Because we spend the majority of our workdays within Gmail, we have, over the course of the past few months, developed a few helpful hacks that help us save time each and every day.

You’ll cut minutes off your day with our top five Gmail hacks, and ideally you’ll end up with a more organized and easier to browse inbox as a result.

Email Filters and the Combination of Your Email and a Keyword

Take, for example, the fact that your email address is Use a specific email address if you want to sign up for daily bargain emails or other newsletters that wind up cluttering your inbox rather than helping you organize your inbox.

Sign up for the newsletters going forward by sending an email to an address such as “” After that, proceed to establish the email filter with the following criteria: “To:” and apply the appropriate action, such as “Never Mark as Important.”

When you use Priority Inbox, this will cause those newsletters to be moved down to the bottom of your inbox automatically.

Rehearsed remarks and answers

The following “hack” is actually a Gmail Lab that you can try out. Once activated under the Labs page in your Gmail Settings, Canned Responses enables users to draft and save standardized emails that can then be swiftly inserted into an email to deliver a quick answer.

Users can enable this feature by following the steps outlined in the previous sentence. To send a specific email answer based on the predetermined criteria, you may also utilize Filters with Canned Responses.

Does it sound good? It’s undeniable that using canned responses will help you save time throughout the day, but you should proceed with caution. Be sure to delete your email signature before storing any messages that you intend to later use as Canned Responses.

This step is necessary when creating an email that you intend to later use. If you do not do this, the signature will be pasted in when you use the Canned Response, which will result in two email signatures.

Anyone who receives this email will likely realize that they have just gotten a bulk email because of the duplicate signatures.

Make a “Follow Up List” for yourself.

It is simple to lose track of critical emails, particularly when you are sending a note that you want to follow up on later, particularly if the receiver fails to react. This is especially the case when the email is sent from a personal account.

You can make sure that you always follow up on these emails by creating a “Follow Up List” using a mix of Labels and Priority Inbox. This will ensure that you never miss an opportunity to do so.

First, create a label for “Follow Up” by going to Settings and then clicking on the Labels menu item. If you haven’t already done so, go to Settings > Inbox and turn on the Priority Inbox setting.

Last but not least, create a new section for your inbox and specify that you only want messages labeled “Follow Up” to appear in that particular section. If you apply that label to any email from this point forward, the message will be added to the “Follow Up” list at the bottom of your inbox.

Before sending an email regarding a matter on which you need to follow up, you need now make sure that the label “Follow Up” has been applied to it. The message will be delivered to the inbox designated for your “Follow Up List” as soon as you click the “Send” button.

Watch this video from Ask the Gooru to get additional assistance with the configuration of this exploit.

Also Read: 9 Gmail Hacks to Boost Your Productivity

Keyboard Shortcuts for Use With Gmail

Keyboard shortcuts can save power users of Gmail significant amounts of time each and every day. To start utilizing Keyboard Shortcuts, you will first need to enable them by going to Settings and then selecting the General option from the menu that appears. Make sure that Keyboard shortcuts are turned on, then save your modifications.

By pressing “Shift?” at any moment, you can bring up a comprehensive list of all the available keyboard shortcuts.

However, because there are so many short cuts, it can be difficult to determine which ones are actually helpful. The following are some of our top picks:

Compose: “c”
Mark as unread: “Shift” + “u”
Send mail: “Tab” + “Enter”
Archive + Next: “]”
Next message: “k”
Reply all: “a” (while viewing a message)
Reply: “r” (while viewing a message)
Forward: “f” (while viewing a message)

Bonus shortcut – Make a phone call: “g” then “p”

Operators of Searches

Lastly, you need to make sure that you make use of the search operators that are available within Gmail. After all, Google is based on its expertise in search, and there are various sophisticated search tools that can assist you in navigating your email in a more timely manner.

You may search for messages in your inbox using the From:, To:, Subject:, and even Has:attachment filters. Simply type the desired search operator into the search box that is located at the very top of your Gmail inbox to begin using search operators.

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