Varieties of Spinach (Keerai) and the Advantages They Offer

Varieties of Spinach

The consumption of greens, known as Keerai in Tamil, was an integral part of everyone’s daily diet. In comparison to fruits and vegetables, this is a food that is known to be easier to digest. Greens should be consumed on a daily basis as part of a balanced diet; however, they should not be consumed in the evening.

Consuming leafy greens in the evening will cause gas to build in the stomach as well as other discomforts in the gastrointestinal tract. When compared to other vegetables, the percentage of nutrients found in Keerai is twenty times higher.

There is a high concentration of iron, vitamin A, calcium, antioxidants, and vegetable proteins in keerai, making it an excellent source of nutrients. Consume Keerai on a consistent basis, at least twice each week.

For the Ponnanganni Keerai:

Ponnanganni Keerai is an excellent coolant that can be used. The undesirable acidity in the body is absorbed by this. This could help avoid foul breath.

Ponnanganni Keerai
Ponnanganni Keerai

This is a good treatment for skin illnesses such as eczema, scabies, and other similar conditions, and it also improves the texture and tone of the skin.

The growth of hair can be greatly aided by this herb. It is possible to stimulate rapid hair growth by using coconut oil that has been boiled with ponnanganni leaves, arugampul, and hibiscus.

This is Thoodhuvalai Keerai.

This green is an excellent remedy for individuals who suffer from illnesses that are associated with the sinuses.

Thoodhuvalai Keerai
Thoodhuvalai Keerai

You may make a fine paste out of the thoothuvalai leaves by grinding them up and adding a little tamarind and salt to taste. It is recommended to consume this paste with heated rice two or three times each week.

Because this green has the potential to cause an increase in the body’s temperature, it is recommended that only moderate amounts of it be taken.

Known as Manathakkali Keerai:

It is well knowledge that these kinds of greens have an effect on ulcers. In the treatment of all types of stomach and mouth ulcers, as well as many types of internal ulcers, this has proven to be quite effective.

Manathakkali Keerai
Manathakkali Keerai

The consumption of these greens on a biweekly or triweekly basis helps to keep the body in an alkaline state and treats acidosis, which is thought to be the primary cause of all modern illnesses.

It is Pulicha Keerai.

Gongura is the name given to this leaf in Andhra Pradesh, and it is used in the preparation of a wide variety of mouthwatering foods.

Pulicha Keerai
Pulicha Keerai

Consumption of this green is beneficial for the treatment of digestive issues, constipation, and stomach ulcers.

Samaranthus polygonoides, also known as Siru Keerai

Consuming cooked Siru Keerai on a regular basis will be beneficial to the voice of singers. This is something that has been identified in order to maintain and improve their tone.

Siru Keerai
Siru Keerai

Additionally, it is quite effective in treating ulcers in the mouth and stomach. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, eating these greens on a daily basis can be beneficial.

It has been found that the consumption of this herb is effective in treating skin conditions such as scabies and eczema.

Leafy greens, often known as spinach

This particular plant possesses the ability to cleanse the blood. The liver is strengthened, and the pitta is calmed by it.

Pasalai Keerai
Pasalai Keerai

In the treatment of urinary-related conditions, this is a well-known remedy. It is possible for individuals who have difficulty urinating to choose to take Pasalai Keerai on a consistent basis.

Amaranth, Mulai Keerai refers to:

It is a delectable green that is consumed in large quantities in the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The recipes that are prepared using this green are not only delicious but also incredibly healthful.

Mulai Keerai
Mulai Keerai

Moreover, it invigorates and strengthens the body. Among the greens of this family, the “Thandu” is the more mature kind. This particular green is an excellent blood cleaner, and it always serves to protect the heart.

In addition to easing painful and difficult urination, this also helps to soften stools, which ultimately leads to an increase in body temperature.

Celosia argentea, also known as Pannai Keerai:

Celosia argentea possesses immense qualities that are advantageous to the body. Stomatitis, sore throat, ulcerative colitis, and other ailments of a similar nature can be avoided by consuming these greens on a daily basis.

Pannai Keerai
Pannai Keerai

In addition to having a flavor that is a combination of sweet and sour, it is a good therapy for eczema and venereal illnesses. This facilitates the passage of feces and makes it easier to perform bowel movements.

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