to stretch it out with a fundamental yoga asana.

  • Sit with your neck extended and your spine straight in a comfortable position.
  • After that, slightly incline your head to the left while resting your left hand on your right side of the head.
  • Hold for a few long, deep breaths in and out before slowly switching sides.
  • To lessen the severity of the headache, repeat many times on each side.

Do this to help manage a headache when one is about to strike.

Balasana: Happy Baby Pose

Try the Happy Baby Pose if your headache might be caused by back, hip, or torso pain that is radiating up your spine, or if you just need to unwind for a while. This calming message instils a sense of tranquilly.

  • Holding onto your thighs or the outside edges of your feet, lie on your back with your legs elevated and bent. Your mat or the floor should comfortably support your spine.
  • To increase the stretch in your hips and lower back and to softly lull your mind into a state of relaxation, you might slowly rock from side to side.

Uttanasana: Forward Fold

One of the most straightforward methods for reducing your headache is to simply fold forward. Uttanasana soothes the mind while energising the neurological system by boosting blood flow to the brain.

Source: Gaia
  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart, relax your head toward the floor while bending forward and attempting to fold from the hips. Use any prop or object to “raise the floor up” to you if your hands can’t reach the ground so that your body can relax.
  • Alternately, you can “rag doll”: hold each other’s elbows, flex your knees, and completely unwind your head and neck.

Viparita Karanti: Legs Up the Wall

Your neck muscles will be gently stretched while you do the “Legs Up The Wall” pose, which also helps you unwind. In fact, it can stop your headache from pounding in a matter of minutes.

Source: Planetayurveda
  • Sit such that your right hip is in contact with the wall.
  • Back off, lie flat on your mat with your legs extended up the wall, and lean back. Ensure that your legs are relaxed and positioned so that your butt is almost contacting the wall.
  • Close your eyes, soften your jaw, and droop your chin after placing your hands on your belly or on the mat. Breathe deeply and slowly in this position for 3 to 10 minutes.

Adho Mukho Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog

One of the most well-known yoga poses is also referred to as the Downward Facing Dog Pose. It helps to increase blood flow to the head, which is frequently JUST what you need to get rid of a headache, plus it gives you more energy.

  • Begin on your knees and hands. Make a V-shaped movement with your body by pushing your hips up and your arms forward.
  • While performing this pose, simply allow your head to hang between your shoulders and breathe deeply.
  • Hold your position for a short while.

By lengthening the spine and stretching the hamstrings and chest, the downward dog also relieves fatigue, back pain, and stiffness.

After practicing yoga to reduce your discomfort, try consuming ginger, which is marketed as a headache cure. Ginger aids in reducing brain blood vessel inflammation, which lessens pain. Additionally, as it promotes digestion, it aids in reducing the nausea that can occasionally accompany headaches. You can drink a mixture of equal parts ginger juice and lemon juice, chew on candied ginger, steep ginger root in tea or use tea bags to prepare ginger.